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![]() Author has written 33 stories for Troy, Kingdom of Heaven, Harry Potter, Pirates of the Caribbean, X-Files, Star Wars, Superman, Heroes, Star Trek: 2009, and Hunger Games. Let me say first that I love writing fanfiction. It just gives me immense pleasure to write...it's fun! Pirates of the Caribbean is my favorite genre to write, in case you hadn't noticed. About me, I'm in college but I'm not telling my exact age. I'm a huge Willabether, and one of my favorite sites ever is , a Pirates of the Caribbean haven for Willabethers. It's amazing, and if you like Will and Elizabeth shipped together, come on over and join up! We'd love to have you. I really recommend that people just read the stuff I've written from 2007 to the present, because before then I wasn't that great of a writer. (Not that I think I'm great now, but I guess you could say I've improved.) I just leave the old stuff on here because it helps to remind me how my writing was when I first started out, and how ridiculously sappy it was. I like to think that now I know better. The first actual fanfic I wrote was so bad that I eventually did remove it. 333 Right now I'm concentrating on writing my PotC fic SCASSF, but I'm considering doing a few one shots pertaining to X-Files or Heroes. And maybe even Star Trek! I'm just starting to get into the Star Trek fandom before the new movie comes out in May with Zoe Saldana (Anamaria from Pirates) in it! ~Current Fic~ The sequEl to AMTHGF, So Close and Still So Far, is now posted! It's post-At World's End, and takes place five years after the events of its prequel, Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder. In my take on the PotC universe, Jack and Ana reunited and committed to each other. Ten years after AWE, Elizabeth freed Will from his FD curse and he finally met his son William. This story has a sort of a PotC: The Next Generation thing going on, following the adventures of William Turner III and Sammi Sparrow, and if/when their fates are joined. The story also stars the original couples Will/Elizabeth and Jack/Ana, as well as their other children and Norrington in some form. So Close and Still So Far - Seventeen year-old Samantha ‘Sammi’ Sparrow, daughter of Jack and Anamaria, has a problem. She has a secret crush on her longtime best friend, William Turner III. The trouble is, he’s in love with someone else. Willabeth and Sparramaria. This story WILL have elements of the supernatural in it, which I can't wait for you guys to read about! It's not just strictly a romance - there will be some humor too. I have no idea how long it will be. Sorry mates! It will probably be fairly long, though. This story is somewhat different than my others because I'm trying to bridge the gap between fanfic and original fiction. It still has the main PotC characters in it, but for the most part the fic is about my OCs. The trailer, made by the wonderful CinnamintKitty, is now up!! Everyone please comment and thank her :) Note: CotBP Orlando is William, and DMC/AWE Orlando is Will in the later parts of the trailer. Same with Anamaria and Sammi. I hope that's not too confusing. Here is the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=85tvumK-rNY ~Here's my very own homemade Wammi vid for SCASSF! Hope you like it!~ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gf-XHw89n64 Here's the Wammi playlist, in the order of the chapters. http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=DB58964EF40DAE46 If any of the videos gets removed, please tell me immediately so I can substitute another one. 1. Teardrops on my Guitar - Taylor Swift 2. Remember When it Rained - Josh Groban 3. Realize - Colbie Caillait 4. She's So High Above Me - Everclear 5. I'm Not That Girl - Wicked Soundtrack 6. Like A Boy - Ciara 7. Almost Paradise - Ann Wilson and Mike Reno, Footloose Soundtrack 8. Never Gonna Be The Same Again - Lori Ruso, Teenwitch Soundtrack 9. Foolish Heart - Steve Perry 10. Don't Stop Now (Part I) - Emmy Rossum 11. Don't Stop Now (Part II) 12. Sleeping Sun - Nightwish 13. The Space Between (Part I) - Dave Matthews Band 14. The Space Between (Part II) - DMB 15. Only The