Omg I finally went against all that I stood for and wrote a JoshuaxNeku fanfic :o lol well recently I read a fanfic aobut those two and it inspired me to write one and tadaaa here it is :)

"You do realize that the actions you took this past month were not only inhumane but against what we aim for," the high angel said carefully eyeing the young boy before him.

"I do," he replied.

"Because of your actions, Shibuya was nearly destroyed."

"I know."

"Then why do it?" the high angel questioned, "Why put everything at risk just for your little game?"

"It was necessary at the time."

"You nearly destroyed Shibuya you worthless brat!" one angel yelled but only to be shushed by the judges.

"Excuse me but if you can't handle this session then please step out."

The angel sat back down and crossed his arms glaring at Joshua.


"Shibuya was already dying," Joshua said, "it pained me to see it like that. Frankly, it didn't deserve 'another chance'."

The same angel stood up, "And who allowed you to decide on that? You can't just go and destroy a world because it was dying. You should have saved it!"

"Sayatoshi, please!" one of the judges yelled.

In an exasperated breathe the angel ran out of the courtroom. Some thought that he was a fool while to others, he was brave. Not many can sit there and look at the face of the one who nearly destroyed the world they knew and loved.

"Because of you, others were sacrificed. May I mention Megumi?"

Joshua winced at the name. "He was trying to change the Shibuya I knew and loved! He—"

"Was trying to save it," the high angel countered, "although his methods weren't the best, you were the one who was keen on destroying Shibuya."


The high angel waved him off and the judges came up. "Joshua, your actions are worthy of erasure, but we still need you to help restore Shibuya no matter how ironic that may sound. Your punishment is that you will be sent to the RG as a regular human. Now we won't take away all of your powers but they will be limited. If you overuse your powers then you'll Disappear. Do you understand?"

Many angels gasped at the word Disappear for it was worse than Erasure. If you Disappeared, your very existence would be no more. Every memory, every thought of you would be as if you never existed. No one would remember you. No one would have anything to remember you by.

Yet Joshua shrugged, "I don't have anyone important to me. No one would care."

"What surprises me the most is that you had everything in place. You had everything ready. Megumi lost. Your proxy failed your game. You could have destroyed Shibuya right then and there…so why didn't you? Was it because of that Neku boy?"

At Neku's name, Joshua winced again but still held onto his nonchalant attitude. "Neku? After I finished with Megumi, he was no longer important."

"Then why did you let him stand in the way between you and your goal?"

"He didn't," Hanekoma said trying to step in.

"Sanae, please I can handle this myself. And did I say that?"

"Then what stood between you then?"

Before Joshua could answer, he was engulfed in light.

"Before you return to the UG, give that question some thought."

Suddenly, Joshua felt a burn, he felt pain. He heard the screams of Shibuya; the shouts and cries of the players; the cries of the Noise. He felt the pain of Shibuya pleading for him to save it. All the pain Shibuya was experiencing was thrown onto him. In a sudden cry of pain, Joshua closed his eyes and willed himself to sleep away the hurt and screams of something he didn't know how to save.