![]() Author has written 33 stories for Star Wars, Naruto, Avatar: Last Airbender, Mummy, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Prince of Tennis, Class of the Titans, Transformers/Beast Wars, Of Mice and Men, National Treasure, Aliens/Predator, Supernatural, Misc. Movies, Harry Potter, Get Smart, Shrek, Star Trek: 2009, NCIS, Criminal Minds, and Highlander Series. Hello, My name is Jennifer or Jen (by my friends and family, and strangers), but ya'll can call me Pampers Baby Dry, how I came up with that name; dont ask! snickers No it's okay, it's not a secret. I was actually staring at a box of Diapers in my sisters linen closet trying to think of a user name, and wala this is created. I guess I should give a bit of a background check, eh? Not enough that you all can actually find me, cause you ain't getting ma last name! Though I can tell you I live in Canada British Columbia, not that far from Vancouver! Which totally made everything better when I found out they filmed Supernatural there! Think of my happiness at that! Anyway, I'm nineteen, I have a lot of sisters (not giving the amount but theres a lot~) and I have a couple of brothers. I have two cats, one dog, and a guineapig. I love those little critters. They are KAWAII!! I'm a caucasion - pretty sure I spelled that wrong -, not skinny at all, but tall enough that I don't look really fat! I graduated from Highschool (not telling which), I have never dated anyone, Okay I'm a virgin in just about everything having to do with relationships of a non plutonic value. I've had crushes on guys, will not say who either, but those lasted only so long. I'm an extremely shy being, so I express myself though writing instead of speaking. Yha, I'm an Introvert! so sue me. I have no job, I have a lot of neices and nephews, about sixteen all together. I'm a twin! Yes go me! We don't get along very well tho. The most irritating question I find on the face of the ENTIRE earth is, 'What's it like being a twin.', not let me tell you somthing...It AIN'T THAT DIFFERENT THEN BEING A SINGLE BEING WITH YOUR OWN DNA! Apparently Twins, have same illeals (sp?) that are the same, especially Identical, which I am, tho we look nothing alike! I have some low self-esteem, I don't think I'm very attractive, but not that ugly. Sometimes I wonder what its like to be blind, mute, deaf. I'm a huge fan of Karen Moning - I own all her books! except for 'Into the Dreaming' - which I totally want. I basically read Romance novels, but I like the occasional Mystery/Crime thrown in there, even a few vampire stories. I prefer Werewolves over Vampires. Sometimes vampires just piss me off. We need some good werewolf movies out there with some digitally graphic werewolves that look moderately good! Like in Van Helsing and Underworld, everything else looks so...arg. Ya theres no word to discribe how hideously atrocious they are. Like in 'Wild Country' which took place in Scotland, they looked like over grown moles or rats or something of the rodent variety. I have actually never read the Twilight series - OMG!!- I would rather watch the movies, just like Harry Potter. Tho I hear the books are better, oh well. I am a SLASH writer. I also support the gay community, tho I am straight, I'm one of those fangirls who think two men are just cute together. I have no problem with anyones sexuality, weither they are gay, lesbian, transexual, bisexual, and incest. I don't really approve of incest, but I don't shun it because it is apart of life, but if there are, say two family members that love eachother that isn't plutonic I'm not going to condemn them, because there Love life has got nothing to do with me, so whatever floats your boat, right? I'm straight, tho my sister and friends say I'm asexual. and you wonder why my self-esteem is so low...I like cooking, tho my friend also gives me this look when I am cooking like my cooking sucks! now let me tell you MY DAMN cooking is better then hers, she thinks she's so much better just because she worked at a restaurant! She's got an ego way to big for her head. Oh and she just happens to think that almost every guy is looking at her ass. and people question my lack of will to talk to others. My own friends humiliate me enough, I dont need others doing it. I have taken programs to help me, but geeze people expect me to change my quiet ways over night, sorry but it doesn't work like that! Sometimes my quiet personality, kinda gives people the wrong impression about me, but infact I am a very excepting and Friendly person. Not some arrogent bitch. Okay change of subject, I totally believe in the whole 2012 prophecy. No I don't believe its the end of the world, I believe its a new beginning for humanity, or it could be the end of the world - with all this new global warming shit going on, like the melting of glaciers and the disappearing ozone layer from green house gases. Yes I have taken Earth Science in high school. I have many dreams, sometimes I want to be a journalist, a novelist, an english teacher, a police officer, and FBI agent, a profiler, a hacker, an IT tech support person, a volcanologist, a geologist, a webmaster, a janitor, a nurse, a veternarian, a counselor, a social worker, a palentologist, an archealogist, and a paranormal investigator. But I can only be one, boohoo. I wish to travel the world, visiting historical monuments around the world - particulary the seven wonders of the world. But with above all my desires to see the past, I want to visit Scotland and Japan. Ah such beautiful cultures