Disclaimer: The rights to Star Trek belong to Gene Roddenberry, and NuTrek belongs to J.J. Abrams, Orci, and Kurtzman.

A/N: Here it is! The final installment of Chance Encounter. It's been a long ride – there were some days I never thought I'd get this finished. But I did! Thanks to those who stuck with me through it all. I'm very happy to get over 200 reviews – I owe it to my readers for their excellent feedback. So, without further ado, I present the ending of CE.


Ch. 12: Epilogue

When Spock awoke a half hour later, he and Kirk were back in their 'cell' on the stolen Starfleet shuttle, courtesy of Cupcake and friends. The Vulcan immediately tried to push himself into a sitting position, but was unable to do so, due to his uncharacteristically heavy right arm.

"Woah, Spock, take it easy!" Jim cried, jolted by the Vulcan's sudden movement. Their captors had bound their arms together again, which was why Spock had such difficulty sitting up.

"I was unaware that our wrists were bound together," Spock apologized, and then flushed green as he realized the ironic implications of that gesture. The event that had led to his fainting spell resurfaced in his mind, and he turned away from Jim, ashamed of his unwarranted actions.

"Jim, I must apologize for bonding our minds," the Vulcan said in a rush. "I can arrange for a Vulcan healer to sever the bond so that-"

"That's not necessary, Spock," Kirk said firmly. "It's cool having your presence in my mind. Believe me, this was a good thing that you did, unintentional or not. And besides, you are forgetting that if I didn't want it, my mind would not have allowed for it to have happened."

"But our link is almost as strong as a full-fledged marriage bond," Spock said helplessly, trying to make the cadet understand. "It is a lifelong commitment that Vulcans and their mates must honor."

"That's pretty heavy stuff," Kirk agreed. "But if we start slow, and I try not to over-think the whole lifelong aspect, I don't see why things couldn't eventually work out." But Kirk's facial expression didn't match his hopeful words.

"You do not seem pleased by this development," said the commander. For it was true, the cadet wasn't exactly the picture of ecstasy. Quite the contrary; his lower lip stuck out in a dejected pout, as if something he'd dreamed of had suddenly been ripped away from him.

"I am pleased, Spock," Kirk smiled sadly. "Honest!" He reached for Spock's hand. "I'm just a little distracted right now, is all. While you were knocked out, I accessed the ship's computer and found out the history of this time we have created."

Spock raised an eyebrow.

"May I ask what is not to your satisfaction?"

Kirk bowed his head.

"My father's dead."

Spock blinked, stunned by the news.

"I do not understand. He was alive when we entered the black hole."

"He died when I was five, this time," Jim said bitterly. "Cupcake's dad died on the same day."

"I grieve with thee." Spock scooted closer to Kirk, who lay his head on the Vulcan's shoulder. "What were the circumstances?"

"Nero sought his revenge on those who imprisoned him," Kirk whispered. "It's a long story, but one I don't want to get into just now. But my dad died a hero, saving the Federation from destruction, even this time around. It figures."

"Fascinating," was Spock's diplomatic comment.

"How can you sound so calm about it?" Kirk demanded, sitting up and rounding on his friend. "Everything we did, all the events that we changed - it was all for nothing!"

Spock raised an eyebrow.

"Our friendship and newfound relationship was for nothing?"

"No, of course not!" Jim exploded. Then he sighed, and took a deep breath, remembering it wasn't Spock wasn't at fault for what had happened. "You know what I mean. We couldn't save my dad. Going back in time and setting things right didn't work. It prolonged the lives of the people who were supposed to die, but they all eventually died within ten years of the Kelvin's contact with the Romulan ship. I checked."

"Perhaps the universe did not mean for them to be saved," Spock suggested.

Kirk didn't want to admit it, but the Vulcan did have a point.

"That supposed to make me feel better?"


Kirk shook his head, and fondly gazed at the Vulcan.

"You're doing a shitty job."

"Not if you are smiling," Spock pointed out.

Kirk's tongue peeked out of his mouth as he mulled over how to answer.

"I'm smiling because even though my father's dead, I don't feel alone anymore."

"You are most welcome," was the Vulcan's answer as their bond pulsed comfortably between them. Still tired from their adventure, Spock lay back down in bed again.

"You should get some more rest," Jim advised. "As much as I enjoyed having you faint into my arms, I don't want you to make it a habit." To prove his point, he curled his body around Spock's so they were both able to comfortably fit on the bed.

Vulcan and human drifted off to sleep, both ready for their lives to return to normal. Of course, their lives would never be 'normal' again – not since they had found each other. But a semblance of routine would be welcomed, even for Kirk.


