Author has written 6 stories for Naruto. Allrighty, it’s been a while and we decided we need to update this. There are still two of us here writing stories, but we have better names now. We are now Tater-chan, a.k.a. the one who knows how to spell…And Tegie-chan, the one who can’t spell to save her life. Tegie-chan- Yes, people, feel very grateful to Tater-chan for her ability to actually know what I’m trying to write. Tater-chan- It took many a year to learn… Many, many years… Tegie-chan- …I spell horribly there is no getting around it. But I have other talents! Haha! Tater-chan- Yes, go and check out Tegie-chans deviantART site. Lots of pretty SasuNaru or NaruSasu…whatever it’s all drool worthy. Tegie-chan- I do other stuff too…Here, go see the other stuff I do Anyway as you can all tell we are very big Naruto fans. Big SasuNaru or NaruSasu fans. And all in all just big anime fans Tater Chan: And Tegie-Chan is not opposed to some shameless advertising of her art…me, I’m not so good. If you want to check it out go to http:/// but I wouldn’t recommend it…’ I am trying to learn though so please be kind ~bows~ |