
Everyone went pale as the crystal turned into little pieces of sparkling sand on the cold floor. Antauri went over to Chiro and immediately fell to his knees as cold tears rolled down his checks. Phoboes laughed one more time before he died.

Gibson slowly walked over to the pile of sand next to the dumbfounded Roger. Gibson kneeled down and cuffed up some of the sand.

"No……" He whispered as his eyes watered up too. Sprx stood in the door way as shock made him freeze where he was.

"Without the Crystal, Chiro is, is….." Gibson trailed off not able to finish the sentence.


"Over there!" Nova yelled as she saw Sprx in the door way.

"What are you doing Sprx," She asked as she looked around. There she saw Antauri on his knees crying next to Chiro and the pile of sparkling sand that went back on the floor from Gibson's hands. She knew what the sand was right then and there. Nova began crying uncontrollably. Sprx snapped out of his state and hugged Nova. She rested her head on Sprx's shoulder as he cried silently.

"What's wrong?" Otto asked as he and Sam got to the door way. They too saw want happened and Otto went over to Antauri. Sam closed her eyes as tears appeared; but they didn't fall. Miranda looked up at her friend as she tapped her chin. Sam looked down at Miranda and stopped crying.

Roger was in complete denial. 'Why did an innocent boy like Chiro receive this demise? He has done nothing but good, and deserves better. – Unlike like me. I've done nothing but hurt other planets. – But I know how to make things right!' Roger said to himself as he knew what he had to do. He looked over to Sam who nodded in agreement.

"Chiro didn't deserve any of this." Everyone looked at Roger with confusion.

Roger formed his hand into the cold, deadly purple color and phased his own hand within him. Without screaming, he pulled out his own heart crystal.

"He showed me what it was to have a friend and see the light. – I will transfer my heart energy into Chiro's crystal remains; sacrificing myself." Everyone was speechless that a heart snatcher was willing to sacrifice himself for Chiro. They wanted to say no, but they just couldn't. They wanted their beloved friend back.

"Antauri, Chiro looks up to more than you may think. Protect him as your own for this universe won't be the same without his warm heart and gentle spirit."

"I will, you can count on it," Antauri promised as Roger's heart crystal began to shake violently before a transparent blue light shined from his crystal to Chiro's sand one. As Roger's disappeared, the sparkling sand formed together and formed back into a crystal. Everyone shielded their eyes as the light was brighter than ever. Once they adjusted, everyone's eyes widened in disbelief as they saw Chiro's pure heart back.

But before they could thank him, Roger's body faded away.

Antauri got up and went to the crystal. Careful not to break it, he grabbed it and walked back to Chiro's body. Everyone huddled around him as it phased back within him.


Chiro opened his eyes to see only darkness.

"Antauri? Roger? Are you there?" he called out.

Silence enveloped the space as Chiro began to worry.

"Don't worry, you're safe now," An unfamiliar, but calming female voice replied.

"Who are you?" Chiro looked everywhere, hoping he would see someone.

"Who I am is not important right now. – Your Heart crystal was shattered along with your life."

"I'm, I'm dead?"

"Not any more. Roger gave his own heart energy to reform your crystal. He said thank you for showing him what it was like to have a friend and helping him see the light."

"Roger sacrificed himself for me?" Chiro asked as he began to worry about Roger.

"Yes. Never forget him Chiro."

"I won't. But where are you?"

"We'll meet soon. But for now, your friends are waiting….." The voice trailed off as a light shimmered behind Chiro.



"Hey kid! Wake up!"

Chiro turned towards the monkey teams voices and ran towards them. However, a pain shot through his head as his world went black again.


"Chiro," They all cried as Chiro's eyes began to open.

"Chiro! You're awake!" They all yelled as five robotic arms rapped around his waist. Sam took one step back as she and Miranda knew something still wasn't right.

Chiro's vision cleared as he saw five robot monkeys hugging him.

"Uh, who are you guys?" The team heard their leader say as they froze in fear immediately. Sam looked down as Miranda turned away.


And that's the end! I decided to start a new story that follows this one. Don't worry, its going to be part 2 of this story! =)