Broken Prophecy
I felt inspired with where this is going so heres the next chapter. :)
Chapter 2: Not meant to be.
Harry Potter the saviour of the Wizarding World, Boy-Who-lived, and the youngest person ever to receive an Order of Merlin First Class was nervous. He had faced down possessed professors, sixty foot snakes, Dementors, a werewolf and dragons. He'd died, come back, calmly faced down an insane Dark Lord and counted a Killing Curse with an Expelliarmus. No, nervous didn't cover it, he was terrified. He shifted his weight to the other foot and straightened his formal robes for the hundredth time in ten minutes.
"Relax mate." The red head standing next him muttered. Harry short his best friend a quick glance.
"I am relaxed." He said. There was a soft snort from Ron's direction.
"Right, sure." He said. Harry looked up at the scene before him. There seated in a rough semicircle were the remaining members of the Weasley clan, The Order of the Phoenix and the DA. Along with top ranking Ministry figures and Aurors. Notable was the lack of certain people. Beyond them there was a line of Aurors holding back an innumerable number of reporters and well-wishers. Honestly did these people not understand the idea of privacy. Towering over them all was the first place Harry had ever called home. Recently repaired from the damage it received for the finale battle, otherwise known as the battle of Hogwarts. Hogwarts was to be reopened to students in less the a months time. Things were finally going back to normal. Harry sighed.
"I just wish they were here, too." Harry said. A look of pain briefly crossed both there faces. Neither needed to say who they were.
"You know there here, right." Ron said finally. "We just can't see them." Harry looked sideways at his best mate. He'd grown up a lot in the last couple of years. They all had, war does that even after it finishes.
"I know, it's just..."
"Besides." Ron said to prevent his friend to go any further with that line of thought. "If they were here, you'd be standing here with hair a brighter red then mine." Harry bit down the chuckle that came at the thought of what his Godfather would have done to him on his stag night, it ended up sounding like a strangled hic-up.
"Like this?" A bright voice chirped from his other side. Harry looked down at his three year old godson, and couldn't stop the chuckle when it can that time. Teddy's hair was now a very bright Gryffindor red and he had golden eyes. Harry ruffled his hair.
"Yeah, just like that, cub." The young Metamorphmagus grinned and his hair changed to black and his eyes to bright green like Harry's own. Harry smiled at Teddy. Ever since Harry's last birthday Teddy had insisted to look like his uncle Harry at all times. "You still got the rings little man?" He asked. Teddy nodded and held them up for Harry to see, in his cubby hands. "You keep them very safe for me, can you do that?" Teddy nodded, rapidly. "Good, there very important."
"Impor'at?" Teddy asked and looked excited. "Am I impor'at?" He asked, wide eyed.
"Of course, your important, your the most important person here." Harry told him. The three year old due himself up to his full height and clutched the rings tightly, looking very serious about his task. Managing to make himself look a lot like his father despite the hair and eye colour. Harry looked round to see a very amused Ron watching him.
"You'll make a great dad, you know that Harry." He said.
"Shh. Don't tell Ginny, I'm hoping for a few year before I have to deal with that." Harry said. Ron laughed.
There was a soft tone. Harry looked up of see three people appear at the end to aisle. He was stunned. Ginny was beyond beautiful, stunning, gorgeous or any other word he could think of. Her dress was the purest of white and looked as if there were pearls threaded though it. She was smiling a him while she stated walking down the aisle, her arm though that of a very proud looked Arthur Weasley. Herminoe walked just behind her smiling as she carried the bouquet.
Just as Ginny reached halfway down the aisle, Harry felt strange, light-headed, dizzy nauseated. He closed his eyes against the feeling for a second and when he opened them again he noticed Ginny had stopped and everyone was staring at him.
"What?" He asked.
"Err, Harry mate, your glowing." Ron said, Harry frowned. He looked down at his hand, it was indeed glowing a soft white colour. Before he had a chance to think further on this development, he felt somethings coming, three things. Objects of great power. Instinctively he reached out for them. The first object whistled past the guests, and landed in his left palm. He looked down blanched, it was the Resurrection Stone. As he stared at it, it melted into his skin leaving a perfectly round ring tattoo in the centre of his hand. He yelped, taking a step back shaking his hand trying to dislodge it, but it stayed. His head snapped up when he felt the second object approached, his skin tingled when he recognised it as the Elder Wand. People were talking, but Harry couldn't hear anything other the rushing of his own blood. The Elder Wand hit his right forearm and he felt his skin inch. With a shaking hand he pulled back the sleeve, to see a perfect tattoo of the Elder Wand on his arm. Suddenly his scar flared in pain, like it had when Voldemort. What the hell, Harry thought as he fell to his knees from the pain. He looked up though the pain and saw Ginny right in front of him.
"Ginny." He whispered. She said something, but he couldn't hear her.
He felt the last object coming and looked towards it, when he saw what the last object was. He could only think one thing. Why after three years were the Deathy Hallows reacting to him. He didn't want to be the Master of Death. When his invisibility cloak slammed into him and melted into his robes there was a massive flash of light and Harry James Potter vanished. The silence that followed was only broken by Ginny's scream.
Please tell me what you think.