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Sacrifice of Humanity

Chapter 8

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With the Monkey Team in the abandoned building:

Both groups didn't know how to react. It was strange enough seeing Mandarin looking like part of the monkey team, instead of his usual bandaged self or the modified version that had served under the skeleton king. But it was infinitely stranger to be confronted by a second Antauri. One that looked no different from the original Black monkey who had sacrificed his life in an effort to stop the dark-one worm.

Chiro, who was still transformed, was curled behind the black Antauri growling almost silently at them all. The human turned monkey had a tight grip around that metal hand, while his tail curled around the black monkey's leg.

Green eyes looked back and forth between Gibson, Otto, Nova, Sprx and the Silver Monkey Antauri. His jaw was tense, eyes narrowed at them all, as he stood protectively in front of the boy. His thumb rubbed gently over the child's fingers from where the black monkey held the others hand.

"Well this is a strange, improbable and unlikely event..." Gibson said with interest as he looked over the two newest monkeys. "But not impossible if my calculations are correct."

"And whys that?" Asked Sprx as the red monkey slowly got up from his sprawled position on the floor.

"Considering what we learned about our creator in the dream world. It is not improbable the portal that he used may have been able to connect to more universes than the dark realm." The silver monkey said with his arms crossed.

"Well aren't you the smart one?" Came a female voice from behind the group.

Gibson stiffened, holding a shriek inside his chest at how close that voice was to his ear. Turning to look over his shoulder, metal hands held tight to his scanner as his black eyes met with a familiar yet different green monkey.

"Aren't you a cute one?" Came that same female voice from this green furred, dark brown chest and muzzle coloured monkey. "Makes me want to squeeze you and hug you and keep you. He he." Grinned the familiar looking monkey.

"Who~!" Then Gibson cleared his throat as his voice came out very high pitched. "Who are you?!"

"I'm Octo." Grinned the green and brown monkey. "3rd in command. Hand to hand specialist and danger assessment of battle advisor."

"And an annoying idiot of a monkey who left me to deal with the formless outside the walls!" Growled another familiar voice. Scowling by the entrance was a blue monkey who was the spitting image of their own Gibson. Except like the other monkey, the voice was a female one.

"Alas I did not believe things could get any stranger. Yet by my calculations, the probability of two sets of the same beings meeting one another at this point in time is approximately 2000 to 1." In walked the weirdest monkey yet. Red fur, white chest and muzzle, black eyes and square glasses on his nose. In came Sprx-77's counterpart, but instead of being similar to their own red monkey, was acting just like...Gibson.

The red monkey with the glasses muttered to himself, writing things down on a clipboard with a pen he had on hand.

"What the hell!" Shrieked Sprx in horror at this nightmare version of himself. Nova on the other hand snorted started shaking and then fell over onto her side. She was laughing so hard at the look on Sprx's face as he stared transfixed at his other self.

"AHH! Would you please get off!" Gibson yelped that time, as he dropped his scanner. The item clattered to the ground as he tried to get away from Octo. The female green monkey had wrapped her arms around his chest and was giggling as the male blue monkey squirmed and wriggled in her tight grip.

"Nope nope! I have you now cutie..." She said with a happy grin. Poor Gibson finally went still, hanging in her grip looking miserable.

"What the…?" Came another male voice from the other side of the room, across from the entrance that Sprx, Gibson and the monkey team had entered through. Standing in what had appeared to be a hidden doorway was a Yellow monkey with dark yellow fur with a light brown chest and muzzle. His head was tilted sidewards as the monkey blinked bewildered pink optics. "Ok… I'm confused."

"Ah Noven. Did you finish your plan for our attack?" Noven, the male version of Nova apparently nodded in a daze as he looked over the suddenly crowded room with double the amount of monkeys in it. Then the male spotted the monkey child by the black Antauri's feet and grinned.

"You found him?!"

The black monkey just frowned. "Noven." He said with a hard tone in his voice. Chrio looked up at the harshness of the monkey's voice and crooned in question, tugging on the metal hand in his grip.

