![]() Author has written 66 stories for Chronicles of Narnia, Inheritance Cycle, Pirates of the Caribbean, Pokémon, Harry Potter, Naruto, Attack on Titan/進撃の巨人, Lord of the Rings, and Free! - Iwatobi Swim Club. I'm just a boring girl in her early-twenties who has lived her entire actual life in America and her fantasy life in some anime-world or other. I just moved to Hong Kong, so that's going to be exciting, since they seem to be a lot more open about anime here, and it's easier to get my hand on anime goods and stuff! I'm a closet otaku (unfortunately I don't have any friends who are into anime, probably because I'm so secretive about it in real life) and an even bigger closet fujoshi, though I write and appreciate het pairings as well! I'm part Spanish, I love traveling, and outdoor/adventure sports (hence my love for sports/adventure anime!) My earlier penname was HighQueen, so some of you may know me better as that! I've had this account since middle school, so excuse me if some of my older stories are a bit... well, rusty. There was a point when a friend of mine co-wrote a story and a couple oneshots with me (some SasuSaku and NejiTen stuff) but she wasn't really into the idea of collaborating or making her own account, so we just published it from this one. But then she got busy/lost interest, so now it's just me, and has been for years. I have, however, collaborated with a couple of wonderful authors for Shingeki no Smut, they are all listed in the fics!) I finally made a tumblr after a bunch of you excellent people convinced me that it was awesome. I am a complete fail at using it, but here's the link if you're interested: 進撃のアッカーマン I also have an AO3, but so far I've only published Kuroko no Basuke AoKise stuff on it. Here's the link: http:///users/Mikasacchi/works I speak a bit of Spanish, Italian, French and weeb Japanese, but nowhere close to enough to be confident to write in any of those languages! Fortunately, a lot of wonderful and multi-talented writers have translated some of my work. Here are the links if you are interested: Shingeki no Fluff (Spanish, Shingeki no Kyojin, ErenMika, by KaitSidhe) -http://www.fanfiction.ws/s/9777757/1/Shingeki-no-Fluff Stolent Moments (Spanish, Shingeki no Kyojin, ErenMika by DinkyLinkGirl) - /s/10053607 Stolent Moments (Russian, Shingeki no Kyojin, ErenMika by Kjetel) - http:///readfic/1519139 Moment of Intimacy (French, Naruto, NejiTen, by Fuyukage) - http://www.fanfiction.ws/s/7854452/1/Moment_of_Intimacy Poker Face (Russian, Naruto, Sannin, by PrivateSong) - http:///printfic/488586/1663597 Uzumaki Naruto's List of Awesome Stuff to Do (Polish, Naruto, SasuNaru, by YukamiN) - http://www.fanfiction.ws/s/9797907/1/Lista-rzeczy-do-zrobienia-zanim-zostan-starym-prykiem-autorstwa-Nrt |