Young (Part I) - Journey 16. Only The Young (Part II) 17. Fire and Ice - Pat Benatar 18. If You Were Here - Thompson Twins, Sixteen Candles sountrack 19. Just For Now - Imogen Heap 20. What Hurts the Most - Rascal Flatts 21. -Bonus Holiday Chapter- 22. Separate Lives - Phil Collins and Marilyn Martin 23. Can't Let Go - Mariah Carey 24. Soulmate - Natasha Beningfield 25. So Close, So Far - Hoobastank 26. Fix You - Coldplay 27. It Takes Two - Rob Base and D.J. E-Z Rock 28. My Sacrifice - Creed 29. Remember Me - Josh Groban 30. Love Story - Taylor Swift 333 Tales From Trek - A collection of Star Trek 2009 oneshots. Most of them involve Captain Kirk because he's my favorite. :) Spock's great too, and I think Scotty is just awesomely hilarious just as Uhura is way kick ass. I am taking suggestions for these if you are interested. Fight The Future - a Heroes fic (not X-Files) about Claire meeting Adam who reveals something about her abilities. It's an AU oneshot. Implied Claire/West. Hank, Meet Mulder - a silly X-Files/Californication fic about what would happen if two David Duchovny characters met face to face. And that is basically the plot so far. Oh and Scully is there, seeing double of her man. ;) Believe Again - My other fic in progress is actually a collection of drabbles and oneshots about the X-Files in celebration of the upcoming movie, X-Files: I Want To Believe! It's silly and goofy and I have too much fun writing these. 333 I now hold Captain Jack Sparrow and James Norrington in much higher level of esteem than previously, thanks to the influence of two fabulous internet friends. (You know who you are.) Now that I know that they aren't a threat to canon Willabeth, I can see that they are two fine characters in their own right. Go Jack! Go Norrie! Of course they still got nothing on Will. ;) 333 So I wrote AMTHGF before the FAQ fiasco, and I still stick by what Ted and Terry said about how Will is supposed to be free from the curse after ten years. As far as I am concerned, it is canon. It's debatable, of course. But that's my perspective and I'm sticking to it. If you firmly believe that Will Turner's curse is broken and that he's free to be with his family after ten years, paste this into your profile! If you believe in a happy ending for Will and Elizabeth Turner, paste this into your profile! Here is proof that Will's curse was lifted after 10 years. I lifted this directly from right after AWE came out. "According to the film's writers, the curse of The Dutchman is broken if, after the ten years, the captain's lover remains faithful. The final post-credit scene suggests that Will can now return to land, as Elizabeth has remained faithful. The green flash, which symbolises a soul returning from the dead, supports this theory. Apparently, a scene of dialogue between Tia Dalma/Calypso and Davy Jones, which explained this, was cut from the film, leading to confusion about the ending." There has been some recent 'evidence' to refute this claim. But I think there are loopholes to both sides of the argument. Besides, the curse is open to interpretation - the writers have said that. It's up to the viewer to decide if they believe the curse is broken. I believe that since Elizabeth was faithful for 10 years, Will is free to be with his family forever. I support the happy ending version of the curse, and that's what's used in my post AWE story, AMTHGF. 333 Ships: I'm pretty much open to any (reasonable) ship, but I usually prefer canon. Some of my favorites are... Mulder/Scully - the best small screen ship ever! I'm a proud member of THE original ship and a huge X-Phile. In my opinion, there could be no better TV show than the X-Files. Mulder wins in the category of angstiest character alive, even beating out Edward Cullen. The poor guy has been tortured in every single way known to man (and alien) and he's had everyone he loves die other than Scully. He deserves the ANGST MEDAL! I will admit to everyone that I liked Batman better than the X-Files movie. Dark Knight simply had a better plot - the end. Not that the X-Files movie did have good things, but overall Batman was awesome and the X-Files movie was kinda lame for anyone not a fan