Hello everyone! Here is the last chapter of Botched! I hope that everyone has enjoyed this and be prepared for more stories coming soon! Haha

Also, as my beta has vanished, if anyone would be interested just shoot me a note ^_^


Chapter 6: Not Alone


Neville woke with a start. He looked around the dark room and felt arms wrapped around him and sighed, he wasn't going to be able to get back to sleep. He looked over and saw the other bed in the room was empty again and wondered if Snape had ever unlocked the door…but then the bed would still probably be empty, Draco had taken over half of Ron's bed.

He tried to gently pull the hands off of his chest knowing that he would probably wake the older man up and smiled slightly when the arms tensed.

"Are you alright?" The groggy but still silky voice made the teen blush but he nodded.

"Yeah, just want a drink of water." The hands unwrapped themselves from him and he felt the chill of the night air hit him. He wrapped his arms around himself and smiled down at Snape who seemed to have fallen right back asleep. He tip-toed the best he could out of the room and down to the kitchen in the dark but and tried to remember where Mrs. Weasley kept her cups.

"Need help?" Neville spun around as the lights came on and widened his eyes. "Oh sorry mate, didn't mean to scare you." It was Ron who was now scratching his head and giving the teen an apologetic look. He smiled and grabbed a cup for Neville and himself and pouring water into them.

"It's alright." Neville sighed and sat at the table, "Didn't think anyone else would be awake."

"I think Draco and Harry are in the middle of a snoring competition." Ron laughed and sat at the table handing the sandy-haired teen his drink. Neville didn't have the heart to point out that Ron probably snored louder than the both of them. "I can't believe you're engaged to Snape."

Neville had been caught off guard by that and blushed hotly taking a sip of his water. He hadn't told anyone but then he remembered hearing people outside his door before he had fallen asleep. He had to admit that he never thought the older man would have asked him to…he had not been prepared for it. He looked over to the door that led out to the stairs that went up to the bedrooms.

"Me either." Neville answered honestly looking back at Ron. "I mean I really just only realized that I loved him." He paused blushing and looked down at his growing stomach. "Sometimes I have to wonder if the only reason is because of this though…"

"It's not." Neville looked up at the now blushing red-head that wouldn't looked him in the eye. "You said yourself you liked him before all of this and…well…I mean the way he looks at you sometimes…its just so…"

"Blank?" Neville offered trying to think of Snape's facial expressions in public.

"Ha." Ron chuckled taking a sip of his water, "All I can say is that when he looks at you…like that…it's like none of us are supposed to see it, it's a private moment for you two."

Neville could feel his cheeks staying warm and took a sip of the water. He wondered if he would be able to see this expression or if he may have already.

"Oh and it was pretty embarrassing for him to ask all of us what we thought you would say." Ron laughed and Neville stared at him wide-eyed.

"He asked…all of you?" His voice squeaked slightly, he couldn't even imagine it.

"Yeah." Ron nodded, "You had gone to bed early or something and he walked into the room and just asked what we thought would happen if he asked you to marry him."

"But why would he ask you guys?" Neville really didn't think that the man was close to anyone…except maybe Draco.

"He was planning on asking your Gran…" Ron's smiled faded, "And he wanted to ask you before Christmas but…"

Neville bit his lip nodding. His parents had died…

"I heard him talking to Draco about it." Ron was blushing again. "And after all that he came into the room and admitted that he felt like he needed to get our approval first." Ron's smile grew. "It's a wonder my mum was able to keep quiet, she was hugging him and crying for the rest of the night until he went to bed."

Neville wondered if Snape had asked his Gran or Algie.

"Dad says he'll give you away if you'll let him." Ron laughed quietly not wanting to wake anyone else up.

"Couldn't we get Draco to walk Snape down the isle?" Neville smirked before sighing. "We'll we haven't really talked about it…I kind of zonked out right after." He blushed wondering if the older man would be upset about that.

"Hey can I ask you something?" Neville looked over at the ginger who now looked a little embarrassed.


"And you won't tell anyone?"

"Nope." Neville had been a bit taken back by that and tried to think about what it could be.

"What's it like?" Ron flushed and looked at the table. Neville blinked at him.


"I mean to be pregnant. And I know you've answered it several times and what not but I was…just…" The red head put his hand over his stomach and Neville's eyes widened.

"You're not?"

"No!" Ron flushed hotly shaking his head and waving his arms. "No! No, I was…just thinking…about…"

Neville blushed and put a hand over his own stomach as if on instinct. "With Draco?"

"I don't think I'm seeing anyone else." Ron mumbled with his face still bright crimson but he looked up at Neville and shrugged. The teen grinned.

"You know, I don't think it's really that bad." He answered honestly. "I mean it's like…well I hate to say this but its like a broken leg. It hurts sometimes, you have to work around it and its harder to balance but in the end I think it'll work out."

"You looked really sick at first." Ron sighed balancing his head on his hands.

"But it's over with already." Neville smiled, "You get babied a lot."

"But…I mean…how's it going to come out?" Ron asked with a worried tone.

"Well…" Neville tried to think of how to word it. "Pomfry tells me that they'll have to cut the stomach open. But!" Ron's face had gone pale. "It's a normal practice that even happens with women so the doctor's will know what they're doing and you might get a cool scar on your stomach."

"You don't regret it?"

Neville smiled, "Not one bit. But I would suggest being in love with the person before …I mean…yeah…"

"I'm not worried about that." Ron covered his red face with his hands. And Neville couldn't help but gape at him.

"Really?" He grinned excitedly. The ginger nodded before glaring over at the teen.

"Not a word." Neville smiled and put his hands over his mouth nodding. The day was already turning out great. He had no doubt that Ron and Draco would last.


"Hermione!" Ginny jumped up when they heard a small pop outside, she threw open the door and ran outside.

Neville lay in the couch with a few blankets over him, Mrs. Weasley had heard him sneeze so he was stuck under the bundle of warmth until she said he could get up. Snape had stared at him amused but now the older man was making notes in Neville's herbology calendar that Hermione had given him. He guessed the man was probably giving him hints on when he would need things or fixing 'mistake's' that other potions masters made.

