Author has written 21 stories for Last Ship, 100, Forever, Originals, Stargate: SG-1, Arrow, Flash, and Legends of Tomorrow. I love to write - big surprise. I normally write my own original stories, hoping to one day write something worthy enough of being published. Until then, I shall get some of my work out into the world through fanfiction, because it's addicting. I love AUs. Tossing your favorite characters into a new world and seeing how they change and don't change is fun. Then there's the added bonus that you can combine some of your favorite fictional, or not-so-fictional, worlds together and die of happiness. So, I unsurprisingly I like to write AUs as well. (AUs also help cover up any OC-ness in the characters as you can just blame it on the new setting which is a good thing for me as sometimes my head-cannon gets in the way of accuracy.) I'm not going to share anything personal, so, too bad if you were expecting that. And one day I may actually write enough stories to keep a log of them in my profile, but that day hasn't come yet. So . . . The End |
Agent Malkere (65) | Ninjababe (56) | Taaroko (47) |