(AN: Here is Chapter 17 and it is the last chapter for this story. But don't you fret. There is a second part that I've been working on. I will post that soon hopefully if everything goes well around here. So here it is I hope you enjoy this and tell me what you think of it. And thanking you for reading this story.)

Elliot shot up on the bed, the smell of sandalwood still lingering in his nose.

"No, that can't be him," he shook his head even if he knew the truth. The smell was unmistakable and the eyes had the same smiling look to them even though they were silver.

"George," he said softly before he growled.

"That bastard's dead."


George opened his eyes and growled softly. His head ached and he was cold.

'George.' The growled that sounded in his head made him jump.

'Elliot. What's wrong?' The anger he felt from Elliot took a hold of him and growled also.

'He bit you didn't he?' George's eyes widened.

'I don't know what you're talking about.'

'You're lying. You're a werewolf just like me.'


The connection was cut and George could feel the coldness creep back. It hurt but it was his reality. He also knew that Elliot was still having a hard time excepting Aniel so this was just another added problem.

'Why is he so angry?' George sighed as Sirion asked the question.

'It's something he hoped would never happen to me. He never told me directly but I knew when he wanted me to lock him in his room the first time. He was afraid of biting me.'

George sighed again and stood. He felt stiff and grimy from the blood and dirt. This small space was getting to him and the smell of blood was over whelming.

He wondered what Elliot did to keep from having things overwhelm his senses. Dark eye's find a bowl and a cup on the floor. The doctor walked to it and picked up the cup and sniffed at it.


'Drink it. It's fine.' George sat down and started to drink. It was cool and it was a welcome relief to his dry throat. He finished the water and placed the cup down.

His eyes scanned over the bowl suspiciously and picked it up. He sniffed at it.

'You're going to have to eat it.' George looked at the gray sludge and frowned. He picked the spoon up and ate some.

"That is awful," he said as he spit it out.

'You still have to eat.'

George took another spoonful and he put it in his mouth. His gag reflex kicked in but he swallowed anyway. He ate a couple more spoonfuls but quickly put the bowl down.

He felt nauseous and he leaned back against the wall. He was tried again and now his stomach was churning. He closed his eyes and he could feel Sirion pull him back to sleep.


"Wake up."

George opened his eyes and looked up. It was the last person he wanted to see.

"I see you drank up your water but hardly touched your food." George just stared at Spelling. Spelling kneeled down in front of him. George turned his head away.

"So how is my pup?" George cringed at the name.

"So you're not going to speak. I'm fine with that." He shivered as a hand stroked his cheek.

Something in George broke and his eyes turned sliver and he spit in Spelling's face. The growl echoed through the cell and Spelling chuckled and slapped the doctor.

George's head snapped back to face the man, the smack not phasing him.

"You're defiant. I like that. You have new clothes and there's a bucket of water and soap." George snarled at him but he didn't move. Spelling laughed.

"If you're good, I'll put you in better," Spelling paused and looked around. "Housing."

George relaxed as the door closed and his eyes cleared. The last trace of silver left his dark brown eyes as he stood.

"What the hell?"

'I'm sorry. I was upset by him touching you.' George sighed as he licked the blood for his lip.

'Next time try to not be angered so easily.'

'Don't worry it'll heal and I'll try.' George looked at the bucket of water and then smiled.

'You don't have to try very hard though.' Sirion chuckled.

He pulled off his shirt and struggled to get his pants off. A cold chill went through him once he was completely naked.

He picked up the bar of soap and dipped it in the water. The water was warm and it surprised him. He soaped down thoroughly and quickly.

The bar of soap was turning brown from all the dirt. He dipped it again and continues to soap again. The soap didn't smell like anything but he kept smelling sea salt.

He looked around and saw a pile of clothes. He picked up the bucket and poured a little water over his head to wash off the soap. He did it again to make sure all the soap was gone.

His teeth chattered as he walked towards the clothes. There was a towel on top of the clothes. He grabbed it and quickly wrapped himself in it.

The first thing he noticed about the clothes was that they weren't his. He inhaled and then sighed at the smell of sea salt.

They were Elliot's.

"He must have grabbed the wrong set of clothes," he mumbled to himself. He was grateful though.

Discarding the towel, he grabbed the sweatshirt and pulled it on. It was baggy but it was very warm. He cringed when he picked up the sweatpants.

He had no underwear but there was nothing he could do about that. He slipped on the sweatpants and tied the draw string. They were long but they would have to do.

The smell was calming and it relaxed him. He sat down and closed his eyes.

'Sleep would be good for you.' George nodded his head and let Sirion pull him into sleep.


Elliot punched the locker and sighed. He was tired and he hadn't slept for about a week. Aniel was very close to taking him over and making him go to sleep.

'I suggest that you sleep, human. This is no good for your health.' Elliot hit the locker again.

'He bit him. This shouldn't be happening. No one can touch him but me and I would have never have done that to him. Spelling is dead.' Aniel growled.

'You think I don't know that. You can't help our mate like this, human. Rest is the key to a clear head. If you can't do it on your own, I will help.' Elliot sat on the bed and sighed.

'How? I can't sleep.'

'Trust me.' Elliot nodded his head and lay down. He closed his eyes and felt Aniel pulling him down. He was suddenly tired and he falling. Everything went completely dark and he was out.


Sirion looked around the bright room that he was pulled into. He narrowed his eyes and saw someone else sitting in a chair.

"Who are you and why I'm here?"

"You're my mate's wolf," the gruff voice said. Sirion watched as the other man got up.

"The name's Aniel," he said as he gave lecherous grin taking in Sirion's appearance.

"Sirion." Sirion backed up a little as Aniel approached but he seemed to be drawn to the taller man.

"You look like him too," Aniel said as he stroked Sirion's cheek. Sirion grabbed the hand and Gold eyes locked with silver ones.

"I'm guessing you look like your human too." Aniel nodded and pressed his lips against Sirion's. Sirion kissed back eagerly.

"We're here because we have to find you. This is the only connection that we have that will help us find you two. You're going to have to help me." Sirion nodded and then looked away.

"How was it made?"

"Out of desperation. Trust me when I say that my human is not taking this forced separation well. I know your human is keeping a more level head. Mine is read y to murder." Sirion felt himself being pulled closer to Aniel.

"When will you find us?" Aniel shrugged.

"It won't be fast. This isn't a very strong connection. I have to leave soon. We'll find you though." Aniel kissed Sirion again and then pulled away.

"See you soon. I want updates. Don't worry about finding me. I'll find you." Sirion smirked and his elongated canines showed.

"I'll keep him safe. Don't worry," he said as he pulled away. Aneil nodded and gave him a grin as the room faded.

Sirion could feel himself being pulled back to George who was still asleep.

'They're going to find us.'

Aniel smiled tiredly. The connection drained his energy and Elliot's but luckily the human was still asleep.

'We're going to find them.'