He looked over at Angelina who was giggling with Fluer as they continued to talk about baby names. He didn't know why it was such a big deal and he let his eyes settle on his plant that was now in the floor beside the couch so that he wouldn't have to move to look at it.

"OH MY GOD!" His eyes widened when he heard mad giggling coming from outside and he wondered if he could chance getting up to see what was going on.

"Don't you dare move mister." Mrs. Weasley was crossing the living room glaring at Neville slightly as if she had read his mind. He huffed and settled back into the couch. "I wonder what's going on-Oh! She brought Victor Krum with her!" The older woman looked around obviously not knowing what do to with herself.

"Who said Krum?" Ron popped his head out of the kitchen only to be shoved out by Draco and Harry who walked past him and towards the door which was being opened by Mr. Weasley to let Hermione, Ginny and Krum in.

"Hey guys!" Hermione smiled hugging Mrs. Weasley and everyone who was close enough. She looked over at Angelina and Fluer and went to hug them too. "I hope you all had a happy Christmas!"

"It was wonderful, never had so much company before." Mrs. Weasley laughed excitedly.

"Hey Victor." Draco nodded at the Bulgarian who smiled slightly and nodded back. "Happy Christmas?"

"Very much." This caused the man to blush a little and Draco raised an eyebrow before looking over at Ron who was staring awkwardly at the older man.

"Hi Ronald." Victor nodded toward the ginger before walking into the house and acknowledging everyone he knew and introducing himself to the people he didn't. Draco eyed his boyfriend suspiciously and then growled slightly grabbing the collar of the ginger's shirt and pulling him into a different room.

It took them a while to settle in but Victor was put into Charlie's room with the ginger and Hermione was going to share a room with Ginny. Neville was finally allowed out of his cocoon to make space for everyone else and he finally was able to introduce himself to the Bulgarian, he had never been able to meet him his fourth year.

Hermione didn't mention his parents and he was grateful.

"Oh!" Mrs. Weasley had been telling the bushy haired girl everything that had been going on and who got what for Christmas. "And Neville and Severus are engaged!" She squealed with delight and Hermione gaped over at Neville who flushed but nodded.

"Guess what." She gleamed over at him flashing her hand and he saw a ring. "Me too!"

Neville was about to tell her congratulations but jumped back when the room was taken over by high-pitched squealing. He stared in awe as Hermione was suddenly surrounded by every girl in the house and they were talking in a high pitched tone that was so fast he didn't even try to follow it.

"Is this the Praegnan lily?" He turned his head and looked over at Victor who was sitting down beside him with a large blush on his cheeks and he was holding Neville's plant. The teen nodded but flinched with the girls' pitch got really high for a second.

"Congratulations." The teen smiled at the Bulgarian as he inspected to plant tenderly.

"You as well." The older man nodded and Neville nodded back. He watched the dark man inspect the lily with tenderness. "Sorry I haven't written you back, I wanted to see it myself." Neville looked at him a little taken back before looking at the flower again.

"See what?" He asked hesitantly.

"This has always been a one bud flower." Krum looked over at the younger teen. "I asked my herbology professor at Durmstrang and he said…"

"What are you guys talking about?" The both looked up at Hermione who was blushing furiously and then looked down at the lily in Krum's hands. Neville mentally cursed at her for her timing and turned back to Krum…

"What did he say?" Neville put his hands around his stomach protectively and then he heard Snape talking to Lupin and turned to see the two men watching him.

"Well, you know how the plant bonds with the growing infant." Krum's voice was serious and an almost teacher-like manor. Neville nodded looking at the lily and then back at Krum.


"The bud is supposed to represent the bond with the infant." Now his tone was like a teacher trying to get the student to figure something out for themselves. He nodded but then froze. He remembered what he had thought before about the two buds.

"I think you might be having twins, Neville." Krum patted the teen on the back in a congratulatory manor and there was a thud behind them. Neville turned slowly to see Snape on the floor.


Neville ran his hands through the sleeping man's hair as he sat on their bed. He sighed and looked down at his stomach, twins? Well he didn't know for sure yet but Mrs. Weasley insisted that they call an actual midwife to check.

But he didn't doubt the fact that it would be twins at all, after all with the lily it made sense.

He looked over at the offending plant that was sitting on the windowsill in a ray of sunlight. Krum had given him a book he had found on them and commented that most of the information might not be correct because it hasn't been grown in so long. He looked over at the book sitting on his trunk and then thought of what his uncle had given him for Christmas.

Neville grinned thinking of trying to write his own book on the rare plant but jumped when he felt a hand on his stomach. He looked down at the older man who was looking at him slightly confused.


"The twins gave you a feinting fancy, they were testing a new type. You're supposed to drink it four hours before you plan to pass out." Neville ran his hands through the older man's hair again as Snape scowled.

"When did they?"

"Apparently at your first breakfast here, remember George poured you milk for you." Neville tried to sound nonchalant. "And you were only supposed to be out for an hour."

"How long was I?" Snape groaned slightly moving and flinched slightly as he sat up. Neville winced, hitting the floor couldn't have been gentle on the black-haired man.

"About six hours." Neville laughed softly at the glare Snape was giving the door. "They're both being punished. Mrs. Weasley has them looking for garden gnomes until you wake up."

"In the snow?" The man smirked slightly at that. "Let's wait a little while longer to let them know."

"Well Hermione's been checking every…"

"Oh good he's up!" They both turned to see the bushy haired girl walk into the room. "How are you feeling?"

"Fine, Miss Granger." Snape stared at her boredly and Neville laughed slightly giving her an apologetic look. She didn't seem fazed by it at all and just shrugged.

"I'll go let Molly know you're up and um…I'll tell them you need some time alone." She smiled and left the room.

"What does she-"

"We think its twins." Neville looked down at the older man nervously biting his lip.

"What do they have to do-"

"No…I mean." Neville grabbed the black-haired man's pale hands and placed them on his growing belly. "I think its twins."

