Author has written 32 stories for Naruto, Fullmetal Alchemist, Eyeshield 21, Scrubs, Harry Potter, Bleach, Ōkiku Furikabutte/Big Windup!/おおきく振りかぶって, Star Trek: 2009, and Avatar: Last Airbender. This is the Almighty Pinecone~ Update 2020: I have an account with AO3 that I prefer and plan to continue writing on. I am going to leave all these stories up but there are updates below for the stories that I have abandoned. If you would like to stay up to date with the things I'm working or are currently into - please follow up there. My author name is theARTboss. Thank you so much for reading my stories, I hope you enjoy them! STORIES THAT WILL PROBABLY NEVER BE FINSIHED (just because I'm no longer really in the fandom) Trouble in Paradise- I don't know if I'll ever come back to this story. A Good Bad Idea- I would love to come back to this story one day but I'm not sure I will. Tsukuru Mono To Kowasu Mono - RoyEd, HavocFuery. FMA fic. A tad dark but I really wanted to do something with Havoc and Fuery. Involves noncon and kidnapping but its not to meant to be that long of a story so hopefully I will finish it soon. Time Space conwhat?- SasuNaru, AsuShika, KakaIru, OroJira are the pairings because well all those people are currently stuck together. It's about what would happen if something messed up time wise and Naruto(with team) find themselves in Konoha...before there was Konoha. This also happens to young Kakashi (with team) and you Jiraiya and Oro. Homework- SasuNaru, KakaIru, AsuShika, KankKiba. There will probably be random pairings in this but this will be the main ones. It's the school fic i have always wanted to do but never typed, i'm finally writing it haha. Have a nice and dandy day~ |