Author has written 151 stories for Mentalist, Castle, Criminal Minds, Blue Castle, West Wing, Once Upon a Time, Anne of Green Gables series, Gilmore Girls, Haven, Newsroom, and Elementary. Rediting the profile, for fun times. Since this is now at least two years old. And no longer correct. Plus, probably high time that I update to include my lj (See above. It's my homepage now, or it should be). About me: I am Canadian and proud of it. Ihave a Master’s degree in Biology and a minor in math, which I basically got for fun. What can I say, evolution and calculus cool. I also now have a job, which is exciting. I love to read and as such have a large vocabulary. I also love the theatre. I glory in anything absurd or ridiculous, including my own life which more often than not resembles nothing so much as a perfect example of Murphy’s Law rigorously and constantly employed. I am fairly logical, quite sarcastic, but also fairly quiet, I can speak some French, and am going to be bilingual in under two years. I am. I used to swing dance, but sadly I haven’t in a while. I can play the piano, but don’t practice as much as I should. Unfortunately I don’t know how to cover a screen. I enjoy television, but I don’t watch that many shows at a given time. If I watch something it’s probably not casually either, I watch it religiously or not at all. What will I watch? Basically anything with quirky characters, interesting relationships, and witty or clever dialogue, I love banter. Two characters with loads of unresolved sexual tension is a bonus, but not a requirement. Plot is almost secondary. I recognize that there needs to be one, but generally I could care less what it is, as long as it’s not too boring, or clichéd and puts the characters in interesting situations. Bonus points for containing elements of the ridiculous (again, as long as they’re reasonably well done and not too clichéd.) I will quite willingly sacrifice believability and suspend disbelief as long as the characterizations and relationships are strong and interesting. Really I watch television for moments between characters. I love reading fanfic for TV shows. I think TV really lends itself to fanfic because the storylines are unfinished out of necessity. That said I have read some truly excellent fic for both movies and books so this is by no means a hard and fast rule. Shows I like that are currently on the air: The Mentalist (obviously, so far it’s what I write exclusively), Murdoch Mysteries (little Canadian show I absolutely love), Castle. Very much Castle. Also Criminal Minds and Warehouse 13. Plus I've started watching Prime Suspect. Shows I like that are no longer on the air: Friends, The West Wing, Ed, Gilmore Girls, Stargate SG-1, Due South, Slings and Arrows, Cupid (the original version), Veronica Mars, Sports Night, Studio 60, and Numb3rs. I'm a former Bones fan, haven't seen the last two seasons though. And I do watch NCIS, though I'm also about a year or so behind on that one as well. Ships, both former and current: Booth/Brennan (Bones), Meghan/Larry (Numb3rs), McGee/Abbey (NCIS), Murdoch/Dr. Ogden (Murdoch Mysteries), House/Cuddy (sometimes), CJ/Danny (The West Wing), Luke Lorelei (Gilmore Girls), Sam/Jack (Stargate), Veronica/Logan (Veronica Mars) and Dana/Casey (Sports Night). I should point out that I absolutely love Jane and Lisbon's relationship on The Mentalist. This is becoming an obsession, and I'm highly amused that on the old version of this profile it said that I wasn't a shipper. Guess what Am now! Very much so. Also, Castle and Beckett. Authors I like: (There are too many to name, but I shall attempt to give you the highlights, although this is by no means complete. I can’t do individual books the list would take too long.) Anything Austen, but especially Pride and Prejudice, Persuasion and Sense and Sensibility, The Bronte’s, Charles de Lint, Terry Pratchett (especially the books about either the Night Watch or the witches), The Importance of Being Ernest and an Ideal Husband by Oscar Wilde, anything by L.M. Montgomery, but especially The Blue Castle and Anne of the Island, Stephen Leacock, Jasper Fforde, Helen Fielding for Bridget Jones’ Diary and its sequel, Madeleine L’Engle, Louisa May Alcott, Lewis Carrol, Susanna Kearsley, Tom Stoppard, Douglas Adams and most recently Robertson Davies and Dorothy L. Sayers. Favourite Movies: (again not a complete list) Many, many silly romantic comedies all of which I will not name (partly because it’s embarrassing, partly because it would take too long), Pride and Prejudice (the Colin Firth/Jennifer Ehle version), The Princess Bride, The Philadelphia Story, The Cutting Edge, 10 Things I Hate About You, The Jane Austen Book Club, Anne of Green Gables and the Sequel, Men With Brooms, The History Boys, Laws of Attraction, You’ve Got Mail, Bridget Jones’ Diary, Love Actually…. And that is all, well, except to thank everyone who’s read my fic, but especially all of my lovely lovely reviewers. Seriously, I really appreciate it because I was a bit nervous about this whole thing. But so far I’m enjoying myself tremendously. Also, to anyone that happens to read this, I am taking requests for the holidays over at my LJ. Click on the request tag to find the appropriate post if you're interested. |