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![]() Author has written 52 stories for Star Trek: 2009, StarTrek: The Original Series, Big Bang Theory, and Merlin. So how do you make SpirkTrekker42's day, to give back to her in return for all the fics she's written for your enjoyment? Read below! I am happy to announce that I am making my dream come true and I'm posting the first chapter of my FIRST ORIGINAL SCI-FI NOVEL ONLINE! It's an adventure, sc-fi, and romance character-driven story about Earth in 300 years featuring time travel, aliens, space battles and more. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PM ME if you are interested in reading and I'll give you the link. I'd really appreciate it if you leave me a comment, and tell me what you thought of the chapter. Be sure to subscribe so you can get updates on future chapters. I ask that you don't "out" me, and not put my fanfiction penname on that site. Thanks! I love reading/writing fanfic and I love slashing male characters when there is some canon subtext to their relationship! It's so much fun. :) I especially love to read stories about the close relationships between Captain James T. Kirk/Spock in both universes. I have been writing K/S since 2009 and I believe I am pretty good at it by now. Of course I always have room for improvement, so posting constructive crit reviews are always welcome and encouraged! Update 7/30/16 New Fic: Saavik's LGBT Rights Presentation - I wrote a Kirk/Spock oneshot about them and their adopted daughter Saavik, and how their relationship can be possible now that so many countries are making gay marriage legal, America in particular. I can't believe it's been legal for a year! Yayyyyyyy! Edit - Merlin's Struggles is now finished, complete with lots of bonus chapters about Merlin/Arthur's relationship. Update 1/5/15 I'm currently working on a Merlin fic - Merlin/Arthur of course! In this TV version called BBC Merlin, they are the same age. They are just aDorable, you don't even know!! They are subtly flirting all the time. Subtext! It's there. My Merthur story is a lengthy multi-chaptered fic called Merlin's Struggles. I'm halfway done with it (20 chapters) and I've got part two left to go. There's lots of Merthur angst and romance. Arthur and Merlin are in a (secret) established relationship. (I know there are some really great fics out there where MA are the kings of Camelot and have a public relationship, but I'm sticking to the time period where gay relationships would not be accepted between a king and another man.) In the story, Arthur is the newly crowned king of Camelot and Merlin is his Court Sorcerer. They have repealed the law on magic, making Camelot safe for all magic users. This story includes Gwen, Lancelot, good!Morgana, minor original characters, comedy, drama, adventure, evil sorcerers, and dark magic. I hope that my trek fans will check it out. I found Merlin BBC by mistake and found another fandom to get to know and love. Reviews for my Merlin fic would be magical! :P I've watched all the (Original Series) TOS episodes now and I love getting a kick out of all the moments between Kirk and Spock that could be perceieved as slashy like Amok Time, Shore Leave, and the Apple. I even cried at the end of the movie Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan! Damn I love those two. They are true t'hy'la (friends, brothers, and lovers). May they live long and prosper! I've met so many new friends in the K/S fandom! To DeliciousNewYork, Pirate College Graduate, Syrus, Brittany Diamond, Spookyfbi, T'Pinto, ImAmandaJulius, JadeMac2442 and others - thank you for being awesome. Keep on trekkin' ! I can't wait to meet new ones as well! Deliciousnewyork made me a fantastic piece of K/S fanart for Teach Me which can be found here: http:///albums/af174/SpirkTrekker42/?action=viewt=TeachMe.jpg I wrote an "essay" (well it's more of a rambling commentary) on the slashy points of the Star Trek novelization of the movie. It can be found here at my livejournal. http:///#spirktrekker428285 Leave me a comment if you wish! Youtube account: http://www.youtube.com/user/SpirkTrekker42 