AN: Thanks to my reviewers! Absolute legends!


It was only about twenty minutes later that Severus found himself in his rooms, which now appeared considerably smaller since there was an extra bed, and sitting behind his desk marking various parchments of work. He resented the fact that he was the only one who could keep Harry consoled, but it also worried him greatly. He had a sneaking suspicion that it was of his cause that Harry was in his present state.

It seemed that as long as he was near enough to Harry, not necessarily touching him, he would remain calm and sleeping. Severus was grateful for that, as he didn't want to spend every waking hour sitting there and holding his hand. He desperately longed for a bath, so he began thinking of ways he could do so while not disturbing Harry.

He had first thought that he could simply leave the door open, but upon trying that it seemed the distance between them was too vast. Next he thought of propping him up in a chair next to the bath, but he realised that he didn't quite fancy the idea of taking a bath with Harry Potter sitting there, liable to awake at any given moment. Severus finally came to the conclusion that he would administer a stronger drought of sleeping potion.

And it seemed to work. Just as a precaution though he kept the door open. He was able to enjoy his bath, and returned fresh with dripping turrets of black around his face. He figured Harry must have been feeling pretty grotty, and cast a cleaning spell on him, conjured up fresh Pyjama's and rid him of the appalling gown. Feeling somewhat maternal, Snape retrieved a warm face cloth and bathed his face. Harry smiled and actually leaned into the touch, despite the fact he had been given a heavy dosage of sleeping potion.

It was late in the afternoon, and Severus had just finished all his impending work. He had yet to hear of any word from Albus or anyone, but didn't think much of it as he summoned a House-elf to bring him up some supper.

Minutes later the Elf popped into existence bearing a tray full of the usual foods served at supper. "Where would sir like Ruby to put it?"

"Over here will be fine, thankyou." He pointed to a spare corner of his desk. Ruby the House-elf nodded and placed the tray where he asked and then disappeared again with a pop.

Severus packed away all his grading work and pulled the tray forward. He cast a glance at Harry who appeared to be sleeping peacefully. He shrugged and started on his meal.

He was just raising the first forkful to his mouth when a groan halted his movements. Severus looked over to see Harry waking up, his hair looking extremely dishevelled. He put the fork down, stood up and made his way over to him.

"You're not supposed to be awake."

Harry looked at him confused. "Where am I?" He yawned loudly.

"My rooms. Where else? It seems you've attached yourself to me. Would you care to tell me the reasoning behind this? If it's to get back at me for some reason or another...

"What? No way! What are you talking about? Attached myself to you?"

"Do you not remember last night? You literally pleaded with me to stay by your side, to talk to you until the sun breached the horizon."

"Oh and I bet you're loving that aren't you?" Harry grew angry. "I bet you get your kicks out of humiliating people who are in a weaker state than your present self. I suppose all your slimy Slytherin's know how weak Harry Potter is by now, eh?"

Snape was about to retort, but he just didn't have the energy to fight with him at the moment. "Yes Mr. Potter. My life is so pointless that I spend my time thinking of ways to humiliate you." He said with heavy sarcasm and Harry couldn't help but laugh. "What?"

Harry erupted into more laughter. "All these years I thought you were one of the most intimidating people I knew. But now, now I just realised that most of the time... you're actually pretty funny!"

"I think I'll go call Poppy, you seem to be delusional." Snape moved towards the fireplace.

"See! There you go again! What happened to you, Professor?" Harry grinned at him.

"I don't know what you're talking about Mr. Potter. I think I would be able to ask you the same question with just as much wonder, although I don't see why you'd care." Snape stood still, surveying Harry for a moment.

"Maybe I'm just seeing you in a different light? I don't know... actually... I think I am." He sat there in thought.

"And what could you possibly see in a different light?" Snape was growing more worried with Harry; he was starting to suspect he was going insane.