Snape stared at the stomach but suddenly looked up at Neville wide-eyed. The sandy-haired teen chuckled lightly, he guessed the older man hadn't heard what was said earlier. Pretty good timing though…even if it was an accident.

"How do you know?" Snape didn't pull away but moved so he was on his knees with his hands still on the stomach and he was slightly leaning over the teen.

"My lily, it has two buds." Neville turned his head to look at the green plant. "I had thought about the possibility but talking to Krum earlier…"

"I had never heard of one having two buds either." Snape was looking at the plant. "But I hadn't heard very much of the plant itself either."

Neville waited a second seeing if the man was going to react anymore. "So twins?" He smiled.

"As long as they turn out nothing like those two buffoons in the snow." Snape's lip curled as he leaned forward and kissed the teen. "And no rhyming names…"

"I honestly thought about naming them when they came out." Neville blushed when the older man started kissing his jaw line. "Thought it might come to us then."

"You cut your hair while I was out." The man growled slightly and pushed the teen gently to lay against the bed. He put his hands in the short curly hair.

"Is it alright?" Neville felt his heart pounding and when the man nodded he pulled him into a kiss.

"What about the wedding? When you want to do it?" Snape asked breathlessly in the teen's ear caused Neville to shudder a bit.

"After they come out." He blushed when the man stopped to give him a quizzical look. "I really don't want to have to walk down in a white maternity robe."

"Whatever you want." He was massaging the stomach with his hands now and Neville moaned pleasantly.

"He's bloody awake!" The both turned to see Fred soaked and covered in snow at their door.


It was warmer right before New Year's though there was still snow everywhere and the lake was still frozen, most of them decided to spend the day outside.

"I don't want school to start again." Draco sniffed solemnly as his head was on Ron's lap. They had enchanted a blanket to stay warm and not get wet on the snow. Ron sighed down at his boyfriend.

"I dunno, we'll be leaving the place soon enough." The red-head looked over to Hermione who had her nose in a book. "Don't know what will happen to her though." He looked over at Neville who was writing in a book. "Not you too."

"I'm taking notes on the lily." Neville smirked at him. "Since most of the teachers are going to probably ask me to stop attending for you know...those 'no pregnant people' classes I figured I'll have time to…I don't know…"

"Already skipping NEWTs and breaking into the world of Herbology Longbottom?" Draco looked at the sandy-haired teen amused. "What NEWTs are you trying for anyway?"

"Probably just Charms, Herbology and DADA." The teen shrugged, "But that doesn't mean I don't want to learn as much as they'll allow me to in the other classes."

Ron looked over at Hermione who was giving Neville a look, almost like they were the most beautiful words she had ever heard. He looked over to Victor Krum who was throwing quaffles with the twins, Bill, Harry and Ginny as they stood on the ground running around. He was about to shout over at the Bulgarian but was hit on the arm, he looked down at Draco who was looking at him annoyed.

"I said no looking at him." The blonde huffed, "Only me."

Hermione and Neville looked at the two of them before laughing to themselves. It wasn't anything new to know that Ron's first man-crush had probably been the Bulgarian seeker and of course Draco would be upset at that.

Neville looked at his notes, he thought he was doing pretty well and was trying to remember it from the beginning. He looked over at Snape who was silently reading a book and leaning against the tree, Lupin was beside him talking and he guessed that the black-haired man must have been replying somehow because the werewolf had just kept talking…then he wondered if the man was trying to annoy Snape… he blushed and went back to his book. Suddenly a red quaffle landed beside him and started rolling onto the frozen lake.

"I got it." He watched George run over. "Book worms." The red-head laughed at everyone sitting on the blanket.

"How dare you sir!" Draco lifted an arm lazily as Ron laughed. Neville laughed and George threw the red ball back over to Ginny but suddenly there was a cracking noise and Neville looked back at the lake to see that George wasn't there anymore.

"George?" He looked around…but calling his name seemed to pull everyone's attention to the lake.

"George!" Lupin was running onto the breaking ice and Neville felt his insides go cold as the older man dived into the lake. Fred was running to the lake to but was stopped by Snape and Krum who both had their wands out and they did the same movement with them.

Lupin floated out of the lake holding onto George's body and Neville got up with everyone else as Snape and Krum floated them toward the house. Molly had run out to see what the commotion was and was immediately running over to the two floating bodies.

"George! Remus!"

They were able to get them into the house and the werewolf was shivering and shaking George non-to-lightly as they wrapped them up in blankets. The older man seemed to be using a spell without a wand…Neville suddenly remembered witnessing the older man do so before.

"Ennervate! God Da-!" But Lupin was cut off when George started coughing and gasped for air grabbing onto the older man.

"Always the attention seeker." Fred joked and George laughed shakily before shrugging impishly.

"I'm going to sit down." Angelina was looking a little pale and Neville went over to her feeling a little obligated since they were both pregnant. Mr. Weasley was helping her into a chair and gave her a blanket.

"I'll get you some tea dear." Neville sat down on the chair beside her, Mr. Weasley also seemed to have a radar for pregnant women in distress…but he never voiced that thought with Snape and Draco so nearby.

He heard more people laughing and Draco moved to sit down beside him. The blonde looked over at Neville who wanted an update. "Lupin's going to go warm him up upstairs."

Neville and Angelina both flushed at this and looked over to the stairs to see Lupin carrying George up them.

The blonde laughed, "Not a dull moment here, can I come here for the summer?"


The break ended a lot quicker than Neville had thought it would and suddenly they were all on the train back to Hogwarts. Everyone was talking about what had happened to them over the break but the biggest news for Gryffindor was that Hermione was engaged to Victor Krum, Neville had decided he wanted his own engagement to be silent.

When they had arrived Pomfry was waiting for him at the entrance pulling him aside and talking about twins. He was waiting for her to declare he had to live the rest of the year in the hospital wing so he would be closer to her but instead she had brought him to the corridor before the hospital wing, it had a guest room for visitors but Professor McGonagall had decided that in his condition he shouldn't be doing so many stairs so he was going to be staying there for the rest of the year.

