Reviews for Clearing Skies
Kitsune1978 chapter 8 . 9/1
Oh. Such a promising fanfic unfinished. What a pity. I love how you portrayed Kenji. You're an amazing writer. Your other RK stories are also beautiful.
rayahn chapter 8 . 2/19
oh noo i hope this isn't abandoned!
Rori77 chapter 8 . 6/27/2018
Finished or not, this is a great story all around.
starfingers chapter 8 . 4/22/2016
Annndd the beginning of the end. Whew. Another great chapter!

Now I'm not going to nag you for not completing the story, that's completely your choice and it's fine, but I'll just leave a note here that you're an amazing writer. If anything, don't forget thay and at the very least keep on being passionate. Thanks for the good read!
starfingers chapter 6 . 4/22/2016
Of all things that I want to review:


I'm loving this version of Kenji so much, and he's right: someone other than Misao has to acknowledge he's a young adult. At least Yahiko.
He's still stupid, though. *grins* because... teenagers?
starfingers chapter 4 . 4/22/2016
Okay thay was INTENSE. I have honestly clicked on this to see Sanosuke's light (perhaps) interaction with Kenji, and to see how the world is now that 15 years have passed - you crafted it very beautifully believable, if I may say - and here I am binge reading to the 4th chapter with a forgotten intention to review. Whew.

I have so much to say, but perhaps the first one is how I love your portrayal of angered, wisened Kenshin. It's good to see that even though he has somewhat come to terms with his past, he still fears his child will inherit the trait - and who wouldn't? His role as a house-husband is reasonable that way, although I personally would like to see more discipline from him (I got what I wished for). It's also good to see he has coped better with his anger and attachments, because it'll be devastating to see him lock away himself again. But still, he is a man with flaws, and that's where Hiko and Kenji actually steps in, to point out both directly and undirectly his slips on parenting. Kenji is impossibly realistic, I LOVE ADULT YAHIKO, and Sanosuke... Well... He doesn't change. Which is good, perhaps?

What shines the most is your ability to keep the characters multi-dimensional, not tipping to an extreme side of stereotypes. Especially Kenji, just as you have said on ch.1 before. You might have known all the things I said above, but I'll just reiterate it to show appreciation that your efforts have not gone unnoticed.

Now I'll just click on that fav button down there... and continue reading. Sorry for the long review.
nuke-grrl chapter 2 . 1/22/2016
Lately, I find myself re-reading some of the old classic RK fanfic. I really enjoy reading and writing fanfic and I guess, like most people we become busy with our real life and things like these get punted down the priority line.
But I do hope that someday, you will continue and I, like many others, will patiently wait until then. Thank you again for your sharing your gift of writing.
KazeYasumi chapter 8 . 10/31/2015
"Cough"...the last 3 chapters? :] Hey, I'm serious - this is the first Kenji story I've actually liked! :D
orchid14 chapter 8 . 2/12/2015
Oh no, why did you stop? It's been really fun. Please update soon!
orchid14 chapter 6 . 2/12/2015
Oh no, Kenji was attacked ;_;
orchid14 chapter 1 . 2/12/2015
Kenji is so cute here 3
Bloodgalore chapter 8 . 6/4/2014
This fic has made me tear up and everything. Do you think you'll update it sometime (soon)?
I like your version of Kenji. And then how he sees Kenshin, and always underestimates him and doesn't realize what kenjutsu really is. That's kinda ironic, since I'm assuming you haven't killed anyone with a sword, right? So you're writing fiction about killing.. and idk, I really like this fic.
You say there's only 2 or 3 chappys left to go, so... nevermind. I just checked your profile. Whenever you have the time or inspiration to finish, this, that'd be awesome! You're really good at showing people's mentalities and inner thoughts.
waiting4morning chapter 8 . 6/1/2014
Ah, what a shame you haven't finished this! I'd love to see how Kenji gets himself out of his scrape and reconciles with his parents. I have to say, you've written him well - I want to reach through the screen and smack him myself!
Sparr0w-san chapter 8 . 3/29/2013
Damn you had to stop at the good part eh? Lol I hope you update soon anyways. ω
Sparr0w-san chapter 4 . 3/29/2013
GAHHHH! *table flip* Can I just punch you kenji? ¥
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