No turning back

After a not so shocking confession, Nick volunteers to help Judy get over her fear. But there are... complications.

I am not affiliated with Disney to whom these characters belong.

Sitting in their patrol car. Bunny cop Judy Hopps and fox cop Nicholas Wilde were out driving around district one. Pretty standard, they had just given a citation to a couple of teenage wolves who were ignoring traffic signs. Nick looks over at his best friend and partner, while she drove.

"So how goes things with the new beau, carrots?" He asks but always flinches internally when the subject of her love life comes up. He never wanted to investigate too far into those feelings. She was all he had and didn't want to screw things up, with feelings. He reached over and turned off the speaker on the dash cam. Something he did when they had private conversations.

"Not so good." Inwardly he smiled like a goofy idiot at her comment "I think he wants to move our relationship into more... Intimate settings and I don't know if I'm ready to do that."

"Why? It's just sex." He didn't like being so flippant about this with her. It's not like he was thrilled to hear that she would sleep with that chinchilla or anyone, he gathered. "I mean I know you ladies get the short end of the stick most of the time. But it can be a real stress reliever."

Judy's big violet eyes went wide. He made the whole thing seem so casual and to her it was nothing of the sort. "It's umm not that." She blushed, this subject matter was a little too personal to be talking about with her male best friend. Nick looked over and saw the terrified 'caught in headlights' expression on his bunny's face. "His" he scoffed in his mind. He realized why she was being timid. And he was horrified that he was now having this conversation with her. But he also had a feeling he couldn't quite identify, at hearing she hadn't let any male into her 'den', but it was a pleasant feeling.

"Oh no, Hopps. You're not telling me are a... virgin." He whispered the last word. She couldn't speak, just nodded. He became giddy and chuckled a little out loud.

"Don't tease me, Nick." She blushed

"I would never, Carrots. But seriously, I thought you would have fallen head over bushy tail over some guy at some point. I mean you are a very attractive bunny." He mentally slapped himself for saying that last part out loud. One had to be very careful when friends with the opposite sex. Treading a fine line to never be too complimentary, to avoid confusing signals. But it did cause her to blush even. "If you allow any more blood go to your head then I'm going to have to ask you to pull over and let me drive, for both our sakes. Realizing her current state, she nervously chuckles and pulls over. Nick gets out of the cruiser and she hops into his vacant seat, while he came around and climbed in. "Ok Ms Hopps," he says in a mock Dr Freud voice "tell Dr Wilde what has you so scared of intimacy?" She chuckles at his playfulness. He was being light hearted with her, but his pulse was racing and he was afraid that the subject of their conversation would leave him with physical evidence.

"Stop it Nick." She smiles "I guess just the standard virgin fears. Will it hurt? What if I don't do it right? What if he doesn't like it?" Nick takes a deep breath and in his normal voice

"I'm not going to lie it's going to hurt some. I mean guys don't have to worry about that we are equipped to get straight to business. You girls have to be invaded in a most awkward way." He lightly chuckles at the next question "trust me you can't mess this up. There really is only one way to do the do. And as for him, there is no doubt he will like it. But guys always enjoy it." She looks at him worried

"What did you mean by females getting the short end of the stick?"

"Oh that. Hmm. Ok I'm going to ask you a personal question, but it will answer that question."

"O-okay." She sounded very unsure. He was nervous asking this question of his best friend, but was also curious

"Do you ever touch your self and make yourself climax?" Both animals are quiet for a few moments, blushing and in a voice so tiny he almost missed it.

"Yes." She didn't speak again for a few moments. "But its just a means to an end. Because of my umm cycle." He knew she was referring to her heat cycle. It was unavoidable to have the need to rut when it hits. He hates it when his cycle would come up, which recently he realized happened when hers did. It was making him insane. It was good that she would always take some personal time when hers was about to come up or he may have already done something unspeakable to his bunny. He steels himself so he can answer her question

"For guys, just being umm inside a girl for a bit can give him the 'means to an end' as you put it. But for you females it requires a lot more work. And some males don't want to take the time to help their partner get hers." He looked over at her and she understood but didn't look happy. "But it's just hard to think when you are ready to rut. So even well intention males could leave a female wanting. But there are males who are more than willing to make sure their partners enjoy every moment. It's like a point of pride." He wasn't expecting her next question

"And which kind of male are you?" She didn't look at him. Maybe she was nervous about his answer. But probably unsure which answer would pacify her, he was her best friend and didn't know if she really wanted to know his answer. But before she could rescind the question, he answered.

"I'm a prideful fox." He said sure. And when he glanced over she was blushing again. He let a large grin come across his muzzle, his mind conjuring images of them together and what he would do to 'ease' her fears. But again mentally slapped himself "pull it together, Wilde" he said to himself. They sat in mostly silence. Just the voice of the Clawhouser talking to other officers to fill the void. Nick was trying not to think, however all Judy could do was think.

Her mind wandered to the forbidden. If she asked there would be no turning back. There were so many variables. Would it be cheating? Probably. But to be honest, she wasn't sure she wanted to continue the relationship with Charlie. Would they not be able to be just friends after? Or what if they wanted to be more? Or worst what if they couldn't even be near each other? She shook her head, if he said no then it wouldn't be an issue at all. Just a bit of a punch to her ego. But she could get over it. But what is he said yes? She sat there weighing her chance and before she could stop her self the words came out.

"Nick, would you be willing to help?" There was an audible "huh?" from him and the car veered violently.

He didn't know what he just heard. He only could hear the blood rush in his ears. He realized he had let go the wheel. He quickly regained his composure and pulled into a nearby alley. Turned off the car and stared at Judy who was looking down in her lap. He put his hands on both sides of her face and made her look at him. He took a shaky deep breath. He knew once he answered there would be no turning back. But he needed to ask.

"Judy do you know what you are asking?"

"Yes. I want have good memories of my first time and I want to be able to trust my partner to take care of me." Her violet eyes seemed to be pleading with his emerald green ones. "I know this is huge thing I'm asking of you, so if you don't want to, I completely understand."

In his mind he was screaming. "Are you crazy? I want to rut you now, in this alley, make you scream my name while you come. I haven't wanted anything else more in my whole life." But he had to control himself, this was his very best friend and even though he was increasingly growing more and more attracted to her, he never wanted to hurt their relationship. And even though he was trying to talk himself out of this. He knew that if she asked him to do a handstand naked around the bullpen. He would do it for her. Since she wanted a loving positive first time, then he would be the fox to do that, for her. He leans forward and kissed the top of her head

"I will do it." He said loving