Reviews for Day by Day
Guest chapter 1 . 1/25/2018

*gives Luke a big huggle*
Mudkip chapter 5 . 8/7/2017
Oh my, this is delightful in every way! That ending is beautiful.
Monica Jasmine chapter 5 . 4/11/2016
Wow. That was really great. I liked this last scene especially. I even teared up a little. Beautifully done. I do think it's a bit unfortunate that we never got to learn the reason for Luke's mom abandoning him though, as you have written it in a way that shows that Mr. Layton sympathized with her point of view to the degree that he actually let her give Luke up (by not seeking her out), and yet the readers aren't given the opportunity to learn those reasons and are merely expected to agree with Mr. Layton's conclusion, sight unseen. The reason would have had to have been quite something for Mr. Layton to have simply read about it and have decided with such finality not to pursue it, and yet we have no idea what it was.

We also don't really know how Luke reacted to the reason either (though it seems like he must've agreed with, or resigned himself to the validity of the reason), and knowing about that in more detail could've added additional depth to the characters and story. Truthfully, I have difficulty believing that there 'could' really be a reason justifiable enough in Mr. Layton's mind, especially considering how he was adopted himself. I would think that having gone through all he'd gone through, and knowing that this woman really loved her son and was just giving him up because of certain circumstances would drive him to search for her and help her resolve things so she 'could' keep Luke... and even if Mr. Layton found these circumstances weren't entirely resolvable, he might've arranged it so she didn't have to break all contact with her son, and Mr. Layton could've looked after Luke (because she was unable to) permitting the mother to visit from time to time.

Nevertheless, I did enjoy this. It was well-written, engaging, and it portrayed a variety of emotions quite effectively. Thank you very much for the read. :)
Monica Jasmine chapter 1 . 4/11/2016
Oh. I didn't realize that's who the baby was. This first chapter was pretty well done. :)
Children of Light chapter 5 . 1/2/2014
Aww! So cute!
German-Girl chapter 5 . 7/19/2012
You are the most amazing writer on earth ! Your way of writing is incredible and so emotional.
And I just wanted to let you know... that you've a lot of fans in Germany :D
Eggy-Monster chapter 1 . 6/5/2012

I love your stories! You should join level 5 my friend!

I would play everyone of your games.

The Phantomess of the Opera chapter 5 . 4/3/2012
so sweet! why do i love this so much? there is no yaoi! why?
SyberiaWinx chapter 5 . 1/21/2012
That was so beautiful.;-; Layton's line about what father would not love his son was the best. Did you base this on something? You mentioned an "original" earlier. And was "Did you love me?" the question looked wanted to ask his mother?
ClivexME OF COURSE XD chapter 5 . 1/10/2012
This was simply beautiful! I love how it's written, how you weaves the words perfectly, how the characters express themselves so, so... Well, I can't exactly find the words, but go figure when you've red the most AWESOME FATHER/SON STORY EVAH!

Love it. Thank you so much for writing this and bringing a beautiful story to life.
Argen-Lobo-Ridder chapter 5 . 12/9/2011
This is a beautiful story!
Gatita101 chapter 5 . 10/18/2011
This was the most beautiful peice of Father/Son I have seen. I loved it all. You drew me in and I would have cried, if it wasn't for the fact i'm in school and combusting into tears in the middle of class would be weird.

I hope to write something sentimentil to this calibur soon. Thanks for the great read. A definate fave!

~The Little Catgirl
SuddenPsychosis chapter 5 . 9/13/2011
That was touching. The awkwardness and the journey was described quite well. Love your writing style.

"What father…doesn't love his son?"

Awww. :3
Took-Baggins chapter 5 . 2/18/2011
That...was AMAZING. I loved every word of this fic! You, my friend, are a wonderful writer and I thank you for giving us such a well-written fic. Oh, and this last chapter...I squeed and I awed and I reaffirmed my love for these two. I really wish there were more stories like this here...
Cantella chapter 5 . 2/1/2011
That was-

That was beautiful. I love how you described the small changes in Luke's upbringing and Layton's awkwardness in doing so. It was so heartwarming and it honestly made me smile. I just wish there was a special favorite button for this because really, 'adding to favorites' just doesn't seem like enough.
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