Author has written 22 stories for Star Trek: 2009, Hunger Games, Avengers, Supernatural, Thor, Musketeers, Hobbit, Daredevil, and Star Wars. Hi everyone! Welcome to my profile. I'm a moderator at an excellent fanfic writing community called The Beta Branch. We're always looking for new writers and readers! Come check us out at http:/// About me: "The salvation of the writer is to write." --Raymond Chandler, The Long Good-bye I'm a terrible perfectionist, so sometimes my stories will get delayed and my updates are sporadic. Sorry. I try to make the delays worth it! Upcoming work: a Musketeers prequel, Uncertainty Principles (sequel to Entangled States) and She Has Her Winter (sequel to That Radium Glow). It'll be a while for most of those. --Veni, Vidi is on hiatus until I can find my Hunger Games inspiration again. Favorite book: toss up between The Once and Future King and Watership Down Favorite Author: Raymond Chandler Favorite movies: Avengers, Star Wars (OT), Star Trek 09, IronMan, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, Fanboys, Lord of the Rings, Favorite TV shows: Daredevil, Justified, Game of Thrones, Doctor Who, Heroes, Chuck, Big Bang Theory, Downton Abbey, original Star Trek, Supernatural |