(AN: This is a story that has some cob webs on it and it's done. I thought I might just post it because Imminente Luna is going well because of the rough patch I hit. It'll be done though so you don't have to worry about that. Well here this story is and I will update IL soon. Hope you enjoy this. Please review it would be nice.)

George sighed as he took a seat in Cragen's office. Cragen looked up at him. "Did something happen, George?" George shook his head.

"I can't help with the case. I have to go to a conference for a week." Cragen nodded his head.

"Is there anything else?"

"I have to take someone with me." Cragen looked slightly confused.

"This is last minute. The agent who was going with me had an emergency."

"Which one do you need?"

"It's your choice, Don," George said as he stood.

"What's it about and when do you have to leave?"

"It's for some new techniques and methods in different areas, like interrogation and others. It's in two days." Cragen nodded.

"Fine, you'll know by either today or tomorrow." George nodded and walked out of the office.

Cragen stared at George's retreating back. His first choice was Olivia because it would be easier to deal with for both of them and him. Next was John but nobody wanted to spend a week with him except for Fin. Fin logically came next but he knew that conference's weren't for him. His last resort was Elliot and it was a bad idea and possibly his only option.

Olivia was working a case with Major Case so she wasn't available. John and Fin were stuck in court for the next week. He sighed.

Elliot was his only option.

Sending Elliot with George was like playing with napalm. They were going to kill each other.

There was a bet going on that George was going to snap and finally punch Elliot. He didn't condone it but sometimes he needed a good laugh.

He stood and walked to the office door. "Elliot!"

He watched Elliot let the front legs of his chair hit the ground and look at him.

"Yes, Captain?"

"I need you in my office, now." Cragen walked back into his office and sat down, not wanting to even have the conversation. Elliot walked into the office.


"Close the door, Elliot." Elliot shut the door and sat. He was trying to figure out what he did but nothing immediately came to mind.

"I need you to do something for me and there is no negotiation, you have to do it." Elliot really didn't like where the conversation was going and it had only started.

"Okay, what do I have to do?"

"You're going to a conference for a week." Elliot nodded.

"I'll go. I have no problem with that."

"You're not going alone. You're going with George." Elliot shook his head, a frown forming on his face.

"You have no choice, it's an order, Elliot." Elliot stood up.

"I don't understand why no one else can go, Captain."

"Everyone else is busy so you were the last choice. I know you and the doc have problems but you're going."

"Fine," Elliot said, trying to control his anger. Cragen nodded. Elliot turned and opened the door. He stalked back to his desk. Olivia looked up at him.

"What happened?"

"I have to go to a conference with Huang." Olivia shook her head.

"You act as if it's the end of the world."

"We don't get along, Liv."

"You've never tried to get along with him." Elliot leaned back in his chair, trying not to acknowledge the fact that she was partially right.

He's tried to act civil but it wasn't exactly working and no could really blame him. The shorter man wasn't exactly as innocent as everyone thought. They were going to kill each other, Elliot was sure of it.

"Elliot, promise me that you don't do anything stupid while you're out there with George." Elliot rolled his eyes. "Fine, he will be back without a mark or blemish on him." Olivia looked at him. "I promise, Liv." She nodded and looked back down at her paperwork.

Elliot thought about the conference and turned his head to stare at the psychologist's office door. Maybe the conference wouldn't be that bad. He would be near him for a week and it was a great time to flirt with him. His train of thought stopped when he realized he just thought that. He shook his head trying to clear it of the thought.

He wondered if George knew if he was the one who was going with him. He smiled as the image of George in complete shock, went through his mind. He turned back to the office door to see it was open and George was looking at him. Elliot gave a sharp nod and George offered a small smile. Elliot turned back to his paperwork.

He surreptitiously glanced at George as he walked to Cragen's office. He stared at the subtle sway of his hips before shaking his head and looking away. He berated himself and went back to working.

George stepped into Cragen's office holding a folder. "You're taking Elliot," Cragen said, looking up reaching out for the folder, hoping George wouldn't make an issue. His hope flew out of the window when George said, "What?" Cragen sighed.

"You told me I could pick anyone and everyone else is busy. I'm sorry. I also think this is the perfect opportunity for you two to work out your problems." George nodded, knowing that he had to take someone. They were going to kill each other, because there was the possibility that they actually might fight.

George handed the folder to Cragen and walked out of the office. He walked over to Elliot's desk, his hands shoved into his pockets. "We leave in two days. I'll pick you up," George said.

Elliot looked up at him. "Where are we going, doc?"

"It's in DC." Elliot nodded and shrugged.

"Fine." Olivia looked between the two and shook her head.

George walked away, wondering who the hell he angered. He was going to be stuck with Elliot for a week. He looked at the taller man and sighed.

There was no way in hell he was going to survive this ordeal alive. This meant that he had to be careful to hide his very unprofessional thoughts about said man. He walked through his office door and sat in his chair. He frowned slightly. This trip was going to be interesting and he could bet that it wasn't going to end well.