A/N: Initially, my aim was to try and finish this series before the last chapters of the Naruto manga came out. However, in hindsight, considering how the series ended, I'm actually glad that I didn't. I know the reception of its ending was mixed, but personally, I enjoyed it. Could it have been better? Sure. Was it as bad as people are making it out to be, though? In my opinion, no. But hey, to each their own. Reading those final chapters, was a bitter-sweet feeling for me, as I saw the series that first got me into manga and anime come to a close, but, having a number of stories based on it still in the works, I have a feeling its going to continue to live on in our hearts, in fanfiction and fanart.

It's actually quite serendipitous that the prompt I started this series with on a whim, scarves, ended up having quite a significant role in the canon and, apparently, in bringing Naruto and Hinata together. Thanks to that, the ending to this series feels like it's come full circle.

This entry is called Thread and is based on scarves. In the past, I wanted to try and avoid making more than one entry on the same piece of clothing, but in this case, I think I can make an exception.

Summary: Their love was not only expressed through single, fleeting gestures, but over time, in slow and lasting journeys. It was constant, undying. Spoilers for manga ending.

#25. Thread

It was something that had been years in the making, he supposed.

He could tell Hinata had certainly worked hard on it, for a number of months, he would have guessed, but that's not really what he meant. The moment itself was one that had been long was time the two of them had spent waiting. Waiting for the right moment to present itself. The courage she had summoned and developed over the years to make such a gesture. It had really showed how far they both had come and how much they had grown.

Waiting and pondering to find the right words to address her and the things she had said to him. The right way to understand and describe his feelings. She had stood before death, staring into its eyes, without fear. Her voice clear and unwavering as she spoke the words that she'd always known were hidden somewhere deep inside of her.

It had taken years.

But the scarf itself hadn't been around for long. At least, not when compared to all that it represented. It was so much more than a simple piece of fabric.

It was their love and how it had bloomed. Slowly, sometimes painstakingly, but beautifully nevertheless. Naruto's struggle, for purpose and belonging, not something he attained through birth and sacrifice, as his parents had wished, but by his own merit. Through his drive and determination, and a journey that made his achievement seem even more worthwhile.

It was a her patience, in fabric delicately and precisely woven. Her unwavering loyalty and commitment to him, through a task she had devoted herself to and not once strayed from achieving. Every step she had taken towards him, slowly but surely, even when he had seemed so distant and out of reach. Sometimes stumbling, sometimes falling, but never breaking her focus, never going back on her word. Her dream to grow stronger, to walk beside him, hand in hand.

It was her love, her smile, something bright and warm. Arms wrapped gently around his neck, warm breath shared between the caress of lips. Hands, eyes, hearts; locked, intertwined. It was the happiness she exuded, and offered to him unconditionally. It was her kindness and concern for the well being of all of those around her. A comfort and love that he had sought out his entire life, a selfless gesture. It might not have been easy to be see, often lost amongst shy voices and meek, retreating figures, but it had always been within reach. It waited patiently in the wings.

He could recall his mother telling him about the time she had met his father, the moment that she had fallen for him. Her red hair, the symbol of her unique fire and longevity had acted as a beacon, the red thread of fate that had guided them to one another. Naruto realised, in hindsight, that maybe he had never truly understood the significance of his mother's words, of her story, until his own thread had, literally, been sown for him.

A life that he had spent alone, for so long, was no longer. He was gifted with love, life and family. Naruto had worn happiness as a façade for so long, he had almost been unable to identity it in its most genuine, pure form, tingling inside of him. The smile pulling at his lips never forced, the light shining in his eyes ethereal, the feeling in his heart was not painful, it was not heavy or tinged by sorrow. He had always looked to her in awe, overwhelmed by her strength and bravery, a quality that she had seen and admired in him, constantly striving to emulate.

His name, his dream, his nindo all threaded delicately within her, as, in a way, it always had been. The reason and purpose he had sought out blindly was now before him, in plain sight. The love and life they created together, the evidence of it wrapped in his arms. She was the woman had made him the man he was today. The one who had helped to fulfil his dream, while finding and achieving her own in the process. She had helped him to find what had been missing from his life when he had needed it the most. She stood beside him, grasping tightly at the hand she feared she could never reach.

He had an answer.

"Hinata, I..."

Finally, he had realised what he wanted to protect.

A/N: After almost four and a half years of writing NaruHina drabbles I've moved out of the city, finished a University degree (practically), gone through some rough family issues, the manga has finished and Naruto and Hinata have been confirmed canon.

Today, I have finally finished All the Rage, my NaruHina oneshot/drabble series that I started on a whim back in mid 2010; a series that is now the most favourited, followed and reviewed Fanfiction I have ever written.

I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who has read this series, reviewed, favourited, followed, included it in one of their communities, offered me prompts or constructive criticism or even just shot me a message saying how were looking forward to my next chapter. I really appreciate you taking the time to offer me support during this time. I would list everyone's screen names individually, but I wouldn't want to leave anyone out by accident. You know who you are.

We made it guys, NaruHina are married, they have a family, Naruto is Hokage and they are happy together. Wow, things sure have come a long way.