Ino Care

Disclaimer: Konoha, Ichiraku Ramen, and all characters © Masashi Kishimoto.

Mkay… Nothing really to say when I think about it, I guess I'm lazier after work, no? … Um… Okay! I've got something to say cause I can -. Why Kiba?

Well. Kiba was used in this story as a strategic choice, he has a lot to work with really, he's a lot like Ino when I think about it, I see him as pretty head strong and yeah he just works best as I see him as the sort of guy that would shoot for the stars… I'm trying not to give much away although in the first paragraph you'll understand his presence… but yeah… Kiba is just the sort of guy to you know… oh I give up. He's just the best choice for the story to be blunt '-'.

Purpleface14: Oh I blame you .' Believe it! XDD… Well… If you review this chapter, It's all I ask from you alert people (in this story) XD… But … Thanks for reviewing, I'm pretty lazy too as I've whinged about often XD…But it doesn't take long to put a small light in someone else's day ;;

Wonderwoman29: I'm glad you reviewed XD… Thanks a lot, and too bad this story is coming to an end, ne? XD… Glad you like the tension, learned of it in drama yet I don't even notice I'm using it XD… But thanks a lot for reviewing and enjoy the chapter

Lima: Don't make me backhand you woman! Ahem! Glad you liked it lima XDD… and its Shikaku woman! XD

Norwegian Dragon: My fanfics you don't usually worry about that (although…) ahem! But in the anime, I hope they do there ;;… I'm afraid mostly of the ShikaTema fans who shall spit on people who like ShikaIno… some are so nice yet some are as cruel as a bag of nails being shoved up your bott bott… well as to what I'd imagine it'd be cruel '-'. AHEM!! Thanks for reviewing Hope you like this chapter…

Sony89: Hehehe… Writing that was fun. Tension I've learnt a new word!! XD

Cookbook24: Hehe… I'd always imagine he would lock out his parents, yet his father worms his way in… Yoshino however just yells as far as I know; so yeah XD…. Thanks for reviewing (is rushing reviewing comments before internet goes down D:… again.)

Dark-Neko-Princess: Glad you liked it XDD…. And to put it bluntly Here's the next chapter may you enjoy it more! …

Tomboy14: Hehe Glad you liked it; cheer Shika on!! XD …… Ahem! Here's the next chapter!

HarunoSuzukilikesShikaIno: Well. To put it bluntly; you'll kinda find out now, but its his trademark sound sort of thing XD… I love his parents, they seem so awesome XD… Glad you liked the chapter… Heres the next one.

NinjaKana: D: Pink is awesome!! XDD… I keep forgetting the flu, maybe he's getting better? Or maybe his coughing is implied XDD Anyhoo! Chapter chapter is here!!!

Wings-Chan: XDD… Shikaku to the scene! I always seem to love interrupting things, so I had to insert that XDD…. Glad you liked the chapter, Wings-Chan ; Here's the next one

Here it is D, Enjoy!

Chapter 11: Just this Once…
The blonde haired flower of Konoha stood in front of Inuzaka Kiba, the cocky, head-strong Team 8 member, she had a smile on her face as she held back her laughter as he tried to impress her.

Kiba stood in front of Ino in a white singlet top and black pants he normally wore with his leather jacket and fishnet shirt, he was grinning and panting as he flexed his muscles in front of Ino.

The blonde eventually shook her head laughing at him and walking past him, telling him of her adventure to buy Yakatori and he nodded towards her, him and Akamaru then walking after her and joining her on her walk.

Ino smiled nodding as Kiba retold a story, in a way that glorified him no doubt. It was a ninja mission with himself, Shino and Hinata; a group of ninja were after them. He was the hero. The end.

"So what are you doing here, Kiba?" Ino asked glancing over to him as he grinned to her.
Kiba nodded a few times at Akamaru then grinning at her again. "Walking Akamaru, Right Akamaru?" He asked as Akamaru responded affectionately.

Shikamaru was still lying on his bed. If he was to like Ino… the problems that it could cause. The fact was, even if he was to approach her; she would make a big deal of it, everyone would know of it. And this made Ino Yamanaka one of the more troublesome teenage girls of Konoha.

But if he didn't get in now, and he did like Ino. Someone else could snatch her from right under his nose, and if what his dad said was true; Ino is supposedly hooked on him; or something like that.

The genius smirked at the irony. He was supposedly a genius, not exactly too intelligent… but a genius, a general genius; strategist. Yet in real life; with relationships, he was dumber then a loaf of bread.