"Well..." The yellow monkey looked around the room with a sudden expression of exhaustion. "I did create the plan of attack against the big boss but with how many there are here now." He sighed, eyes closing as the yellow monkey reached up and rubbed the bridge of his nose. "I'm going to have to recalculate and draw up the plans again."

The black monkey nodded in return, before turning his attention back down to the child on the ground. Leaning down, he lifted the monkey child and held the boy against his chest. One hands was under Chiro's bottom and tail, while the other held him on the upper back. Rubbing his hand slowly up the child's back and settled the other down. The boy wasn't asleep, just content where he currently was.

Then turning to the room at large began to speak. "It seems introduction's are in order from both teams. We shall start then perhaps you shall follow?"

The Silver monkey who was frowning at the black Antauri as the monkey held Chiro shut his eyes for a long second before nodding. "Agreed."

The black Antauri spoke first. "I am 4n-TAUR-1. Or also known as Antauri. I am the Commander of the Hyperforce Robot – Team Super Monkey Six. I take the role of Spirit guide of the power primate and the peacemaker of the team."

Then the yellow monkey Noven spoke as he wrote on a piece of paper on the floor. "I am Noven. 2nd in command. I am the Tactic's Advisor and Planner, as well as the weapon's specialist." Then he grinned looking up at them all. "I design new ways to kill things!"

The green monkey Octo grinned at them all as she walked over to the black Antauri. Her hand was gripping Gibson's foot and dragging him along behind her. "I'm Octo." She laughed. "3rd in command. I'm the Hand to Hand Specialist of the team as well as Danger Assessment of Battle Advisor." Then she tilted her head, grin vanishing. "Oh Noven, remind me to update you on what I spotted outside of the walls."

Noven nodded, fixated on what he was writing. "Yeh yeh. I'll get to you Octo."

"Man-D471N. Mandarin. I am the Mechanic and Inventor Specialist." Spoke Mandarin from where he stood on the platform close by the black Antauri's side.

The scowling blue female monkey had finally reached Octo's side. She curled a hand into a fist and punched the other female. Octo yelped, letting go of Gibson in her shock. "That was for leaving me you brat!"

"I'm sorry..." Octo said as she ducked another punch.

Gibson crawled away a bit from the two as they squabbled. Standing up, he brushed himself off with a frown.

"Gibs." That stopped the blue female in her tracks. She looked over her shoulder and saw the disappointed look in Antauri's green eyes. Mandarin was also looking at her with a blank expression, while red eyes looked furious. Swallowing she moved away from Octo and turned to the other group, staring at the ground.

"I am Gib-50N. But people call me Gibs. I am the Pilot of the team and the one who Scouts into the danger zone to find out how dangerous a mission may be."

"And I am Dr Spark Seven. You can call me Spark or Seven I care not which. I am the Medical and Science Officer of the team." The red monkey said with a bow. His glasses slid down his nose and the monkey pushed them back up with a nonchalant movement.

The Silver Antauri then nodded, unfolding his arms. "We are the Super Robot Monkey Team hyperforce."

"GO!" Yelled Otto. Sprx face-palmed at that. While Nova and Octo both grinned in amusement.

Antauri just cleared his throat ignoring them. "I am second in command of the team. I guide my team spiritually about the power primate. As well as being the peacemaker of the team."

"I'm Nova!" She said with a smile, nodding her head. "Third in command. I'm the Martial Arts Specialist on the team."

"Otto is my name." The green monkey grinned, hand curled around a wrench he had pulled from somewhere. "I build things. And fix 'em too!" The monkey opened his arms out wide as he bounced in place.

"Your a cute one too." Octo said, walking forward and stopping beside her counterpart. The two green monkeys smiles at each other, before throwing a hand over each others shoulder and suddenly giggling at one another.

"Oh great… There are two of them." Sprx groaned.

"And you are?" Gibs questioned.