"I don't really know... it's kind of hard to explain. But I'll have a go. " He took a breath. "Well, I used to see you as a looming figure. Something dark and sinister even. I dreaded Potions and whatever insults would be thrown my way. Believe it or not, your belittling of me did actually hurt my feelings, as much as I hate to admit it to you." He sighed and looked down at the blankets wrapped warmly around him. He noticed his pyjamas. "What're these?"

"I decided that the gown Pomfrey had you in was not suitable."

"Oh... Ok. Thanks. Anyway... But you know what? When I look at you just now, I don't see that tall, dark and evil man anymore. I see just an ordinary Wizard. Just another man. Not some evil creature that would want to murder me in my sleep. No, I'm lying. I don't see an ordinary wizard. I see Professor Snape... Damn it, I'm confused now. Tell me, what drugs do you have me on? My head is spinning." Harry clutched his head. "Oh wait, that might be because I'm not wearing my glasses." He chuckled and looked around for them. "Oh... do you know where they are?"

Snape was now bewildered. Harry was definitely insane. Or something of the sort. "I presume they are still in the infirmary. You stay here while I go and get them." He turned and headed for the door, which appeared to be an ordinary wall. Before he could even mutter the password, he heard the padding of bare feet on the floor. "I thought I told you to stay..." But he stopped when he felt arms wind themselves around him and a body pressing up against his back. "What are you...?"

"No, don't leave me..." Harry pleaded, burying his face into Snape's back. Snape spun around.

"What the ruddy hell is wrong with you? I'm beginning to suspect you're the one who's formulating some cheap ploy to get on my nerves! Let go of me now!" He roared.

Harry pulled back and looked up at him. "I... I... I don't know. But trust me when I say this isn't planned! Why would I want to do something like this? Tell me that!" Harry felt his eyes stinging, but there was no way he'd let himself cry in front of Snape of all people.

"Okay, I believe you." He said after a moment, studying Harry intently. "You'll have to come with me then." Snape couldn't help but smirk at the incredulous look on Harry's face.

"No I... I don't want to see anyone. Do uh... Ron and Hermione know where I am?"

"Well they knew you were in the infirmary..." Harry cut him off.

"Shit... do they know what... what happened? Oh sorry Professor, excuse the language." Harry said politely. Snape raised a dark eyebrow.

I'll have to make note of the difference's to his personality. I'm quite surprised this is actually the Harry Potter everyone knows, I would expect him to be loosing his temper by now and definitely not be worried about the amount of respect he shows to me. Snape thought to himself.

"I'm not going to be like some and tell you only half the truth, so here it is: Yes they know, everything. But, just so you know, they did visit you every night and spend as much of the day with you as they could between classes." Snape rolled his eyes.

Harry stayed silent.

"Well if you're not coming, I'll call Pomfrey and tell her to go look. Guess it saves me a trip on your behalf."

Snape walked over to the fireplace, followed closely by Harry. In a matter of moments he had contacted her and she was stepping through the hearth, Harry's glasses firmly in her podgy clutches.

"How're you feeling Harry?" She asked kindly, a little surprised to see he was awake. She gave Snape a questioning look, but he just shrugged.

"A little dizzy from not wearing my glasses, but other than that I feel perfectly fine." He smiled happily, taking a step closer to Snape. Pomfrey raised her eyebrows.

"You know Harry, Severus here was the only one who could calm you in your sleep. Were you aware of that?"

Harry nodded. "Yeah, Professor Snape told me. Actually... it's really strange. I can't seem to get too far away from him without out this feeling of panic rushing over me." He frowned in unison with Pomfrey.

"I see. Severus, you should have told Albus and I about this. And speaking of which, we have yet to find anything of any significance. But, I think it's best that Harry rests today. Tomorrow we shall investigate things further." She turned back to Harry. "Are you comfortable staying down here?"

"Yes. I would definitely prefer staying here than being in the infirmary... er, no offence!" Pomfrey nodded. She was quite used to Harry's antics, from having him in the infirmary so often, and thought nothing of the comment.