I've made some AMATEUR K/S fanvids. Feedback is always welcome. Livejournal: http:/// If you have a LJ, friend me! I'll accept :) K/S Archive account: http:///viewuser.php?uid=705 I attended the Vegas Con in August 2009 and got to see ZQ, the Shat, and Leonard Nimoy speak live! I even asked ZQ what his favorite scene with Kirk was (and he said the bridge choke scene because he gets to kick Kirk's ass!) LOVE ZQ FOR (UNINTENTIONAL?) SLASHY RESPONSE. If you just want to talk Kirk/Spock, send me a PM. I'm always eager to discuss the versatile relationship between our favorite captain and Vulcan. Proof of slash: Episode - Shore Leave. Captain Kirk's back rub - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mCC0OaU8ndA "Dig it in there, Mr. Sp-" Kirk's thoughts: Oh crap, it's not him. Dammit! I think I'll still give my bondmate err Spock a searing gaze though. Because we're totally just good friends. (In a pig's eye!!) EXTRA SUPER SECRET INSIDE INFO ON MY TREK STORIES: Multi-chaptered: Chance Encounter - Complete. ST: XI. Pre-slash. (Slow developing K/S friendship into romance.) Kirk and Spock are kidnapped by Cupcake and are sent back in time via the Guardian of Forever. Kirk gets to meet his father. But when Kirk is presented with a choice that could affect all of history, will he make the right decision? And through it all, will he and Spock finally give in to their building mutual desire? (Duh.) The T'hy'la Chronicles (series) Story 1 - Teach Me - Complete. The K/S version of ST:XI. Everyone believes Spock is going out with Uhura, but she's just a decoy. He's with Kirk, but they don't want Nero to use Kirk against Spock, so their relationship must remain a secret. But what happens when their secret is revealed and Spock's father disapproves? Story 2 - Mission to Gamus - Complete. The sequel to Teach Me. Set at the end of the five year mission. Kirk and Spock's last mission is to a planet with a homophobic society. What happens when their bond is discovered? Will Spock be able to save Kirk in time? Will they be able to improve the society for all of its LGBT inhabitants without violating the Prime Directive? Read to find out. My first "political" fic. I worked harder on this than on anything I've ever written, although I realize the message was rather 'heavy handed'. I'd really appreciate some feedback on it! Story 3 - And Saavik Makes Three - Finished! The final story of the T'hy'la Chronicles trilogy is now up! I'm just getting started on it, but I'm planning on it being longer than the usual 12 chapter fic. Kirk and Spock adopt eight year-old Saavik (a Vulcan/Romulan hybrid) and take her with them on the Enterprise during a safe mission. They might meet up with some meddlesome Orion Slavers at some point. The story is about how Kirk and Spock adapt to parenthood while still juggling their love for each other and their jobs in Starfleet. Oneshots: Vulcan Couples Retreat - Complete. ST:XI. Kirk must prove to Sarek and T'Pau that he is serious about his relationship with Spock, so he undergoes much humilation. The Impromptu Bonding of T'hy'la - Complete. Prequel to Vulcan Couples Retreat. Kirk and Spock are stuck on an ice planet and must bond in order to survive. But what are their true feelings on the matter of being together forever? The Time Travel Fiasco - Complete. ST: XI. The transporter fails at life and sends Kirk and Spock back in time where people are extremely homophobic. Believe it or not, it's a pretty funny story. With K/S fluff, of course! Written for the valentine's day com challenge. Kidfics! Friends First - Complete. ST:XI. What if Kirk and Spock's first meeting wasn't during the Kobayashi Maru trial? What if they met as pre-teens instead? Spock finds acceptance in this illogical human heathen, and both he and Kirk are changed for the better. Camping Out - Complete. ST:XI. Twelve year old Kirk and Thirteen year old Spock camp out in Jim's backyard in Iowa. Spock tells Jim he knows that Frank abuses him. They have a heart to heart about the future, and Spock tells Jim a story to calm him down. Cutesy friendshippy fluff! Poetry: Desert Woe - Complete. Spock longs for Jim and the life he once had. Christmas Fics: Jimmy and His Ninja Prince - Complete. A re-telling of the classic Nutcracker story with K/S as kids. Spock Prime is the mysterious traveler that gives young Jimmy Kirk a toy Vulcan ninja action figure. Imagine Jimmy's surprise when his ninja comes to life that night. Ninja Spock and Jimmy must fight the evil Nero before they can take a magical journey to the land of Vulcan. I tried to stick as close to the original Nutcracker story as possible. O Christmas Tree - Complete. Spock reminisces with his bondmate about his first Christmas with Amanda. Kirk watches it all through their meld. Lots of sad Spock and comforting Kirk! Star Trek Christmas Musical - Complete. A variety of Christmas songs, altered to fit the Trek universe for your entertainment! Of course Kirk and Spock are together and they sing about their epic love. Dr. McCoy sings the Grinch. Owners Guides: Note - I'm thinking about doing Chekov next. Whadda you guys think? Spock - Owner's Guide - Complete. Funny! Just how do you care for a SPOCK unit? Kirk - Owner's Guide - Complete. Funny! Just how do you care for a KIRK unit? Dr. McCoy - Owner's Guide - Complete. Funny! Just how do you care for a McCOY unit? Parodies/Crack The Missing Medal Affair - Complete. Kirk and Chekov are in a race against time against a shipwide conspiracy to mutiny Kirk on the very anniversary of the day he was made captain. Can Kirk escape with his life before it is too late? Vulcan Spirit Cheerleaders - Complete. Based on the SNL skit Spartan Cheerleaders. Sulu and Chekov dress up as Vulcan cheerleaders to boost Spock's spirits during a public chess match with Kirk. Of course, Kirk is behind it all. The Enterprise Crew Watches XI - Complete. Parody of the new movie, as the characters comment on scenes in the movie. Hilarious not-so-subtle subtext between Kirk and Spock Prime! Hard Decisions - Complete. This is as close to smut that I get, folks! Poor Admiral Barnett accidentally finds out just what is going on between the captain and first officer of the Enterprise. Kirk and Spock's Logs - Inside Edition - Complete. Kirk's sounds like a dog's POV, and Spock's sounds like a cat's POV. It's based on that one email... You really have to read the A/N. Trust me, it's pretty darn hilarious. :) Spock Gets Rick Rolled - Complete. Just like it sounds! Spock is not amused when Kirk plays a prank on him. He decides to get him back. I Threw It On The Ground, Kirk Style - Kirk's version of the popular SNL skit. "Man, my dad DIED on my birthday. Happy Birthday to the GROUND!" LOLZ commence. Big Bang Theory Fic: The Leonard Nimoy Restraining Order Conundrum - Complete. So I've always loved BBT, it's hilarious and there's tons of Star Trek references in it. So when in one of the most recent episodes Sheldon reveals he has a restraining order from Leonard Nimoy, I decided to make up the reason behind that tidbit of info. Basically, Sheldon goes to a Trek Con and logically argues that TOS Kirk and Spock were in a relationship. I was not using Sheldon to promote the validity of my ship. Not. At. All. Favorite Pairings: Star Trek: SPIRK. Why slash Kirk/Spock? http:///thyla.html Also, it's made of PURE AWESOME. The end. Favorite quotes: Spock: (to Kirk) "You are my superior officer. You are also my friend. I have been and always shall be yours." - Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan Kirk: (about Spock) "Of my friend, I can only say this: of all the souls I have encountered in my travels, his was the most . . . human." - Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan This was on another author's site and she invited others to copy and paste this on their profiles. Since I feel the same way about this subject, I will put it here too. If you don't like it, please don't flame me for having my own opinion. If it offends you go away and don't read it. Thank you! Homophobia and You I am the girl kicked out of her home because I confided in my mother that I am a lesbian. Re-post this if you believe homophobia is wrong. Please do your part to end it. |