Author has written 26 stories for Kingdom Hearts, Fullmetal Alchemist, Tales of Symphonia, Death Note, Invader Zim, Star Trek: 2009, Pandora Hearts, Code Geass, Tales of the Abyss, No. 6, World Ends With You, Misc. Anime/Manga, Eternal Sonata, Professor Layton, and Tales of Vesperia. 2016 Update Hola. So. I've basically abandoned this site, but I will be keeping the stories up on here until I rework each one of them and upload them to my new site over at AO3: my name there is luzrovrulay . I can't imagine all of the stories here will be transferring to my new account, but yeah. I'll be keeping this up moving forward, but won't be active on it. |
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