He had to admit that it was a rather large room and a lot more quiet than the boys dorms…he wondered if he could convince any of them to move in with him…then he wondered if he could get a certain potions master to move in with him. The man in question had told him it was improper the moment he asked.

The first month went by quickly with studying and keeping notes on his lily. He had spoken with all of his professors and had learned that some of them were wanting him to pull out of the class since he wasn't trying for NEWTs but he gave them the same reasoning that he had given Draco over the break and they had agreed to let him sit in on some of the classes, but he still would be practically off the roster.

Professor Sprout had moved her plants around during the break and now there was a green house that had Sprout-approved plants for him to mess with if he felt like, she told him that there was no way he wouldn't get his NEWT in herbology so he could continue his knowledge however he liked and ask her questions if he needed, she also offered to help out with his work on the Praegnan lily which he gratefully accepted.

Lupin seemed hesitant to let Neville into his classes at his state but the teen promised to stay out of the way if they were testing spells on each other but he wasn't going to leave his second best subject. The werewolf reluctantly agreed but Neville assumed it was mostly because George had shown up wanting a snog session.

Flitwick actually had no problem with Neville remaining in his class and had spent time researching spells that were made or used specifically on pregnant people. The more severe spells the teen would have to sit out but otherwise he was allowed to attend the classes.

Snape told him that the fumes from the potions they would be working on hence forth would be dangerous for the children which had caused Neville to agree not to attend potions anymore but then the professor offered to let him come during his free periods if he was really so keen on producing one good potion.

And Neville wanted to prove it could be done.

No one at school was mistreating him anymore and even random students would help him in the hallway if they thought he needed it. Though he still got a lot of wide stares from younger students and he would let them touch his stomach when he was finally able to feel the twins kicking. Time seemed to be going by so fast and it was already valentines weekend, he had finally convinced the potions master to spend the night in his room because he had gotten used to him being beside him during the break, and it was getting lonely.

He laid back on the bed watching the pale hands over his bare stomach. The hands were trying to find where the babies were kicking and Neville squirmed slightly at a rather strong one. He didn't think he would be able to get used to it.

"My Gran wrote to me today." He looked over at the dark haired man who was still staring at his stomach and smiled slightly when he got a small nod. "I told her we were going to get married after the twins are born and she said she would like to come to the birth and the wedding if we let her."

"And?" Snape looked over at the teen. Neville sighed, the older man had made the teen make all of the decisions involving both things and he figured girls must have liked it…he didn't so much.

"Of course I said I would love for her to come." The teen laughed at the older man's attention went back to his stomach. "But I really don't want an audience for when I'm cut up."

"I don't know if the doctors will let other people in the room anyway." The black-haired man answered honestly and Neville paused.

"They'll let you in though, right?" He really didn't want to be in there alone. He jumped at another rough kick where Snape's hand had been and the older man looked surprised. "That's getting uncomfortable but at least they're healthy."

"Maybe it's something you ate." The man's lips had twitched slightly upward into an almost Snape smile as he placed his other hand on the stomach. "And I will be in the room with you no matter what they say."

Neville grinned sheepishly. "Good because I don't want to be alone."

"You aren't." The older man kissed him on the forehead before getting off the bed to get ready to sleep, they still had to get to classes tomorrow.

Neville had to admit that he enjoyed their kissing and he really liked their touching, the soft caresses the older man would give him. But soon he found himself dreaming of what it would be like…to go further; he blushed brightly and shook his head. Of course whenever he thought about it he didn't have a large belly full of wiggling babies.

He rolled over to face away from the other man as he climbed into the bed beside Neville. The teen sighed contently as an arm wrapped around him, he could live with just this. It was nice.


After Valentines Neville didn't have any luck in getting his fiancé into the room with him but Snape always showed up for check-ups with Pomfry or seemed to always be in the hall when Neville was going up or down stairs. The sandy-haired teen decided to pretend he didn't notice to save the man some pride in front of the other students.

He sighed looking at the ceiling of the Great Hall, it was a beautiful spring day which was surprising since it was the beginning of March and usually the snow would have just started melting but he wasn't going to complain about the warmer weather, it was better for planting.

"No offense man…you look like you're about to burst." Dean looked over at Neville who was sitting at the Gryffindor table eating dinner.

"Yes, because that's how babies are born." Draco, who had taken to sitting at every house table at least once a week with Ron (they switched to throw people off) sneered at the black boy. "Bursting."

"That's not what I-"

"I feel like I am." Neville quickly voiced over the teens, Dean was flushed and mumbled an apology to the pregnant teen. Neville smiled before patting his stomach, "If this gets any bigger I don't know if I'll be able to walk."

"Oh Pomfry would love that." Ron laughed, "It be like an early Christmas."

"Hey…where's Luna?" Dean was looking over at the Ravenclaw table to see his girlfriend wasn't there. Draco, Harry and Ron laughed. He looked over at them slightly glaring this time, "Whe-"

"She joined mine and Ron's game." Chortled Draco, "She's at the Hufflepuff table stealing all their pudding."

And sure enough they all turned to the yellow clad table to see one blue figure sitting in front of one of the pudding plates. None of the Hufflepuffs were sitting near her and some of them were eyeing her warily. Dean blushed and got up to join her.

Hermione made a disapproving noise and Draco looked at her bored.

"C'mon, its house unity." She didn't look impressed. "What else were you 'fighting' for all those years?"

"Well mainly house elves." Ginny was on the other side of the blonde and laughed slightly. Hermione flushed and gave the ginger girl a slight glare.

"Really? Is it true what they say about house elves and Bulgarians having in common? That thei-" Ron put his hand over the blonde's mouth as he, Ginny, Hermione and Neville flushed. Harry just laughed before coughing when Hermione glared at him.