After she had left, both Harry and Severus stayed silent. Harry moved back to his bed, and sat on it crossed legged.

"Um, Professor?"

Snape looked up from his desk and raised his eyebrows, awaiting Harry's question.

"Well... I noticed that you somehow got food delivered," He motioned towards the tray of now cold food. "And I was wondering... well, I'm hungry."

"What do you want me to do about it? Just because you're staying down here doesn't automatically make me your servant."

"Oh I know that. But is it possible to get food sent down here?" Harry asked, growing a little frustrated with Snape's lack of good response.


Harry groaned. "Well is it possible to get some more? Since you didn't eat, surely you must be hungry too?"

After a few more minutes of pointless bickering, Ruby the House-elf was finally called back and Snape ordered more food while Harry sat back with a pleased smile on his face.

After they had eaten and everything had been cleaned up, Snape announced he was going to bed and that Harry better not make one noise to wake him or else he wont ever live to see the light of day again. Harry chuckled at this, but yawned in agreement.

Harry had already gotten back in his bed and had rolled onto his side to sleep. He was only half awake when suddenly he bolted upright, propelled by an unknown force to himself, and before he knew what was happening his feet were on the ground and he was following Snape.

Once again Harry found himself attached to Snape's back.

"Potter!" He roared, grabbing Harry by the shoulders and forcefully removing him from around his torso. "Don't tell me I can't even go to the bathroom without you by my side!"

Harry looked like he was about to burst into tears again. "So... Sorry... I swear it wasn't me! I didn't move! I was nearly asleep! Can you let go of my shoulders now, your hurting me..."

Snape pushed him away. "Do you think you can at least give me a moment?"

Harry nodded.


The door to the bathroom shut and Harry leaned against the cool stone of it. He slid down till he was sitting with his knees to his chest and his arms wrapped protectively round them. A great feeling of sadness washed over him, and Harry didn't realise he was unconsciously unwrapping his bandages.

Once the bandages were piled on the floor, Harry began scratching at his still unhealed wounds. He was oblivious to the fact there was now a steady trickle of blood running down his palm as he continued to sit there with his eyes shut.

A few more minutes later the door behind him rolled open and Harry fell backwards into Snape's shins.

"What have I told you..." But he halted his words when Harry hadn't moved, only to pull himself into the foetal position and start sobbing. Snape felt a pang of guilt run through him, and he felt the sudden, most unwanted, need to comfort Harry.

He knelt down beside him.

"Potter?" He put his hand on Harry's shoulder. Harry didn't even flinch. "Harry...?" He watched helplessly as Harry lie shaking at his feet. He began to panic slightly for a moment, as Severus had never really been subjected to anything like this before... Sure he had made students cry, but never in this way.

"I...I'm s... sorry! You m... must hate me more n... now!" Harry muttered though the silent sobs that were racking through his body.

This completely baffled Snape. Never had he imaged Harry Potter actually crying in front of him. He knew, as much as he hated to admit it, that this was something that Harry would never let himself do. He knew now that there was definitely something not right. But, there was nothing that could be done till the sun dawned the morrow.

"No, I don't hate you." He said in a light voice for him that sounded completely alien. It seemed to calm Harry though.


Snape nodded, but then realised Harry wasn't looking at him. "Of course. Come-on, lets get you to bed." When Harry didn't budge, Snape put his hands under his armpits and lifted him. He didn't realise just how heavy Harry was, but it was inevitable since he was now nearly as tall as Snape himself, and far from being one of the shortest. It was now that he felt and saw the hot blood and the bandages lying uselessly on the floor.

But Snape didn't bother saying anything. Instead he used the bandaging spell to fix up Harry, and a diminishing spell to get rid of the used ones. Once he had Harry on his feet, as he was definitely not going to carry him, Snape put his arm around Harry's shoulders and he felt Harry's own arm around his waist.

