![]() Hello fellow readers and writers! Welcome to my profile. The All Kinds of Everything forum is now up and running. Please check it out below, if you're interested. We would love to welcome some new faces to our intrepid crew! :) allkindsofeverything (dot) boards (dot) net You can also type it All Kinds of Everything forum into your browser's search field and the link should pop right up. Feel free to PM me if you have any questions. Heh... after that bout of shameless plugging, here's the 411 on lil' ol me: 1) I'm as old as the hills and am a hopeless romantic to boot. :) 2) While I'm an avid reader and reviewer, sadly I have absolutely no skill for writing fiction. :( 3) I work in the medical field in Pediatrics. Kids are just so precious and I'm happy to fulfill my lifelong dream of caring for them. 4) I am also completely in love with anything that has fur or feathers. Animals are a HUGE part of my life, and I am currently owned by three spoiled rotten felines. 5) I am vegetarian and currently working towards becoming a vegan. 6) Nothing upsets me more than cruelty towards animals and children. :( 7) I was born and raised as a Theravada Buddhist, and allow this amazing philosophy to permeate every aspect of my life. 8) I am a science nut and a Trekkie. Star Trek Voyager is my favorite sci-fi series to date, but I also love Deep Space Nine, Alien Nation and V (both versions). 9) I love Harry Potter, but do not care for the canon ships except for Lily/James. For me, it is Harry/Hermione, Ron/Luna and Ginny/Draco all the way. As such, my favorite HP site is . 10) I absolutely love fairy tales and cartoons. So it's no surprise that Disney movies and animated films comprise over 90% of my DVD collection. ;) 11) Cinderella is my favorite fairy tale of all time. The remake of the Rogers and Hammerstein musical with Whitney Houston and Brandy, will always be my favorite retelling of this classic tale. 12) I adore romantic comedies. My favorites are No Reservations, Pretty Woman, Clueless, The Wedding Date, The Holiday, Letters to Juliet and Just Like Heaven. 13) My current favorite TV shows are Dancing With The Stars, The Mentalist, Castle, and Hawaii 5-0. 14) Favorite actresses: Amy Adams, Julia Roberts, Reese Witherspoon, Keira Knightley, Stana Katic, Robin Tunney, Grace Park, Teri Hatcher, Roxann Dawson. 15) Favorite actors: Henry Cavill, Orlando Bloom, Johnny Depp, Jake Gyllenhaal, Dean Cain, Alexander Siddig, Simon Baker, Alex O'Loughlin, Robert Duncan McNeill, Garrett Wang. 16) Jason Momoa who I started to notice only recently (yeah I know... shame on me!), is positively YUMMY. Washboard abs, a rockin' bod, chiseled features... yeah... you get the picture... and I think I will stop now before I get myself into serious trouble here... ;) 17) I adore Disney's Pirates of the Caribbean movies. I think I've worn out my DVDs watching them one too many times, lol. *blushes* 18) While I love Jack Sparrow, the Will/Elizabeth ship is my OTP. Their romance is beautiful, touching, and above all, heart-wrenching in the final installment of the trilogy. However, I think there is enough evidence to suggest that the curse of the Flying Dutchman is indeed broken, and that Will is reunited with his wife and child, after his ten year stint at sea. I take the writers' official word that this is indeed the case and that's good enough for me. 19) The Lois and Clark TV series is my favorite interpretation of the life and love of Superman/Clark Kent. Dean Cain is awesome as the Man of Steel, and Teri Hatcher is the perfect Lois Lane. 20) I have a major soft spot for romance and fluff and enjoy the various ships that are found in my favorite fandoms. I've realized that I've only got to see one episode of any show before I'm hooked, and before I know what my favorite ships are. Some of them come to pass, others don't; but all the fiction written by you talented authors keep the dreams and hopes alive long after the actual show has fizzled out. Favorite Ships: The Mentalist: Lisbon/Jane, Rigsby/Van Pelt, Cho/Summer Castle: Beckett/Castle, Lanie/Esposito Hawaii 5-0: Steve/Kono V, 2009: Joshua/Lisa Alien Nation: Cathy/Matt ST: Voyager: Paris/Torres, Janeway/Chakotay, Kim/Seven ST: Deep Space Nine: Julian/Jadzia, Kira/Odo ST: Enterprise: Hoshi/Trip, Archer/T'Pol ST: The Next Generation: Picard/Crusher, Riker/Troi How to Train Your Dragon: Astrid/Hiccup Prince of Persia: Dastan/Tamina Harry Potter: James/Lily, Harry/Hermione, Ron/Luna, Draco/Ginny Superman: Lois/Clark, Lucy/Jimmy Supergirl: Kara/Jimmy Favorite Quotes: "Kindness is a language which the mute can speak, the deaf can understand, and the blind can sense." -Unknown "When you are UP in life, your friends get to know who you are. When you are DOWN in life, you get to know who your friends are." -Unknown "To the world you might be one person, but to one person, you might be the world." -Unknown "Saving one pet won't change the world, but surely the world will change for that one pet." -The Humane Society "To err is human, to purr, divine." -Unknown "Even the smallest feline is a masterpiece." -Leonardo da Vinci "Women and cats will do as they please. Men and dogs just need to relax and get used to the idea." -Robert A. Heinlein "Magic is not a practice. It is a living, breathing web of energy that with our permission can encase our every action." -Dorothy Morrison, Everyday Magic "The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart." -Helen Keller "Behind every wizard is an even cleverer witch." -Harry Potter fan fiction by Starlight623 "When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be." -Lao Tzu "Medicine heals the body, but laughter heals the soul." -Doogie Houser, MD |
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