They arrived back at the San Francisco base in three day's time. A formal inquiry was held, to determine why Commander Spock and five cadets had disappeared for about a week's time. Starfleet command arrested Cupcake and the other kidnappers, temporarily suspending them from the Academy until they could prove that they'd matured enough to be granted re-entry. Kirk should've been suspended for hacking, but when Cupcake told Admiral Barnett about the Guardian, Spock intervened, stating that the cadet's story was illogical and unfounded. Not surprisingly, the head of Starfleet sided with the Academy's most recent distinguished graduate.

As a result of their little adventure, Kirk decided that his hacking days were over. He couldn't chance providing someone else with information that was kept secret for a reason. It didn't hurt that he found an excellent substitute to occupy his free time. Making out with Spock (all that the Vulcan would allow at the present juncture) and planning for their future was a much more satisfying use of his time.

But unfortunately for Kirk, finals started a day after the conclusion of the inquiry. While Jim could've asked for an extension of study time, he declined as he did not want any special treatment. He and Spock were so busy taking and administering/grading finals that they barely saw each other all week. But that didn't mean that Jim cut all communications with his future bondmate.

A couple times during finals week, Kirk tried to telepathically ask Spock for an answer to one of the essay questions.

/Spock, what's the practical application for- /

The Vulcan, who was in the middle of administering a linguistics final, didn't even let him finish.

/Jim, it would be unethical for me to assist you on your tests./

Spock felt Jim's pout through their fledgling link.

/Aw, c'mon, Spockie./ Kirk pleaded. /Just a hint? If I fail, I'll get kicked out of Starfleet and then I'll never see you again./

The Vulcan would have none of it.

/I must ask that you cease your exaggerating. If you do not know an answer to a question, I suggest that you make one up and argue the point logically./

Kirk was mentally stunned.

/Did you just tell me to BS my test?/

/You were not listening to me./

/Yes I was!/

/Clearly you were not. I must return to grading my finals./

/Oh, fine./ Kirk mentally grumbled. /Can I meet you tomorrow in your quarters? I can't stand this separation./

Spock allowed the corners of his mouth to curl up for just a second.

/I look forward to it./

Warmth spread to Jim's mind, and it was all the encouragement that Jim needed to complete the most flawlessly bull-shitted essay answer Starfleet had ever seen.


The following day, Kirk arrived at Commander Spock's quarters as promised. He took a seat at the table across from Spock, where the Vulcan had taken the liberty of setting up his 3-D chess set.

"Guess what?" Without waiting for an answer, Kirk plowed on. "I've decided to choose command track."

"Really?" Spock sipped his mineral water.

"Don't you want to know why?"

The Vulcan shrugged, barely hiding his amusement.

"Not particularly."

"Spo-ock!" Jim whined. "Please?"

"Very well," the Vulcan said dryly. "You are going to inform me of your reasoning anyway. It would be illogical to stall you any further."

"You made me believe in myself," Jim admitted. ' That, and my father did."

"I am pleased," said Spock. "I wish to support you in whatever facets you need."

"How about sex?" Jim suggested, waggling his eyebrows. But then he quailed under the weight of the stern, dark, Vulcan stare.

Spock ignored his friend's last statement, and proceeded to issue and invitation that had been a long time coming.

"Jim, I would be most gratified if you would accompany me to Vulcan sometime in the near future to meet my parents, and visit my homeworld. Would you be interested in making such a journey?"

"Oh hell yes!" Jim cried, pulling Spock into a bear hug. "I was hoping you'd ask me."

"Thank you," Spock said quietly as Jim sat back down. "Having you meet my parents is a rather large step for me."

Kirk nodded solemnly.

"I won't let you down, Spock."

"I did not believe you would."

They shared a secret smile.

"Just out of curiosity, what did you ever decide to tell Uhura?" Kirk wanted to know. "She's been giving me the cold shoulder lately."

"The truth – that you and I are t'hy'la and it would be illogical to protest against what is already been decided between us," Spock replied.

Kirk smirked.

"Most logical."

"I believed so." Spock nodded at his companion, missing the sarcasm. "Now the lieutenant will be free to pursue other romantic relationships."

Kirk scooted his chair over to Spock's, coming dangerously close to becoming trapped in the heat radiating off his Vulcan.

"So now that we're practically engaged according to your culture, can you show me some more of those Vulcan kisses?" Kirk asked, eager for any sort of physical contact with his future mate. Spock swallowed hard, enraptured by Jim's hypnotic blue eyes.

"That would be agreeable."

Encircling Kirk's fingers with his, Spock rubbed their fleshy undersides together until sparks flew and their bond sang of future promises.

The End

A/N: I will be posting the prologue to the third story in the T'hy'la Chronicles, which will be entitled 'And Saavik Makes Three'.