Author has written 5 stories for Harry Potter, and Dragon Ball Z. As you can see, I don't have many stories up since... well, I'm mostly a NC-17 writer! I can't help it! I always get too graphic. I've been kicked off here a couple of times already, so now I've decided to follow the rules and edit my fics. You can find all my un-edited fics at the silversnitch. Ok... info about me. I've been deprived of fanfiction reading for NINE months. Shocking. Almost died. But I was volunteer working in Malaysia, then travelling South-east Asia (Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos & Indonesia) and didn't get a chance to read. I didn't exactly like the idea of reading fics on an internet cafe, only to realise that someone could read english and realise I was reading smut--not a good idea, considering in most Asian countries anything even remotely pornographic is illegial. Oops? I adore Harry and Snape together. Just love it. Can tolerate Harry/Remus as well, and even Harry/Sirius. Despise Ron/Hermione, and Sirius/Remus. Sometimes, if I'm in the mood, I like Harry/Ron slash too_ Oh and... 'THIS IS FOR PORTKEY'! CHEERS! ;) |