Neville laughed as Draco bit Ron's hand and the people around them started glaring for causing so much noise during lunch. He sighed again, NEWTs were coming up and he honestly didn't know if he was nervous or not. He almost didn't see what the point was but then he shook his head. After he had the kids he would want a good job maybe an Auror or some kind of main stream Herbologist. He smiled and wondered how it would to balance a job, kids and the school year with Snape working…

They would have to live closer to here if he wanted to have a house…which wasn't that bad and he could probably find a piece of land and he would get his house out in the country. It would also be easier to visit Professor Sprout to ask about plants or anything if he wanted to.

He grinned as he remembered her going over his notes and how they had both talked eagerly with theories on how the plant worked. She had said that it was an amazing piece of work and had shipped if off to some Herbology journal for him, he blushed looking at the sky again. Would they like it?

"You alright Neville? You're sighing a lot." He turned to Harry who was giving him an amused look.

"A lot on my mind."

"And there should be!" Hermione stood up with her hands on the table. "NEWTs are coming up soon! And right after you'll be due to give birth and then we graduate! Oh I'm just so worried about our scores!"

"Your scores." Draco corrected her like someone would a small child. "You're worried about your scores."

"I want you guys to do well too." She huffed, "Harry and Ron are both wanting to be Aurors and they're going to need certain grades to get that job."

"Actually, they kind of already accepted us into the academy." Harry shrugged and then looked at Ron, "We had to promise to finish school first though."

"I knew you had a better reason for coming back." Neville grinned at the slyly. "That's awesome guys."

"They'll probably want to get you too." Ron looked at Neville smiling, "You did a lot too."

"I want to join if everyone else is." Draco moped and then sighed, "Oh never mind I think I would rather teach."

Neville looked at the blonde surprised, along with Harry and Hermione. Ron on the other hand smiled at the blonde. "You'd be pretty good, as scary as Snape with a temperament like McGonagall."

"I don't know if I like that." Draco eyed the ginger warily.

"What would you want to go into? Potions? DADA?" Hermione was trying to think of subjects the blonde was good at.

"Considering I don't want to fight Snape or Lupin for their jobs." Draco smirked slightly eyeing the teacher's table. "Actually I've been talking to the Headmistress about training under her for her old spot that she refuses to fill."

"Transfigurations?" Harry still looked surprised.

"No, Muggle Studies. Yes! Transfigurations you git." Draco glared at the idiot slightly before looking at Ron, "You think I would do okay?"

"Brilliant." They smiled and Neville looked away wanting to leave them to themselves. He looked over at Hermione who was writing stuff into her planner, obviously not calmed by everyone else already having their careers chosen for them.

"I'm with you." He smiled as she looked up at him. "I've got no clue what I want to do."

"Oh you know it's going to be in Herbology." She looked at him amused, "I won't be surprised if you get famous off that lily you're growing, maybe you won't need to work." He laughed.

"Yeah right. Though it could be nice to not have a job until these things get a little older."

"Why don't you want to know the gender?" Ginny was looking at him a little nonplused. "I mean it's weird to hear you calling them things and its and stuff. Plus! I would be going mad because I would want to have names ready."

"I decided to just name them when they come." Neville smiled and laughed when Ginny, Hermione and a few of the girls who had been ease dropping looked at him in surprise. "I think it's a fitting moment to think of their names when you first meet them."

"I think he's gone mad." Draco whispered over at Ginny who laughed slightly. "Haven't you met them enough…they're inside of you?"

"You know what I mean." He glared at the blonde playfully.

"You should name one after me." Draco looked smugly over at the sandy-haired teen.

"What? Git? Too many teasing possibilities."


"I don't bloody believe it." Ron stared into the cauldron with wide eyes and then looked at the description on the piece of paper. He looked over at Neville with the same shocked expression.

"Well it looks right." Hermione and Draco were both inspecting it now, the blonde had a slip board in his hands and looked like he was grading it. Neville sat waiting for the prognosis, it was a free period and everyone had decided to watch Neville with his trying to make a proper potion since Snape was gone with Lupin to pick up supplies that all the professors would need for the upcoming exams.

"Of course I get it right and he's not here." Neville sighed as all of the onlookers decided that the potion did indeed look correct.

"Hey we still have to test it." Draco smirked over at Harry who looked a bit uncomfortable. "C'mon Potter, it's just a simple pepper up potion."

"I'd do it but I don't think I should chance it." Neville smiled apologetically at the group who was trying to decide who was going to try it. Finally Ron was ladling out a spoon full and took a drink of it before grimacing.

"Oh it's right." Steam started shooting from Ron's ears and the red head grimaced and flushed as Draco teased him.

"You serious?!"

"Congratulations, it took you seven years." Draco looked half amused over at Neville but Neville put his hands up in the air and whooped.

"Ron you're going to want to sit down that's going to go on for a while." Harry patted the red-head apologetically on the shoulders and Ron sighed taking a seat before looking over at Neville.

"The things I do for you." Neville smiled sheepishly.

"It's the charm?" He shrugged and looked over at Hermione teasingly. "You think I could try for my NEWTs now?"

"Yes one potion fixes everything." She rolled her eyes playfully but then they all looked over at Ron who was coughing…and then the steamed stop.

"Hmm…last I checked that goes on for a few hours…" Draco had his clipboard in hand again and was scribbling on it in a teacher like manor. "Tsk."

"Close enough." Neville moaned, his euphoria leaving him.

"Well I'm not doing that again so I suggest we just tell the world that Neville Longbottom got one." Ron sighed patting his chest.

"Almost." Draco sniffed but then shrugged. "Why not? It'll be an inspirational story…"

Neville snorted at the blonde and laid down on the desk looking out the window behind him, it was a nice day outside, he smiled thankful that he had friends that would spend time and take care of him like he did. He never would have thought that when they first started Hogwarts.

Time did fly by so fast.

"We should be studying." He laughed with everyone as Hermione sighed and sat at one of the desks. "I'm going to miss this though…"

"Well you're all leaving me you know." They turned to see Ginny walking into the class room. "I'll be all alone." She sniffed playfully before looking over at Neville. "Oh yeah! Professor Sprout is looking for you Neville."

He looked over to the door almost expecting the professor to walk into the room at that moment. He tried to think of why she would be looking for him…he hadn't ruined any of the plants…the essay. His eyes widened and he jumped up. It had been a few weeks maybe they had replied!