Shikamaru let out a groan as he stretched out, then a sigh.
"Ino…Nara…" The dark haired shinobi whispered. It kinda creeped him out, the fact that Ino and Yoshino's names were so close… really… creepy.

Shikamaru sat up frowning. I'm not wanting to marry Ino… so why am I even jumping to that… Maybe me and Ino…Could… work… but… she's too troublesome… she just doesn't fit… but sometimes even the strangest strategies in Shogi work… so why not this…

It was then and there Shikamaru decided to stop thinking about it, and approach Ino. The way he froze up, the way she makes him blush, although she wasn't average looking; even Kiba Inuzuka was after her. Although her looks didn't really matter that much; it was just who Ino was.

Shikamaru walked out of his room, with a sigh and walked past the study where his Mother and Father stood a little startled, the two then grinning. They knew what they had said had set in.

The shinobi walked down the stairs and out the front door, heading to the closest restaurant that sold Yakatori. He walked slowly, thinking it over then shaking himself out of it.

It may be troublesome… but if this is how I feel, I suppose…I should give it a try…The old man seems happy, although whipped into shape by mum…

Shikamaru knew he wasn't far off now; just a turn into an alleyway and straight across from there was the restaurant. Ino would be in the restaurant or just heading back, he would have to intercept her.

Ino was walking back holding two bags filled with plastic cases with various foods, while Kiba chewed on a beef jerky, as did Akamaru.

"So where are you going now?" Ino asked as the two turned into the alleyway as they headed back to the Nara residence.

Kiba turned to Ino, the blonde stopping as she glanced over as he walked towards her.

"Huh? Kiba?" Ino asked confused.

Kiba pinned the blonde to a wall in the dark alleyway, a large garbage bin to her left and a pile of rubbish to her left.

"Fuck, you're hot…" Kiba whispered seductively into her ear, Ino stiffening as she stood shocked, she had done her share of flirting, but compared to Kiba, she was subtle.

Kiba's hot breath was felt on her ear as he slowly pulled his head back then pushing his hand through Ino's silky blonde hair, tracing the back of her ear before down to her back, he pulled her closer to him as he pushed his mouth onto hers, sliding his tongue into her mouth.

Ino stood staring straight ahead, the two bags dropping to the floor as he felt her butt, and sliding his hand slowly up her leg.

A shadow flared over the two, Ino's eyes glancing over to see the lazy chunin stare at the scene then turning back and quickly walking the other way.

"Shika…" Ino whispered into Kiba's mouth. The blonde finally pulled back shaking her head. "I really… can't…" She said avoiding his eyes; she bent down picking up her bags then giving him a death stare.

"Why must you be so bloody seductive, you ass!" Ino yelled at him.

"It's the Inuzaka touch" Kiba said raising his eyebrows at her with a smile before he turned walking in the direction of the restaurant again, the opposite way of where Shikamaru had been spotted.

"Oh yeah cause your mum and sister look so great…" Ino muttered under her breath as she growled, she was so annoyed with herself. She gave into Kiba Inuzuka… for just some booty call. Not cool. At all. And now she had to explain herself to Shikamaru.

"Shika!!" Ino yelled as she ran up to the lazy boy who glanced over his shoulder.

Shikamaru pushed his hands into his pockets and frowned. "Took your time with the food, we're starving" He spat.

Ino frowned glancing at the bags. "Shika, about back then… it wasn't… I mean… It was Kiba… not me…" She began explaining.

Shikamaru frowned. "Ino, I really could care less. We were hungry." He retorted shaking he walked straight ahead.

The blonde stopped suddenly glaring at the boy. "I will not have you judge me, Nara!" She yelled, pointing at him.

The Nara boy turned back to see her infuriated by his response, he sighed as he looked around with his dark brown eyes. "What did you expect, oh gosh Ino. You making out with a guy shocks and infuriates me?" He asked.

Ino stood strong, then nodding. "Something along those lines! Or is it too troublesome for you to care for me!" She yelled at him.

Shikamaru's cheeks went red. "Care for you, what the… Ino, where are you pulling this crap from?" He asked.

Ino shook her head. "You are my team mate, Shika! You have to like me somewhat, or care for me!" She continued her raging fit.

Shikamaru looked around seeing people watching the two. "Ino. People are watching. Let's go." He said continuing to walk home.