"SPRX-77. But everyone called me Sprx. I'm the Pilot, the best in the world." He boasted.

Gibs half smiled at the others confidence. "Really? I may have to take that as a challenge then."

Sprx tilted his head, smirking at the female. "I accept my lady."

"This will be interesting." Gibs smirked back at the red monkey.

Nova was glaring at the blue female, not liking the way Sprx and Gibs were looking at each other. Or talking to each other. Or even getting close to one another.

"And I, am Mr Hal Gibson. Do not call me Mr or Hal, just Gibson will do." The blue monkey said with a bow. "I am the Medical and Science officer of the Hyperforce."

Dr Spark Seven looked interested in Gibson. "Really? Perhaps we could go over some theories I have come up with. I have need of a second brilliant mind to figure out the logistics of my calculations."

The blue monkey looked taken aback. "Well… Yes. That would be fascinating. I thank you."

"No need." Seven gave a gentle smile. "The pleasure is all mine."

The green eyed Antauri frowned, thinking over what he had been told. "I seem to have misheard. Who is your leader?"

The hyperforce went silent. They looked at each other before looking away, while the silver Antauri's blue eyes were fixated on Chiro.

"Our leader is…" Nova stopped, biting her lip.

"The kid he..." Sprx also stopped, eyes flickering to look at the monkey child.

Gibson then sighed, speaking up as the others could not. "Our leader is the child within your grasp. Chiro is the leader of the hyperforce."

"The child?" He looked down at the monkey boy's blue eyes, who had turned his head to look up at the monkey.

"Yes, Chiro is our leader. He wasn't always like that. He was changed when he was experiencing a stressful period of time." The silver Antauri spoke up.

"Not possible!" Said Seven. "Chiro could not have changed. It would have taken a greater length of time for the energy of transformation to return from one form to another."

"How dare you!" Growled Sprx. "Chiro was human. He changed when Antauri… when Antauri..." He bit his lip, eyes unfocused as he stared at the ground for a long second. Then his hands curled into fists as the red monkey lifted his head and glared at Seven. "Chiro was changed that day and we have been searching for him since!"

Sprx strode forward a few steps but stopped suddenly. Those blue eyes of the kid turned towards him and fixated on the red monkey. "Hey Chiro." He tried to grin. "Do you… don't you recognise me kid?" The grin dropped as Sprx opened his arms out wide. "We played video games together, watched the Sun Riders episodes, trained with one another. Don't you remember any of it?!"

Chiro was silent, staring. Sprx's arms dropped, as he frowned at the ground. Nova moved forward, settling a hand on his back. "Sprx..." She said softly, eyes sad.

"I did tell you." Dr Spark Seven said with a gentle tone. "This child is not the one you have been searching for. He only went missing two days ago when we first arrived in this universe."

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Hiro sighed, head tilted backwards resting on the see-through wall, staring upwards at nothing. His fingers tapped on the ground at his side as blue eyes slid closed. He was bored, Hiro has searched up and down along the wall, trying to find anything else in this place, but there seemed to be nothing.

He groaned, head dropping forward. A hand reached up and ran through his hair in an agitated movement.

"What the hell?" The child muttered. Then a tapping behind him made him cry out as he scrambled away. Stopping he turned, blue eyes wide and gasped in shock.

There on the other side of the wall, was the monkey. Wide blue eyes stared at him, the beings hands pressed against the barrier. The monkey opened its mouth and moved its lips, but nothing could be heard.

Calming down, Hiro sighed hand on his chest in relief, before grinning at the monkey.

"Gave me a scare there." The boy gave a lopsided toothy grin. The monkey blinked blue eyes in puzzlement, before the creature suddenly grinned back, bouncing on its feet.

Hiro moved forward and settled down on the ground infront of the wall. He sat in a cross legged position and leaned forward to press a hand on the barrier. The monkey tilted his head before copying Hiro. Soon both were both sitting cross legged on the ground facing one another. The monkey then lifted his hand and slowly settled it where Hiro had his own palm.