of the show. I wish I could say I liked the X-Files movie better, but I can't. But my disappointment in the movie doesn't in any way diminish my love for the series. It will always remain my favorite show in the entire world. I'll always be a David Duchovny fan no matter what, and I'd really appreciate it that if you have any negative comments about him, his personal life, or the show, please keep them to yourselves. Thanks!! Will/Elizabeth - the best big screen ship ever. I adore them! They are made for each other - their relationship is based on love, not lust. Jack/AnaMaria - when done right, it's a favorite pairing of mine. I think that Ana's the only woman who could ever keep Jack in line! Ships according to fandom: X-Files = OTP - Mulder/Scully. That's it, THE END. Pirates = OTP - Will/Elizabeth, Jack/Anamaria Star Trek = OTP - ? Uhura/Scotty, Kirk/Enterprise, Spock/Logic Heroes = Claire/West, Sylar/Elle Bones = Booth/Brennan Star Wars = Han/Leia, Luke/Mara, Anakin/Padme, ObiWan/Sabe Harry Potter = Lily/James, Harry/Ginny, Ron/Hermione, Remus/Tonks Pride and Prejudice = Elizabeth Bennet/Mr. Darcy Kingdom of Heaven = Balian/Sibylla Troy = Paris/Helen, Hector/Andromace, Achilles/Himself Superman = Lois/Clark Narnia = Caspian/Susan, Spiderman = Peter/Mary Jane Cali = Hank/Karen Grey's = Meredith/Derek 333 If you want to end the shipper wars based on Pirates of the Caribbean, copy and paste this into your profile. I'm calling for a truce, savvy? Us Willabethers want Will with Elizabeth, the Sparrabethers want Jack with Elizabeth and that's not going to change. Fics will continue to be written about both pairings. We don't have to like the other pairing, but we can respect it. Can we just shake hands and be done with it? If you think that fanfiction writers as a whole are part of a statistical anomaly of non-pot smokers, paste this into your profile. (Not that I think smoking pot is cool, I don't think that at all. I just think it's interesting that so many of us have stayed away from the stuff. It's good, but puzzling.) If you make an effort to employ the use of sarcasm in your every day life, paste this into your profile. (Or even if you don't make an effort... to some of us, it just comes naturally.) If you've been told in no certain terms that you suck at writing, but continue to write anyway, paste this into your profile. If you're sick of the reality TV fad and just lame TV show plots in general, paste this into your profile. If you've ever wished you could live in the fandom of your choice, paste this into your profile. If you've ever wished you could meet the character of your choice, paste this into your profile. If you've ever experienced the magic of a midnight movie premiere, paste this into your profile. If you've run into some bumps in the road but kept on truckin', paste this into your profile. If you've realized that the experience of writing fanfic has helped improve the quality of your school papers, paste this into your profile. If you're hopelessly addicted to chocolate, paste this into your profile. If you've learned a life lesson from a teacher, paste this into your profile. If you appreciate the beauty of movie soundtracks and own at least one, paste this into your profile. If you've ever written a Mary Sue before by accident and have learned from it, paste this into your profile. If you've ever looked back at your old reviews and found some that are less than nice and wished those people could see how far you've come, (Ha, what now, b!@#?) paste this into your profile. If you've met some really cool people online (possibly from other countries) as a result of your involvement on this site, paste this into your profile. If you realize that by joining this site, you are a part of something special, paste this into your profile. 