Author has written 48 stories for Yu-Gi-Oh, Redwall, Teen Titans, Naruto, Rurouni Kenshin, Fire Emblem, My Little Pony, and Hikaru no Go. Heyla! Toboe LoneWolf here. Fanfiction/anime/manga/Internet addict. No consistent writing style or schedule. Fleeting moments of appearance in forums or aim or e-mail responses, but fudgeanddangnabbit I will complete what I have started, even if it takes ages. I do fanart, icons, fanfiction, music videos; the whole gig, 'cause I'm crazy that way. As you can see, I write. Fanfiction. Ranging from pure fluffy sap to blood'n'guts action, I'll write whatever comes across my fancy, be it fandom or ship or sheer inspiration (at least, that's what I'd like to call it.) I'd like to think I'm improving as I write more, and I'd also like to think I've got a spark of humor, a serious side, a whatisthiscrack side, and a (supposedly suppressed) geeky side. So be forewarned and enjoy, if you will. For updates on my writing, please visit my livejournal account. I'll also post up drabbles, cut-out scenes, and yes, some things that will never be posted here on ffnet because they're that whacked out and unposting worthy. XD They'll fall under the tags "writing," "drabble(ish)," "cut-outs," and "fanfic" if you'd like to look. So here, I redirect you to my new homegrounds: Howling Point. And so he howled, long and plaintive, woebegone and heartsore, yearning for what was and what would never come again. OTHER LINKS AND ARCHIVES: Mediaminer Account : (this goes to a list of my stories; now dead) Note: I used to use the penname LoneWolf16; through a weird ffnet bug I had to switch names. So now it's Toboe LoneWolf. General Disclaimer: |
AzelmaRoark (8) Cyberwolf (106) EmaniaHilel (89) Goldberry (111) | Lizeth (13) NessieGG (104) sekai no yakusoku (17) | Vathara (119) wildcatt (17) Wingleader Sora Jade (221) |