He gasped, hands gripped his head as pain built up for a minute and then died down.

"What the?" He muttered. Then he heard chattering and looked back up at the other.

'The wall…' Hiro stared in shock. Where his and the monkey's hands had been, a tiny crack had appeared. It was through this crack he could now hear the monkey's worried chattering noise, as the creature stared at him with anxious eyes.

Gritting his teeth, Hiro placed his hand back on the wall on a different section. Then he turned to stare at the other once again with hard eyes. Worried blue looked from Hiro's hand and back to his face, the monkey did this several times before the creatures shoulders drooped. The other then lifted up its hand and with slight hesitation placed its palm against the wall again.

-I hurt. Pain. Movement. I look up. NO! He's falling! Must catch. To short to reach… I missed. I'm too late. Too Late! ANTAURI!"

A shriek echoed out of Hiro's throat as he curled up on the ground, hands clawing at his head. Soon the pain faded and he lay there on his side gasping.

'Mem-ories?' The child blinked, gasping for breath. 'They were… memories?'

He pushed himself up, as his face took on a determined expression. Hiro then looked up at the wall which had cracked again. "The wall holds my memories..." The child muttered to himself.

"Well, I better get them back then." He smirked looking at the monkey who was staring with wide eyes. "Come on! We have work to do."

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She was currently watching through her crystal ball at what was happening. Laughter echoed out as the woman smirked. How easy it was to manipulate the emotions of those within that room. Her long nailed fingers trailed over the ball, moving the image from one set of eyes to another, using the hidden bats within the room to see and hear what was going on.

Finally seeing her prize. Thin hands cupped over the image as though trying to hold the one on the other side of the glass barrier.

"Yes. Yes. There you are… How delightful. My master will be pleased when you are within my grasp." Turning her eyes to another she smiled a fanged grin as long fingers stroked over the image of Mandarin. "Excellent my dear puppet, keep playing and soon you'll be mine my dear." She cackled, settling back on her thrown.

Behind her, a clink of chains was heard as something moved in the darkness. Red eyes opened and glared in the direction of the woman. 'When I get free witch. I'll make you rue the day you ever thought you could keep me prisoner.' Metal fingers curled into fists, as lips lifted off of sharp fangs. 'My team will find out your ruse and when they do...' Eyes narrowed as the figure shifted and orange fur came into view. 'They will kill you!'

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End Chapter 8

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Characters of the fic:

Alternate Universe: Hyperforce Robot - Team Super Monkey Six

1. 4n-taur-1 – Male - Green eyes, Black fur, White chest and muzzle - Leader - Spirit Guide of the Power Primate / Peacemaker

2. Noven - Male - Pink eyes, Dark yellow fur, Light Brown chest and muzzle, 2nd in command - Tactic's Advisor & Planner / Weapon's Specialist

3. 0cto - Female - Black eyes, Green fur, Dark Brown chest and muzzle - 3rd in command - Hand to Hand Specialist / Danger Assessment of Battle Advisor

4. Man-D471N – Male - Red eyes, Orange fur, White chest and muzzle - Mechanic & Inventor Specialist

5. Gib-50N – Female - Black eyes, Blue fur, White chest and muzzle - Pilot / Scout

6. Dr Spark Seven – Male - Black eyes, Red fur, White chest and muzzle - Medical / Science Officer

Normal Universe: Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go

1. Chiro – Male Human – Black hair, Blue eyes - Leader

2. Antauri – Male – Blue eyes, Silver body - 2nd in command - Spiritualist / Guidance

3. Nova – Female - Pink eyes, Yellow fur, White chest and muzzle - 3rd in Command - Hand to hand

4. Otto – Male – Black eyes, Green fur, White chest and muzzle - Mechanic and Inventor

5. Sprx-77 – Male – Black eyes, Red fur, White chest and muzzle - Pilot

6. Mr Hal Gibson – Male – Black eyes, Blue fur, White chest and muzzle - Medical / Science Officer