they are. I watch alot of movies, some I have never seen but wish I had, and I know that many prefer the old 'The day the earth stood still' but I prefer the newer version with Keanu Reeves. I also watch alot of TV, but manily just CSI: Vegas, CSI: Miami, a couple episodes of CSI: New York, Ghost Whisperer, The Mentalist, Numb3rs, Law and Order: SVU, Psych, Lost, but I have never missed an episode of Criminal Minds and Supernatural. I am in LOVE with supernatural. I am a total Wincester. ahh nothing like a good Sam/Dean story to calm a girl down. and let me say Jared Pedaleki looked really smokin' hot in the new Friday the Thirteenth, I haven't seen My Bloody Valentine, so I don't know how awsome Jensen Ackles looked but I bet he looked just as FINE as he does in Supernatural. I have thoughts of finding their set and just sneaking in and stealing the sixty-seven chevy they drive in the show. Man that car is a beauty. or just you know do some Amatuer stocking...wait its not called stocking anymore, its a more suttle term...'Obessive Shadowing'. I used to watch an obsessive about of anime, yaoi is awsome, dammit I want a YOAI PADDLE, should have bought one an AE (anime evolution.) I like Japanese Dramas, They may have pointless stupid corney plots, but they are good. Like Liar Game, Galileo, and Gokusen. Those are the main three I really favour. I like DRAGONBALLZ so imagine my heart attack when I found out they were making a Dragonball movie, tho I would like to know why Goku is american! everyone else is asian. Tho it could be because he's saiyan and comes form a different planet, which then could somewhat explain why he was american. I play video games, my favourites are Assassins Creed, Too Human, Halo 3, Devil May Cry 4, Prince of Persia: Sands of time, Prince of Persia: Warrior Within, Prince of Persia: Two Thrones, and Prince of Persia. I'm a total Prince of Persia fan, so I just about died when I found out they were turning it into a Movie!! YESS! I cant wait to see how they create the creatures. better be some damn good graphics with them! My mother says I live in Fantasy land, but its not true, I actually live on my own world were I live on an Island called Unicorn Island, were Uniforns frolic through palm trees wearing pink frilly too-toos. snickers I'm Joking, I just daydream alot. :P...anyway this short introduction, seemed to have turned into a monologue. LOL, so I shall end it here. Can't really think of anymore anime at the moment but when I do, I will defiantly continue! Now heres a little poem. The St.Francis Prayer Lord, make me an instrument of They Peace-- That where there is hatred, I may bring love; Where there is wrong, I may bring the spirit of forgiveness; That where there is discord, I may bring harmony; Where there is error, I may bring truth; Where there is doubt, I may bring faith; Where there is despair, I may bring hope; Where there are shadows, I may bring light; Where there is sadness, I may bring joy; Lord, grant that I may seek rather to comfort than to be comforted; To understand, than to be understood; To love, than to be loved; For it is by self-forgetting that one finds; It is by forgiving that one is forgiven; It is by dying that one awakens to eternal life. Simply beautiful isn't it? It's really touching, it kinda warms my soul reading it. Finished stories The force Inside ~ Star Wars, a Obi-wan Anikan story...Terribly..er..corny (Stars Wars) Never Say Good Bye, only Hello- a sad (to some) Gaara/Lee (Naruto) Lips of an Angel ~ Zuko/Sokka (Avatar: The Last Airbender) Stop Crying ~ Momoshiro/Ryoma (Prince of Tennis) Crashed ~ Archie/Neil (Class of the Titans) I Surrender~ Herry/Neil (implied) (Class of the Titans) Ready to Fly ~ Shikamaru/Choji Friendship (Naruto) Magic Stars ~ Tomas Hewitt/OC(male) (Texas Chainsaw) Guilted Innocence ~ George/Lennie Friendship (Of Mice and Men) Dark Sinner ~ Implied Sam/Dean (Supernatural) Dark Need~ Implied Sam/Dean (Supernatural) Dark Believer~ Implied Sam/Dean (Supernatural) Air Hostess~ Implied Shikamaru/ Ino (Naruto) Dark Nightmare ~ Implied Sam/Dean (Supernatural) Dark Sorrow ~ Implied Sam/Dean (Supernatural) Dark Witness ~ Implied Sam/Dean (Supernatural) Dark Need ~ Implied Sam/Dean (Supernatural) Dark Fear ~ Implied Sam/Dean (Supernatural) Dark Faith ~ Implied Sam/Dean (Supernatural) Dark Lies ~ SLASH Sam/Dean (Supernatural) More to Him ~ Agent 86/Agent 23 (Get Smart) Stories Working on now Seven Stages~ Ironhide/Oc(male) (Transformers, movie based) Man of Passion~ Creasy/Pitta (18) (Man on Fire) Blue Eyes ~ Neville/Draco (Harry Potter) (possible Ginny Bashing -undecided at the moment-) Stories on hold because of Writers block Men of Bronze~ Jonathon/Imhotep (The Mummy) (possibly going to be rewritten) National Treasure: The Lost City ~ Riley/Oc (National Treasure) Alien vs Predator: Spirit~ Predator/Oc(male) (Alien vs Predator) AVP: Rewritten ~ Predator(Oc)/Oc (female), Scar/Lex (Alien vs Predator) (Being Rewritten in Time) So far nothing is being created on my mind! currently trying to finish the other seven, which is tough by the way when half them got me on some wierd type of writers block! Copy and Paste:HOMOPHOBIA IS GAY I am the boy who never finished high school, because I got called a fag everyday I also have two stories on Fiction Press that I'm working on, they are Lengo Scuri, Konstantine, Ravyn, Red Faded Moon, Cobbled Man and Freedom Art. If you would like to take a gander at these then please go right ahead you can go there with this link. Have a wonderful evening see yha! |