I hope you enjoy the Wammy era fluff!!
Disclaimer: I do not own Death Note or any part of it.

It was a routine Friday night at the Wammy House, with Matt and Mello celebrating the end of the school week by playing video games until midnight. More specifically, Matt was playing the games, and Mello was sitting on the edge of his bed. The blonde kicked his feet as he watched his best friend handle a hair-pin turn with ease. Matt crossed the checkered line and finished his race, but lingered on the track selection page, the background music – which was clearly not designed to play that long – looping continuously.


"Hmm?" Mello was sure that Matt was going to suggest that he play as well, just like every Friday. He might have actually agreed this time, too.

The gamer turned to face Mello, peering at the boy through the orange lenses of his goggles. "Have you ever… wondered what a kiss is like?"

That seemed to be the latest craze at Wammy's. There were crazy girls scurrying through the hallways and lurking around the playground, waiting to tackle and kiss every unsuspecting boy that crossed her path. At least some of the more considerate girls tried to get a boyfriend and wouldn't latch onto every guy in their reach. Somehow, Matt and Mello had managed to always escape the girls and avoid the madness.

"Well, yeah, but it's not like I can just let one of those girls catch me. True, I'd find out what it's like to kiss someone, but then she'd act like she owns me. I don't want to end up like some of those other guys; I'm no accessory!!"

"Yeah," Matt agreed while pulling his goggles down to hang around his neck. "How do any of them expect to get boyfriends when they're all acting so… scary?"

Mello laughed a little, a soft smile slipping onto his lips. "Come 'ere," he prompted, patting a spot on the mattress to the left of him. The redhead curiously complied and plopped next to his best friend. "Well… we could find out, and not have girls super-glued to our arms."


"What are friends for?"

Matt thought for a moment. "Two player games?" he said with a grin.

The blond smiled, too. Both boys raised their arms slightly, rotating them every few seconds, unsure of what to do. Hesitantly, they lightly embraced each other, shifting uncomfortably as the jumble of their arms tried to find a more natural position.

After a bit of fidgeting they settled on loosely wrapping their arms around the other's waist. Slowly, the boys began to lean towards each other, both feeling curious, excited, and scared – all mixed into one, confusing emotion. Unsure of what to expect, both squeezed their eyes shut seconds before their lips touched in a gentle kiss. They tensed briefly at the contact, relaxing a couple seconds later. The two soaked in every detail of the experience, then pulled apart.

"You know," Matt began, "in a couple decades or so, I'll be able to brag about getting the newest L's first kiss."

Mello's cheeks flushed and he turned away. "Shut up…," the blonde said shyly as he weakly shoved his best friend. Matt just laughed and finally let go of the boy.

That was exactly three years ago, back when Matt was ten years old and Mello was eleven. Now they were sitting on the floor together, celebrating their two-year anniversary.

Mello rested his head on Matt's shoulder and watched as Matt cleared that same hair-pin turn. Sure, the graphics weren't the best now, but this was "their game." The redhead crossed the familiar checkered finish line and placed the game controller on the carpet.

Matt pulled his boyfriend closer. "I love you, Mello," he whispered.

Mello gently held onto Matt's chin, lightly kissing his boyfriend's lips. "I love you too, Matt," he whispered in reply.

Matt kissed back, and the two embraced each other lovingly as "their song" looped through the TV speakers.