333 ~Completed Stories~ Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder - Complete. This is a PotC romance/adventure fic that picks up where AWE left off. It's primarily Willabeth although there is plenty of JackAna as well. The story also features the second generation of Sparrows and Turners, Sammi and Teague Sparrow, and William Turner III. Sammi and William are best friends and get into all sorts of mischief. Sammi Sparrow is my favorite OC I've ever created - she's a tomboy who wants to grow up to be a pirate captain. She's so spunky and confident and she doesn't know when to stop talking. Right now, she's only nine, but I can't wait to write her when she's a teenager with aspirations to be a pirate in the sequel! The first part is about Elizabeth's pregnancy, how she raises young William, and how Jack, Ana, and their daughter Sammi fit in with all of this. We also visit Will on the Flying Dutchman, to see how he's faring away from Elizabeth. Will is tempted by Calypso, who greatly desires him for her own. The evil sea goddess eventually joines forces with Lord Alexander Beckett, the new head of the EITC... This can only mean trouble for our favorite pirates ;) The second part is centered around William's "problem", which I won't tell you what that is because I want you to read about it! So, the entire gang goes on a journey so William can see a special healer, who is locked away in the Turkish Prison . And then there is a final showdown w/Calypso and Beckett at the end, where Elizabeth is forced to make a choice between the two she loves most! This fic is more than twice as long as Revolutions, which is saying something. It's forty chapters, so it takes a good while to wade through. I loved every grueling minute of writing it, however. I've very proud of AMTHGF and I hope to carry on the spirit of this fic into its sequEl. Within and Without - Complete. This oneshot is about Elizabeth's thoughts on Will being forced to leave her at the end of AWE. I actually wrote it for both PotC and XF, so it's ambiguous as to who the couple really is. Because everything that Elizabeth is feeling is what Scully went through at the end of season seven. This plot bunny had been bugging me for awhile, so I'm thrilled I could finally write it! Two fandoms for one, beat that! Revolutions of the Heart- Complete. This is a recently completed AU PotC historical FICTION romance featuring Will/Elizabeth set in the colonies during the Revolutionary War. It's my 3rd longest fic ever. Thanks to Norrington, Elizabeth and Will were separated for seven years. She thought he was dead, he thought she stopped loving him. The story is about them reuniting. Jack will make an appearance, of course, and so will Norrington and Lord Beckett. It took me a year to finish this, and I'm so glad that I did! It's not entirely historically accurate!! Note: I'm sorry I made Norrington evil and OOC!! My bad. If I were writing it over again, I'd pick someone else instead of Norrie for that character. Leave or Stay - Complete. This is a short and sweet three part X-Files angsty romance between my OTP, Mulder and Scully. Be Mine, Valentine - Complete. This is a fluffy oneshot about young Sammi Sparrow as she tries to decide what to put in her crush Will III's Valentine's card. Also contains J/A and W/E, and is consistent with the AMTHGF universe. This has me excited for the sequel, as I enjoyed writing a Sammi-centric fic:) Home for the Holidays - Complete, fluffy oneshot. It's Christmas time in the Caribbean, and young Sammi Sparrow propositions Will III under the mistletoe! W/E and J/A is also included, of course. Is consistent with the AMTHGF universe. Right to Fatherhood - Complete. This oneshot is an alternate take on why Will took a huge risk and told Elizabeth he loved her at the end of CotBP. Will dreams of a mysterious boy on a beach, who has a special message for him. For this idea, I have borrowed from my favorite TV show. ;) Rearranging Furniture- Complete. This is a silly M-rated PotC oneshot about what happens when Jack, Pintel, and Ragetti eavesdrop on Will and Elizabeth when they're having their 'alone time'. It can be read with AMTHGF, in between chapters 19 and 20, or it can be read by itself. Either way, you'll laugh - I promise! What's really fun is if you try to read it out loud. If you can make it through the entire thing without losing it, you are a robot. Don't Let Go - Complete. This M rated PotC oneshot is my take on the famous beach love scene between Will and Elizabeth. It's basically a mix of smut and fluff, but I tried not to be