"What's he so nervous about?" Draco looked over to Ginny expecting an answer from her but she just shrugged.

"My essay on the Praegnan Lily!" Neville grinned, "I wonder if they replied."

"Well go on then, we'll clean up."

Neville thanked them and left the classroom quickly, his heart beating excitedly in his chest. He thought of where he might find her…probably in the Great Hall. He went up the stairs and passed a group of second year Slytherins who nodded to him, after all he was bearing the fruit of their Head of House.

His eyes scanned the Great Hall carefully not wanting to accidently miss her. He looked over again frowning, she wasn't there…maybe she was at his room or the infirmary where is seemed he spent most of his time this year anyway. He turned to go up the stairs to the hospital wing when he looked at the Great Hall again…maybe he should just wait here, they could be missing each other if he started looking for her.

He stood at the entrance nervously swaying on his heels and looking up when he heard someone approaching. He sighed when it wasn't professor Sprout again and he began to wonder if she really was looking for him.

"Neville!" The teen froze staring at the ground confused, he recognized that voice but…He looked up to see his great-uncle running to him. He took in a sharp breath, one look on the man's face and he could tell it wasn't good news.

What could it be? He felt dread building up in him and instantly found himself wishing that Snape was there beside him but the man was probably still in London.

He tensed when Algie stopped in front of him panting, waiting for the bad news.

"There you are Neville!" He turned sharply to see Sprout and McGonagall both smiling until they noticed the older man, they stopped short looking slightly bewildered.


"Augusta's collapsed." The old man interrupted the headmistress who now looked stunned.

Neville felt his world unhinging around him as he gasped and Algie was holding him up and he realized the older man was shaking. He turned to the two professors who still looked stunned.

He had just started working things out with his Gran. He felt the tears in his eyes and he was shaking not wanting to hear it and suddenly he was at St. Mungo's again sitting beside a hospital bed where his Gran slept almost too peacefully. He held her hand tightly ignoring the tears flowing down his face.

"You're a complete idiot." He mumbled looking at her. The doctor's were keeping her under tight surveillance because she was older. They still couldn't figure out what caused her to collapse and he had heard a nurse comment that tonight was going to be important…either she made it or she didn't.

"You can't leave me." He sobbed holding onto her hand tighter, it was strangely cold. His parents were already gone, he couldn't lose her. She was the one that had raised him, taught him about life, punished him and loved him.

He didn't want to be left alone. Then there was a sharp pain in his stomach he hissed slightly jumping back from the bed.

"How's she…Neville what's wrong?" Algie had walked into the room to see Neville slumped against the wall away from the bed holding onto his stomach tightly. He turned his teary hazel eyes up to the great-uncle.

"It hurts." He hissed as another sharp pain came through again. "I think there's something wrong with them."

His uncle was out of the room instantly and Neville could hear him yelling for help. He looked down at his stomach wondering what could be wrong, "I can't lose you guys too…"

Then the door burst open and there was a doctor and two nurses looking frantic.

"Neville was it?" The doctor grabbed his wrist and feeling for a pulse and Neville nodded. "How far are you along?"

"S-seven months." Neville hissed again.

"Take deep breaths Neville." The nurse on his right started some sort of breathing excersize and it suddenly reminded him of something Hermione talked about when they had started talking about birthing. His eyes widened terrified.

"Am I giving birth?" He looked at his Uncle terrified. "B-but it's too early!" he groaned at another pain and started doing the same breathing rhythm the nurse was doing.

"You need to calm down Neville." The doctor looked at him firmly, "I think the stress in inducing the birth."

"And if you do, it'll be okay. Twins are usually early." Neville felt a soothing hand on his back and turned to the other nurse who was smiling at him softly.

"I want Snape." They were suddenly floating him and he grabbed Algie's arm. "Where's Severus?" He felt the tears pouring down his face again. Where was that idiot?!

"Calm down Neville." He heard the soothing voice again and glared over at the nurse, she smiled at him but didn't say anything else. And then they were down the hall and his uncle wasn't with him anymore and Neville didn't know where they were going.

"Madame Pomfry…at Hogwarts." He looked at the non-soothing nurse as they placed him on a bed in a small room. "She'll want to be here." He hoped the nurse would have the right mind to notify his friends before she came though.

"We'll call her." The doctor smiled at him, "For now let's give you something for the pain."

He drank the potion they handed to him and wanted it to act faster then the nurses were taking off his robes and he blushed furiously trying to get them to let him do it himself.

"GET THE HELL AWAY FROM ME!" Neville froze and stared at the door. He recognized that voice. Suddenly there were people moving around outside and he could hear them.

"Angelina!" A frantic male voice.

"YOU DID THIS TO ME AND I HATE YOU!" And there were crashing noises and he heard some people scream.

"Dear you should probably wait until they get her to the room."

"MRS. WEASLEY!!" Neville cried frantically as he heard them outside his room and then the door swung open to reveal the red-headed woman looking flustered and Fred Weasley with a black eye. They were looking at him surprised.

"Not you too!" Fred seemed hesitant to come in the room but Mrs. Weasley was instantly beside Neville.

"Is it time? Oh you need to get these robes off." The nurses glared at her and Neville flushed as his robes vanished off of him and he was wearing a hospital gown. She looked over at the startled doctor. "You must be new, I'm Molly Weasley."

"Mrs. Weasley I'm scared." Neville looked at her frantically and instantly she was holding his hand sitting at his side. "It's too early and Severus isn't here and my Gran's dying down the hall and…" He felt the warm tears falling down his face and he groaned at another pain, but it wasn't as sharp as the other ones.

"Calm down dear," She hushed him and started playing with his hair and he took a deep breath. She looked over at the doctor worriedly. "Where is Augusta Longbottom?"

"She's in intensive care in room 416." The doctor thought about where they pulled Neville from. Mrs. Weasley was instantly at the door looking at Fred.

"What you doing here idiot boy, go be by your wife." He looked at his mum shocked, "She's going to do everything to get you out of that room but you better stay in there. Can you send Bill and Arthur this way while you're at it?"