Ino frowned. "Is that your excuse, Shikamaru!? Avoiding the question, You say I'm troublesome! Do you even care for me and Choji! We are your team mates and friends and yet you never appreciate us! Get back here, Shikamaru!" She yelled running after him.

Yoshino gave her husband a look as the yelling of Ino was heard, Shikaku responded with a shrug before a small whimper as Yoshino walked over. "So much for a life lesson" She spat as the bickering two walked in the front door, seeing the two parents.

Shikamaru stared at the two for a moment then proceeding to walk upstairs, Ino on the other hand dropped all formalities continuing to yell at him following him.

"You are a lazy, self centered ass, Shikamaru Nara!" Ino yelled as she followed him into his room.

Shikamaru shut his door behind Ino and turned to her. "What the hell, Ino!?" He yelled at her.

Ino looked taken back by his outburst. "Don't you start yelling at me boy!" She yelled at him as she waved her hand at him dramatically.

Shikamaru frowned. "Why are you even yelling at me, troublesome woman?" He questioned. "It wasn't like I was making out with Kiba." He said frowning.

Ino stared at him for a moment. "Cause if you were that'd be hot…" She said softly.

Shikamaru's face deadpanned. "Troublesome… woman…"

Ino put her hands through her hair. "I can tell you are judging me, you were annoyed by what you saw."

Shikamaru slid his hand across his face. "This is too troublesome…"

The blonde frowned and shook her head. "It wasn't my choice, I couldn't just… I mean… Shika, I'm sorry…I mean… W-Why am I even explaining myself to you!?" She yelled.

The dark haired teen shrugged. "You don't want me to judge on a one sided event."

Ino sighed as Shikamaru coughed a few times. "Shika… I'm really sorry… I mean… I feel like a traitor…"

Shikamaru stared at her. "Why would you feel like that…?" He asked slowly.

Ino sighed. "I don't know… I guess I have f--"


The door swung open, standing a hungry Nara, he rushed in, took the bags out of Ino's hands and walked out, and the two stared a little blank as the door closed.

"Um…" Ino said softly.

Shikamaru turned away from the blonde and began t leave his room.

"Shikamaru… Shika" Ino called out softly. "I… felt like I had to explain… because… the past days… they've been… the most enjoyable time in my life… with you… I've always felt like I was not needed, and that you and Choji had began to surpass me, and I expected to be kicked off your team… and I really didn't want that to happen… We wouldn't be InoShikaCho then… Sure… I'm not exactly a stronger shinobi… but I feel closer to you… and that will help us in battle no doubt… I mean shinobi are to rid of their emotions… but really, I think we work better having a bond with eachother… and I really value you, Shikamaru… I don't feel close to Kiba however… at all…" Ino explained herself tears forming in her eyes as she spoke.

Shikamaru turned back to Ino and walked closer to her, he put his finger to her delicate skin and wiped away the tear. "You're always so dramatic." He said rolling his eyes.

Ino frowned. "You could have at least cared more!" She yelled.

Shikamaru smiled at her. "So you 'value' me, eh?" He teased.

Ino went red as she pushed him. "Don't take what I said and twist it to your sick fantasies, Shika!" She yelled.

Shikamaru was still smiling, although a battle was occurring inside him. If she does not value Kiba. And the old man was so convinced of Ino's feelings for him. And Shikamaru had feelings for her. Everything seemed set for his confession. But he couldn't find the words, he needed to tell her. It was the best, but he couldn't, he stood staring blankly at her.

"So did you like it?" Shikamaru asked as he frowned at Ino.

Ino stared at him a little confused. "W-What do you mean?" She asked.

"The Kiba thing…" Shikamaru stated strongly.

Ino frowned. "You perve! My gosh! That so isn't you business!" She yelled at him.

Shikamaru stared at her for a moment, the blonde giving in.

"I... I won't deny that Kiba is a good kisser… but… it felt wrong… I don't… have a bond with him… like the bond I share with you…" Ino explained as her face went red and deadpanned. "I d-didn't mean…"

Shikamaru stepped a few steps closer to her. "Ino. That bond… I've felt for you… for awhile…"

Ino's blue eyes widened as she stared at him, confused. Shikamaru had just confessed he had a crush on her, for long time. The blonde stood still as her thoughts swirled, voices going through her head. She had nearly said she had liked Shikamaru, although she didn't mean it. Although as she remembered the time they had together, she had enjoyed every second of her time with Shikamaru, the way they were together just made her happy. The way that she saw the genuine Shikamaru… she always felt left out when she was with Shikamaru; he talked to those who he had respected, Choji, Temari, and she always felt left out of their conversations, as if she didn't belong.