too explicit. This took me ages to perfect because I don't usually write smut. I was dared to do it. That's all I can say in my defense. The Perfect Knight- Complete A Better Man- Complete Hermione and the Pirate Daydream Charm-Complete This is my 4th longest fic ever! I mixed two of my favorite worlds ever...HP and PotC! It starts off a Hermione/Will Turner and Ginny/Jack Sparrow. It's under romance/action-adventure, but thereare quite a few funny bits with love potions and Jack and the Weasley twins harrassing Snape. Also the shadow of Voldemort is looming over the students at school so that's a bit intense. I wrote the last chapter as what I think will happen in the seventh book (minus Dumbledore being alive). Love is Patient- Complete This AU Paris/Helen Troy story was especially fun to write because I got to portray Helen in a good light...I always wondered what might've happened if she hadn't sailed for Troy with Paris right away because she didn't want their love to be the cause of a war. This is my take on how Helen tricks Menelaus and sails for Troy right under his nose! It's the sappiest one so far so be warned. I could never improve on Homer's Tragedy, but I just wanted to give them an alternate happy ending. Revenge of the Sith Revisited- In Progress. This short AU is about what could've happened if Gui-Gon came back as a Jedi ghost and stopped Anakin and Obi-Wan from fighting at the very end of the movie. Will Anakin renounce the Dark Side? Will Padme live? What will happen to little Luke and Leia? Will they all be captured by Emperor Palpatine? Read to find out. (Anakin/Padme romance) Mr. and Mrs. Spooky- Complete This AU Oneshot is an X-Files story. It's just a short and sweet little MSR fic about what happens if Scully visits Mulder's apartment on Valentine's Day. :) The Freedom to Choose-Complete I wrote this PotC one as an Xmas present to my buddy Hannah...it's a Jack/OC of course. Bad Blood Daphnea, Priestess of Apollo Profile stuff: Favorite TV shows: the X-Files, Family Guy, the Simpsons, Grey's, HEROES (awesome show) Coupling (hilarious) and Californication (thank you SO MUCH, David Duchovny, for making a screw-up look attractive) Favorite Movies: Pirates of the Caribbean, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Star Wars, Troy, Kingdom of Heaven, Pride and Prejudice Favorite Music: 80's and 90's, Coldplay, Josh Groban, Dave Matthews Band, Def Leppard, Matchbox 20, Pat Benatar, Linda Ronstadt, Emmy Rossum, Regina Spektor, Chicago, Amy Grant, some classical, soundtracks (Hans Zimmer is a friggin' musical genius.) Favorite Books: Harry Potter, The DaVinci Code, Catcher in the Rye, Farenheit 451, Grapes of Wrath, A Separate Peace, Five People You Meet In Heaven Favorite Actors: David Duchovny. Way behind him are Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, Orlando Bloom, Eric Bana, Johnny Depp, Ewan McGregor, Liam Neeson, Patrick Dempsey, Topher Grace, Antonio Banderas, Mel Gibson, Harrison Ford, Denzel Washington, Will Smith, Sean Astin, Billy Boyd, David Thewlis, James McAvoy, Jack Davenport, Sean Biggerstaff, William Moseley, Will Ferrell, Jim Carrey, Robin Williams, Steve Carell. Notice Brad Pitt is NOT on the list. (Ew.) RIP Heath Ledger :( Favorite Actresses: Natalie Portman, Keira Knightley, Gillian Anderson, Julianne Moore, Kate Winslet, Nicole Kidman, Emma Thompson, Emma Watson, Tea Leoni, Sandra Oh, Katherine Heigl, America Ferrera, Alexis Bledel, Amber Tamblyn, Scarlett Johonsson, Zoe Saldana, Eva Green, Julia Stiles, Kirsten Dunst, Meryl Streep, Bette Midler, Bonnie Hunt, Sally Field, Judi Dench, Nia Vardalos. Oh dang, Angelina Jolie is not on here either! Favorite Quotes: From Pirates 3: Elizabeth: "I do." Will: "GREAT!" (AWE) Will: "It's (my heart) always belonged to you. Will you keep it safe?" Elizabeth: "Yes...yes!" (AWE) Mulder: "You are my constant, my touchstone." Scully: "And you are mine!" (X-Files 7X02) Scully smiled. "I've had romantic feelings for you for quite some time, but you never said anything and I wasn't sure you felt the same." "Think - It's not illegal yet" (from a Bumper Sticker) Pirates and X-Files forever! |
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