Fred was already running down the hall to his wife and she shouted after him. "She'll be back to normal afterwards dear! Don't worry!"

"Neville, it's perfectly normal for twins to be early." The doctor was writing things on his clipboard and Neville got the sudden urge to hit them man with it.

"He's right." Mrs. Weasley was holding his hand again smiling, "Fred and George were only a month early but I've heard of others being earlier. Don't forget to breathe dear, it helps."

Neville realized he had been holding his breath and let it out before doing the exercises that the nurse had used earlier. He was sweating now and was thankful for the firm hand holding his.

"Molly? Neville?" Mr. Weasley stuck his head in the room and smiled immediately when he saw them. "Is it time?!"

"Yes but Arthur I was wondering if you could keep checking on Augusta she's in room 416." If he was confused on why she was asking him this he didn't show it but patted Neville on the knee before leaving the room and then Bill came in looking a little confused.

"Bill good." Mrs. Weasley smiled, "Can you keep us updated on everyone?"

"Mrs. Weasley it's your first grandkid you don't have to be here with me." Neville looked over at her angry at himself for keeping her away. "And Mr. Weasley does-"

"He's seen enough births to know how it goes." She smiled at him, "Plus you're practically part of the family."

He smiled and could feel tears forming again and then Bill was beside him holding his other hand. "I'll stay for a while too, that room's a bit crowded." He grinned at the teen, "Glad you haven't gone violent."

Neville laughed softly but flinched at another pain but this time…it wasn't going away. "Doctor?"

"It's time." The man stood up and Neville gripped both of the hands holding his tightly. "We're going to take you to the operating room."

"I'll let everyone know." Bill placed an endearing kiss on Neville's forehead and went out of the room. Mrs. Weasley didn't let go of his hand as they moved his bed out of the room and she started talking about how it was going to go quickly and soothing him.

"Neville!" And then there were more people around him as the bed rolled and he smiled trying to push his fears away. Draco was instantly holding his empty hand. Harry, Hermione, Dean, Luna and Pomfry were there too. The nurse was talking to the doctor as they switched notes. Ron and Ginny were looking at their mum surprised.

"Mum, wha-"

"Angelina's giving birth." Mrs. Weasley smiled at her children, "Didn't have a lot of time to call…she's in room 468 if you want to pop in…just not right now unless you want a broken nose." Both kids looked at each other happily at the news their brother was having a kid too.

"McGonagall is trying to track Snape and Lupin down." Draco was looking at Neville worried, "Don't worry I'm sure she'll find them."

"But it's now…" Neville sniffed at the blonde, "I need him now."

"I could try to accio him if you'd like." The blonde teased and Neville laughed more at the need to smile.

"Do it."

"I'm sorry, all of you are going to have to wait outside." The doctor stopped but Neville's bed kept going and went through doors but there was no one around him anymore and he felt his heart race again. He didn't want to be alone. He wanted someone here with him…to tell him it was going to be okay.

"We'll be out here Neville!" He heard them shout before the doors closed and his bed stopped. He was surrounded by tools and there were nurses preparing themselves for the surgery and Neville wished they would let someone in the room with him.

There was a loud bang and the nurses jumped looking at the door. Neville tried to move his head to look but his torso was strapped to the bed suddenly.

"I'M THE FATHER YOU BLOODY FOOL!" Neville choked out a cry as he heard Snape bellow and then the man was above him looking him over, he looked pale. Neville instantly grabbed his hand and couldn't stop the tears.

"I'm sorry….so sorry." The older man kissed his forehead and then moved behind him to give the nurses room. Neville shook his head.

"What matters is you're here…who told you?" he could feel fingers in his hair soothing him as he felt his body go strangely numb.

"You're uncle Algie found us." And Neville felt like he owed his uncle so much right there. He heard the doctor say that they were beginning and he kept his eyes focused on Snape's. He wasn't alone.

He knew instantly that everything would be okay, he would give birth.

His Gran would be alright, she wouldn't let something like this take her down. She had told him once that she wanted to go in a way that people would talk about for years.

He laughed and wondered if he would be able to take the NEWTs on time after this.


"I can't believe it…" There was someone making a hushing noise and then there was a grunt.

Neville's eyes shot open and he saw his room was full of people talking softly. His whole body was sore and he moved to sit up.

"Careful you're healing." There were sturdy hands on him helping him sit up and he looked up at Harry and smiled up at him before looking around.

"Where are the babies?" He looked back at the other teen worried. Did something go wrong? He was sure that he had fallen asleep after the surgery and he didn't hear anything going wrong before hand. And where was Snape too?

"Relax…" Hermione was beside him, "When your Gran heard that they were born she demanded to be the first to see them."

His heart jumped in his chest. "She's?"

"In a room alone with Snape and your babies." Draco thought he should point it out and Neville suddenly felt nervous. The door opened and they all turned to see Ron and Ginny peaking in.

"Is he-Neville!" Ron walked over to the sandy-haired teen in the bed and sat at his feet. "Sorry, I was looking at my nephew."

"Congratulations." Neville smiled and then realized he didn't know what his babies were, then there were loud voices outside.

"Better wake him up so he can name the poor buggers."

"The only poor state they'll be in is having you in their lives."

Neville's stomach dropped as he heard Snape and his Gran outside.

"Ma'am you really shouldn't be up now!" That must have been a nurse.

"I'll tell you when I can get out of bed! Now get out of my way and go do something useful for once, or do you find blocking old women from their family entertaining."

The door opened and Neville was startled to hear Snape chuckling silently and his Gran was grinning mischievously at the older man. He noticed Algie behind them looking astonished at Snape. Then he noticed Snape was holding two pink bundles.

They're eyes met and Neville felt his eyes start to warm up and he shook his head not wanting to cry. He felt Ron sliding off the bed and then Snape was standing beside him with their children in his arms and he smiled up at the man who then gently laid both babies in his lap beside each other and facing him. They were so small and sleeping soundly.

