Author has written 27 stories for Tokyo Mew Mew, Dragon Ball Z, Balto, Teen Titans, Harry Potter, Yu-Gi-Oh, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Spider-Man, Supernatural, Star Wars, Merlin, Shadowhunters, Final Fantasy XV, Kingdom Hearts, and Avengers. Greetings! My fandom changes all the time but I always have a special place for Dragon Ball Z and Harry Potter. This does not mean I'll only write those, they're just fandoms I've started out in and have a lot of ideas for. My mother language is Dutch, but ironically I hate it. I love English and so everything I write will be in English. Anything else you’d like to know about me, send me a PM. I’ll answer honestly unless it is information I’d rather not discuss ever or until I trust you as a friend enough. Can’t be too careful these days. News 23th of May 2020, Just want to clarify a few things. 1. Yes I still write, but it's not my main focus and it's going at a snail's pace and my mind switches its focus to different fandoms whenever it wants. 2. You are free to like or dislike my story, but if you do please keep it respectful. You may point out where you think my story doesn't work but please do so respectfully. I don't mind some criticizing if it is done with the intend to better my stories and my overall writing. Talking trash just to talk trash is rude and frankly pathetic. Please do not do this, not just with my stories but with anyone's stories. As a general note: Most of my stories will be finished, but Missing Right In Front of You will probably get a rewrite, eventually. I am not pleased with the current story and the OC's made it that much harder to write it. However, every time I work out the new version, my mind makes up new and different scenarios of where the story can go and now I'm at a point where I'm not sure where to take the story beyond Harry being "missing" and stuck in his animagus form. Dragonball Z is on a low flame right now, though the story I still have open of that fandom has an end thought out. I am sorry for everyone who still waits on all these stories. I can understand if you are not waiting anymore or any longer. I would too if waiting on an update for years. Please know that I appreciate the time you did take on my stories and hope you enjoyed them despite not seeing them finished, any time soon. Thank you for reading and stay safe, Greetz Selene467 6th of February, Working on another supernatural story, non-daemon this time. I worked on the idea, then thought of a nice follow up and then my brain decided to let me write like 80% of the follow up story, so now I need to work hard on the prequel story before I ca upload the follow up, ugh, my brain, my muse, my life! I happily blame Authoressjean on ao3 [also known as Authoressnebula] for inspiring me with her amazing supernatural stories. She also has a great hobbit series, seriously check out her stories on archiveofourown. Especially the Bonds of Brotherhood series and the Haunted Hotels series. They are so good and so well written, it will make you weep XD Greetz Selene467 31st of January 2020 Sorry for the long silence everyone. Lots of distractions. I'm currently working on the last chapter of Cracks in my Daemon and planning more supernatural stories involving daemons. The start of this year is chockful of games so time is limited for me, so I'll write whenever I can, feel like it and on whatever has my fancy, which right now is supernatural. Greetz Selene467
In Progress Spider-Man/Avengers - Soul Wrenching Merlin - Knowledge Does Not Mean Understanding Harry Potter - Missing Right in Front of You - Aren't You Supposed To Be Dead Dragon Ball Z - The Search For Blood Yu Gi Oh - Chosen Lineage Balto - Where the Heart Survives
Star Wars - Take a Breath...For I cannot - Survival of the Fittest Anonymous Review Reply Rissa (Guest), Review on Knowledge Ch5: Yes this story will continue, all of it is thought out, I just need to write it out into cohesive chapters. I'm glad you liked what I wrote so far, makes me smile to read that. Also, sorry if the flashbacking made it unclear. The last scene where Merlin is put on his horse by Gwaine is present time after castle collapse. Gwaine and Lancelot found him in the rubble of the collapsed castle. The little italic part inside that scene is a mini-flashback sort of. Basically Merlin remembers that moment. |
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