Harry pulled him in close. Snape could feel him up against him, feel the shift of his muscles as he moved, almost see the heat radiating off of his body. He shuddered involuntarily.

They had reached Harry's bed but the boy-who-lived had yet to open his eyes. Instead he chose to stand, and rest his head up against Snape's shoulder.

Harry sighed.

"Are you capable of getting in yourself?"

Harry just grumbled.

"If you don't answer me properly I'll just let you go and leave you here." He warned, he himself being exceptionally tired.

"Hmm.. " Harry nodded vaguely, as if here were already asleep.

Snape pushed Harry off him and on to his bed. Once Harry had lain down and was covered, his eyes still closed, Snape retreated over to his own luxurious suite. Soon he too was in the warm layers and he was on the verge of sleep taking him any moment.

But a rustling noise brought him back to the current reality. He turned over, as if to block the sound, and tried to find the path back to sleep. But it became more persistent and was soon being accompanied by moans.

Snape growled out loud and sat up in bed. In the dark he could see Harry tossing and turning, obviously in distress.

Bloody nuisance.

He kicked the covers off of himself and walked over to Harry. As soon as Snape had made some bodily contact with him he was fine. But upon returning to bed, the exact same thing happened. Again, and again.

By this time Snape was fuming. There was no way he was going to miss another night of sleep just because Harry Potter had some weird infatuation with him... that may have been caused by him in the first place.

Snape shrugged and tried to wake Harry. He shook him, but with no success. "Potter..." He shook him again but got nothing. Snape took deep breath, hoped to Merlin no one would hear (that was doubtful as the stone was extra thick in the dungeon walls (to block out the screaming)) and shouted.

"Harry Potter!"

Immediately Harry's eyes shot open and he bolted upright. It was like seeing a deer caught in headlights, as Harry frantically sought to get his bearings straight.

"What did you do that for? You could have given me a heart attack!" Harry said, holding his chest.

"Yes well at least then I'd be able to get some sleep. Do you have any idea what sort of racket you're making? It only seems to stop when I touch you, you know... do tell me, what exactly have you got planned in that head of yours?" Snape asked in a suspicious voice.

Harry looked momentarily shocked. "I didn't realise I was making all that noise Sir, but as I said... I just feel so calm when you're near me or touch me." Harry raised his uninjured hand and touched Snape's.

Snape looked down at him confusedly. "Well we need a solution. I need to sleep, and in order for me to sleep I need you to stay still. You say that the only way you will is if I'm near you and/or touching you. Arg, I'm never going to get any sleep at this rate..." He rubbed his hands over his tired eyes.

"Hop in, I don't mind." The suggestion threw Snape completely off balance.

"What? In there? With you? Forget it. If it had to come down to that, you'd be sleeping in my bed!"

"Okay." And Snape watched wide-eyed as Harry got up from his bed and padded over to Snape's very own. "Err... which side do you prefer?"

If it were possible, there would have been a steady stream of steam erupting from Severus' ears. "What do you mean what side do I prefer? Surely you're not serious!"

"Sir, you should know me well enough by now to know that I'm not joking." Harry said, a little disappointedly.

"Well, I prefer the whole bed. So looks like you'll be sleeping in your own, as you should be! I have every right to just throw you out of here and send you back up to the infirmary."

"No! I'm sorry!" Harry visibly tensed up. "Oh and, I don't see how you'd need the whole bed... by no means are you that big! In fact, " Harry continued, narrowing his eyes in the dark. "You're looking a little thinner than usual..."

"What is it of your concern? And the only reason I look thinner is because I'm not wearing layers of robes like I do to classes. This is how I always look, not that it should matter to you, and you still look like you need a few good meals yourself."

Harry laughed. "Oh no, I've always looked like this. The only exception now is I have muscles! See." Harry lifted his shirt, grinning, and clenched his tight, but not too tight, abs. "All thanks to Quidditch."