He looked up at his Gran who looked a little weaker than usual but she went on the other side of the bed and smiled at him. He felt the tears fall from this face and wiped them with his sleeve. "I'm glad you're okay."

"Enough of that." She looked at him seriously and he laughed, "What are these lovely girl's names?"

He looked down at the sleeping babies and smiled, he knew exactly what their names were. "Asta and Allison." He looked over at his Gran who nodded approvingly but there was something else in her eye and he could tell, Asta had been her nickname in school and Allison was after his mum.

"Beautiful." And he looked over at Snape who kissed him on the forehead and then everyone was standing around him.

"They definitely got Neville's hair." He heard Harry laugh, "Lucky girls."

"Snape with two girls…" Hermione looked like she couldn't believe it.

"Poor girls," Draco sniffed, "I'll have to come over every day to make sure they aren't playing in the mud and taking care of their hair."

"You will not." Snape looked at the blonde like he was an annoying bug.

Neville laughed as they all started talking and he stared down at his sleeping baby girls. He leaned over and kissed them both on the forehead and put them in a more solid position so that they wouldn't roll off of his legs and leaned back into the pillows. He felt a warm hand cover his and he smiled up at Snape.

"Oh Neville!" He looked over at Hermione who looked surprised at herself. "You're essay got published!"









Snape sighed before walking to the door of his classroom and opening it wide. Neville stood there holding up Allison while Asta giggled up at him from the ground. His lips smirked slightly as he picked her up off the ground and let them into the room.

Both girls had grown so much, it was almost their fourth birthday. Both of them looked more like the younger man in the room with their long curly sandy-colored hair but they also had his black eyes, he wondered if he ever held as much emotion in his eyes as they do now.

"Sorry, wanted to stop by since I was visiting Pomona." Snape smirked down at the younger man who leaned over and placed a kiss on his lips causing both girls to giggle.

"Never apologize for letting me spend more time with my family." The dark-haired man put his hands on birth girl's heads and messed with their hair causing them to laugh.

"Uncle Draco says girls shouldn't mess up their hair." Allison pouted and Snape looked at her smugly, so the blonde git was getting into his children's minds was he? He would have to tell the younger man to leave his daughters alone, which would be a bit hard since his old student taught at Hogwarts now.

"But Aunt Ron always has his hair all messed up!" Asta laughed and both girls started giggling again and Neville sighed looking at his two daughter.

"Both of you know that Ron doesn't like to be called a girl."

"We know." Allison covered her mouth with her small hands smiling widely.

"But Uncle Draco says we can." Asta wrapped her arms around Snape and he looked at her surprised, she usually wasn't as affectionate as Allison.

He liked to think she was taking after him but Augusta said the girl was her namesake so she was taking after her. He snorted at the memory and wrapped both his arms around the small girl.

"So what did Pomona want?" Severus looked at his husband who smiled and flushed. He was glad that the younger man never stopped doing that, he was easier to tease that way.

"Actually we talked about my book and that new breed of toltenweeds that I'm growing." Neville shrugged and Snape waited for him to finish, there was something else. The younger man blushed, "And she wanted to see if I'd be interested in teaching here in a couple of years."

"Advanced notice I'd say." Snape smirked waiting for the sandy-haired man to continue.

"Well I told her I didn't know, I mean I just got the greenhouse up in the backyard." Severus snorted remembering the memory of Potter, Malfoy, Weasley, Grang…Krum and Krum trying to help but the greenhouse together. It took them a lot longer than he thought it should take proper wizards. "And the ministry has wanted me to run some special classes with their Aurors on recognizing plants and what to do when you run into them."

If you had asked Snape ten years ago if Neville Longbottom would make it very far in life he would have snorted and then proceeded to poison their tea for asking him such a ridiculous question. It you had asked him six years ago he would have said as long as the teen stayed away from him he didn't care what path he took.

He smiled at the younger man and then noticed both girls were fast asleep on their shoulders, he smirked and placed a decent kiss on his lips.

"Do what you want."

"Oh Ron and Harry said that they might be late for the party." Neville was whispering now with a grin, they were going to celebrate the girl's birthday a little early so it was on a weekend. "Hermione said that they had something come up with the Auror but she'll be their early since her department can run itself now." The girl had created a magical creatures rights department of the Ministry and was fighting for the rights of everyone.

"Goody." Snape rolled his eyes.

"She said Krum could come after the Canon's end their practice. Apparently they want to make sure everyone on the team gets used to playing with him so they have extra practices." Neville gently moved Allison to his other shoulder.

"I don't see how you keep up with all of them." Snape drawled as he leaned against his desk.

"It's called having friends, you should try it." Neville sniffed playfully and he must have noticed that Snape was about to speak because he quickly added, "And Remus does not count because you actually have to enjoy each other's company at some point."

"Fine." The black haired man snorted. "But if I'm not his friend do I have to come to his wedding?" He had been trying to figure out ways around it but the younger man always seemed to be able to make him go to these events.

"Yes." Neville laughed softly before looking at the stack of papers on Severus' desk. "I'm going to put them to bed, don't stay here too long okay?"

"Always trying to get me in bed." Severus smirked as the younger man's face lit up bright red.

"You're my husband and even if you weren't, know that I would be." The sandy-haired man smirked impishly before gently waking the girl in his arms and she rubbed her eyes looking at him, he took Asta out of Snape's arms and shook her awake too. "C'mon girls you need to be awake to floo to the house."

"Can't we just sleep here?" Asta moaned grabbing her father's hand as they walked towards her other father's office. She looked over at the man in black and waved tiredly and smiled back. "Night Daddy!"

"Night Dad." Allison yawned not bothering to look back.

"Good night." Snape smirked as he watched them go and then looked at his paperwork; he sighed and started grading the third year's potions. He wanted to get it done early.

Because he knew that there was still someone at home who didn't like to sleep alone.


The End

So….did you like it? Haha I apologize if there were a lot of spelling or grammar mistakes in this one! Haha as I said at the top my Beta vanished~ But I hope everyone enjoyed this fic and will read my future writings!

Thank you