They saw the real Shikamaru and experienced it while Ino was watching it, as if it were a show. But the time she had spent with him showed the real Shikamaru, but it wasn't solely the real Shikamaru she enjoyed most, it was the way he called her troublesome… the way he loathed her choices, everything he did made her happy.

It was then, Ino realized that was the exact reason that she had came to his house today, she missed his presence around her and needed for him to be with her, she felt lonely… she needed him.

Ino smirked. "Now let's see, Shika…" she said softly as she stepped closer to him, the Nara stepping a few steps back; his face red as his leap of faith and confidence had disappeared.

Ino pinned him to the wall with a smirk as she edged closer. "Lets see if you are better then Kiba, no?" She said into his ear as she moved in smoothly and pushed her lips onto Shikamaru's, the Nara's eyes wide as she slid her tongue into his mouth; the Nara standing still, doing nothing.

Ino pulled back and frowned. "I guess your all talk, Shikamaru." She whispered.

Shikamaru frowned. He had said nothing, she merely assumed.

"He had the strength, and took initiative. And responded…" She teased hoping Shikamaru to catch on.

For the first time in the genius' life, he had finally reacted properly; granted a little slower then normal but he reacted none the less, he pulled Ino and pinned her to the wall; her smirk not fading as he pushed his lips onto Ino's, his tongue massaging hers as he slid his hands through her hair.

He pulled back slowly. "Can Inuzaka do that…" He whispered.

Ino's eyebrows narrowed her smirk still on her face. "I'm still no convinced, Shikamaru…"

Shikamaru pulled Ino towards him again, their passionate kiss beginning again, he pulled back after a minute, gasping. "You're…" he said as he pulled her back in. "So…"


Ino smiled as she held onto Shikamaru's hand. "Kiba can't do that. Happy Shikamaru" She whispered as they had finished, Shikamaru still pinning her to the wall.

The two heard a laugh as their eyes darted; the door had been open for how long they had no clue, but the two older Naras stood there with a grin.

Shikamaru jumped back, his cheeks bright red. "What the hell are you two doing!?" He yelled.

Shikaku pulled a small box from his pocket. "Finally. Now you'll need these one day, son" He said handing Shikamaru the box as Shikamaru and Ino's face went bright red.

"We just… Get out!" Shikamaru yelled closing the door on the two.

Shikamaru stared at the box.

Ino shook her head as she fell back onto Shikamaru's bed.

Shikamaru glanced over to Ino. "I'm never having sex under this roof."

Ino sat up glaring at him. "Well, you better find your own house soon, Shika. One day it might get to that, no?" She asked.

Shikamaru smiled coughing a few times.

Ino's eyes widened as she sniffled. "IF I GET YOUR FLU, I'M GOING TO KILL YOU NARA!!!" She yelled at him.

Shikamaru smirked as he fell onto his bed on top of Ino pinning her down. "Maybe they expect us to use this box now?"

Ino smirked. "Maybe, but if I get the flu. You won't even have the vital organs for it…"
Shikamaru read the box for a few moments. "S'pose we can't disappoint them?" He teased as Ino nodded.

The two had known each other for years, realizing their feelings made them realize how long they had waited for each other… they knew they would stay together, sex wasn't a big step. "But I thought you said under this roof…" Ino whispered into his ear as he removed his top.

"Just this once…"

The end XD

I really didn't want to end it with smex… that's so lemony but I think it fit… I wanted to make Ino more conservative… but I think with Shika; the two would wait for Shikamaru if anything….He's gonna be coughing a lot now… No? XD…

But this is the end of the story… '-'. Maybe I'll do like another chapter as an closing chapter sort of thing; like not a real chapter but where it headed from there and everything; although it's not really vital to the story… So maybe.. Maybe not.

But I really didn't think it would end on this chapter, but I guess if it fits… then… go with it XD…

I'll have to do a closing chapter sort of thing just to finish the story, wrap up all the flu ends and that… but it wont be that big a chapter.

Anyways, I hope all you that were reading enjoyed this fanfic and keep an eye out for my new ShikaIno fanfic that'll be up within the next few days, more of an angsty story… 'cause I want to do an attempt at an angsty story.

Anyways, just a question… Do you think it wound up too quick in a bad way ;;… Review please XD…