Severus rolled his eyes, using that as a distraction from looking at that nice stomach. Thankfully for him Harry had replaced his shirt by the time he looked at him again.

"You didn't answer my question." Harry persisted.

"I did. And what you asked is irrelevant. By no means are you sleeping in my bed." To prove his point, Severus walked over to Harry and stood behind him. Just as Harry was about to turn around he felt two strong hands on his back, pushing him back towards his own bed. The touch was nice...

Once Harry was back in his own bed, and Severus in his, the Potions Professor turned over to go to sleep. That was when it started again.

First the rustling, then the moans.

Severus snorted heavily and angrily, and threw the blankets off him with such a force that he propelled them completely off his bed. He got up out of bed and stalked over to Harry's. He did what he had done to his own blankets, wrenching them off of Harry completely. He then lent over, put one arm under his shoulders and the other under his knees and picked him completely up off the bed.

Harry had finally awoken. "What... Huh?" He asked blearily, but woke up completely when he was thrown onto Severus' bed and bounced a couple of times.

"Just lie down and shut up!" Came the furious voice of the Potions Professor. Harry smiled contently in the dark and did as he was told, while Severus threw the blankets over him and got in himself. "Just one warning... if this doesn't shut you up... I have a potion what definitely will! For good!"

Harry watched as Snape turned over so that his back was facing Harry. Harry couldn't help but sigh a little dejectedly. He stayed on his back, as he actually liked sleeping this way. He noted that Snape's bed was indeed comfortable, not too hard but not too soft.

But Harry couldn't sleep.

He was just happy to lie there, and listen to Snape's breathing. It wasn't yet even so that was an indication that the man was clearly still awake.

"I'm sorry..." Harry whispered, almost to himself. But it sounded to him like the sound echoed of each of the walls, raising a few octaves once it had come from his mouth even though it had only been a whisper.

"I thought I told you to shut up." Came a muffled voice, all deep and husky.

Harry shuddered, but stayed silent. Harry lay awake for a few more minutes, how many he didn't know. Soon though, he heard Snape's breaths even out and deepen stating that he had finally been granted his wish of sleep.

Harry began to shiver. He pulled the blankets up closer around him, but it was still cold. He was almost tempted to snuggle up against Snape, but that would never do.

Finally, after what seemed like hours, Harry felt himself falling into a light sleep.

Snape awoke when he felt tugging on his blankets. This was something foreign for him, as it had been a good few years since he had shared a bed with anyone an entire night. His top lip curled in malice when he remembered why there was someone else in his bed.

He was about curse the boy-who-lived out loud when he saw that Harry was visibly shaking. He reached out a hand and touched his cheek; it was icy. Frowning, Severus conjured up a blanket and put it over the sleeping body. He watched for a few moments, but noticed it seemed to have no effect whatsoever. So he conjured up another one. But still nothing. Severus knew he couldn't leave him cold like that, and it seemed there was only one more thing to do and that was to use his own body heat.

Severus only hoped that Harry wouldn't awake in the morning and have a heart attack at being cuddled by his Potions Professor. He scooted over and lay himself down beside Harry, who now had his back turned to him and was curled up in the foetal position. He wrapped an arm around him carefully, as not to wake him, and pulled him close.

He could feel the coldness practically sinking into his own skin, never had Severus ever known anyone to be so cold. But what astounded him the most, was the fact that after only a few moments of his touch, Harry almost automatically warmed up. In a matter of no time, Severus was warm beyond belief and barely noticed that he and Harry had changed positions.

Now, Harry had turned over in his sleep and was half on top of Severus. He had his head rested on the older mans shoulder, who had his arms around him. As Harry was lying on his stomach, he had one leg splayed out and laid in-between Severus'.

Half in dream and half out of, Severus unconsciously toyed with the hem of Harry's bed shirt, and was still oblivious as his hand breached it and ran across the naked small of Harry's back.

It was like this the two finally both fell into deep, pleasant sleeps.