I realized I never cleared up the whole birth control issue. Let's assume they used it, okay? I didn't write it in because it messed with the flow. Just clarifying. No pregnant Nancy, at least in this story. Also, I added part of chapter 15 of DF because I felt it made sense to include the whole thing, not just the M part. So some of this should look familiar :)

Thanks to all who reviewed!: MistyGirl1, Missy, anonymous, KennaC, Prismatic Iris, KittyKnighton, Meg, ann, anonymous

Your reviews made this next installment possible, otherwise I may have withered away in shame and embarrassment :)

Disclaimer: I don't own anything you recognize. I do own several cross-stitching books and two knitting needles.


Frank awoke gradually, easing out of a dream he had already forgotten. The sunlight was bright against his eyelids, and he wished he didn't have to open them. As his consciousness returned, so did the memories from the day before. Joe, chained inside the station. Nancy, opening her room door. The two of them, finally together.


Here was the motivation he needed to lift his lids, and upon doing so he looked over at her still sleeping face. He hadn't entirely realized how stressed she must feel over the case until this opportunity to see her face, relaxed and worry-free as she slumbered. She was stretched out on her stomach, taking up more than half of the bed. The sheet barely hinted at the curve of her back, and he felt his body begin to react as he studied her. Frank wasn't aware of the time passing as he stayed there watching her sleep, but then slowly her body moved, signaling that she too was coming awake.

Nancy's eyes blinked a couple of times, fighting the sunlight as he had, until they finally settled and rested on him. She wasn't surprised to find him there; even in her sleep it seemed she was sensitive to his presence. What did surprise her was the knowledge of what had happened the night before, that he was still here, that he was smiling at her. It didn't seem possible for their lives to align enough to make those moments happen.

Nancy smiled drowsily back at him and watched as his seemed to grow even bigger on his face.

"Hey." His voice was low from sleeping, but warm to her ears.

"Hey, yourself."

Neither spoke for a while. Frank was still transfixed; he couldn't stop looking at her long enough to put together a phrase. Nancy didn't want anything she said to ruin the moment. Words wouldn't be sufficient to explain how she was feeling. Instead, she yawned, then laughed. Frank grinned back her and propped himself up on his elbow.

Nancy shifted until she was lying on her side. Becoming aware of her nakedness, she was grateful for the bedding that covered her body. She wasn't ashamed, but felt slightly awkward being without clothes outside of a passionate moment.

Now better angled, she was able to take in the image of Frank. The white sheet pulled up around his waist complimented the tan skin of his torso, and Nancy idly wondered how he managed keep up his trim physique. She remembered the feel of those toned muscles, warm and hard under her fingers as he'd held himself above her. She felt a blush threatening as the memory became more vivid and she quickly moved her gaze up his body to his face. His dark hair was mussed, sticking up in disarray, but not unattractively. He was watching her quietly, a small smile playing around his mouth.

Frank finally broke the silence. "Sleep well?"

"Yes, thank you," she answered. Nancy was a little surprised by their formal conversation. They had just known each other more intimately than any average friendship would allow, yet now things felt, what, awkward? Forced? No, she decided, not forced. Just different.

Frank's expression changed, becoming more serious, almost as if he was thinking about the same things she was. Nancy realized that at some point they would need to have the talk. Obviously neither of them had been virgins before last night, and if they started a relationship they would need to learn each other's histories. Unless, this was just a one time thing, in which case previous experiences wouldn't matter anymore – this would just become one more to add to her short list. Her chest tightened at the thought of it. Frank wouldn't see it like that after all we've been through, would he? Some central part of her pushed off those thoughts, knowing that what had happened the night before was more than just sex. They made love in the truest sense of the phrase.

Frank could see the thoughts starting to flow through Nancy's head. He didn't want her to start thinking about all the reasons they shouldn't be together. He wasn't ready for that yet. What he did want was to enjoy this moment: the two of them, in bed, after an incredible night alone together.

So he did the only thing he could think of. He reached out the hand that wasn't supporting him, closing the small distance between them. Her hair was messy and falling into her face as her head rested still on the pillow. Gently, he tucked the strands behind her ear, leaving his hand there to caress her cheek.

Nancy's eyes tried to instinctively close at the feel of his fingers, but she didn't want to lose him from her sight. She decided at that moment to push off her worries, that whatever happened next for them, she was going to enjoy it. She leaned up into his touch and Frank took advantage of her movement. His hand slid to the back of her neck while he bent his head down from its propped position, bringing his lips down to meet hers.

Every time he kissed her, to Nancy it felt like that first moment from the night before, and there wasn't any sign of that ceasing anytime soon. His mouth was still gentle as he softly pressed his full, barely parted lips against hers, though she could tell he was restraining himself.

She knew that at any moment he could decide this was a bad idea. He could start thinking rationally and logically, something she had been putting off. Not wanting to take the chance, Nancy decided to move things along on her own time. Slowly, their mouths still connected, she shifted her body up until she was the one more angled over him. Taking advantage of her dominant position, she moved her lips more forcefully against Frank's, opening her mouth a little further.

Suddenly, his arms snaked around her, pulling her down to rest on top of his body, holding her tight against him. She could feel the firm planes of his body with hers, separated only by the sheet that was caught between them. His large hands caressed her back, dragging his short nails lightly along her skin as he kissed her.

Nancy moved her mouth down along his neck to his pulse point where she could feel his rapid heartbeat through her lips. Her eyes flicked up at the clock. It's still early, she thought wistfully, we don't have to go back to real world yet.

She felt her body starting to shift, as if he was trying to roll them back over. She sat up just enough to put her hands flat on his warm chest and smirked. His brown eyes seemed to darken even further as they seared into hers. Frank got the message and grinned back, feeling more anticipation than he thought possible. It was Nancy's turn to be in control.

Nancy could feel his hardness pressing into her torso through the sheet, but it wasn't enough. She needed his smooth skin touching hers; wanted the sensations that come when two bodies slide across each other. The look in Frank's eyes only intensified this need.

The sheet was still stuck between them, so she sat up just enough to pull it out. Frank understood immediately, and helped her remove the one barrier keeping the separated. She relaxed back down onto him and was instantly anything but relaxed. His hot skin seemed close to burning hers as his blood pumped through him, rushing to more advantageous places.

Frank's broad, tan chest was set spread out in front of her, and she had the urge to taste him. Starting back at the throbbing pulse in his neck, Nancy kissed, licked, and sucked down his neck and over his collarbone to his chest. She flicked one of his small nipples with her finger, and the chest she was poised over rose with his intake of breath.

His penis was hard against her torso, caught between their bodies as she slid down him. She could feel it twitch, trying to strain upward, as she sucked on the taught skin of his abdomen. He was so gorgeous , in every sense of the word, and even more so now that she was up close and personal with his toned stomach. She dragged her hands down his skin, feeling the muscles as she went, becoming more aroused with every inch.

Frank seemed to lose all power to do anything but lie there, enjoying the sensations bombarding him from what Nancy was doing with his body. He was incredibly aware of every place that they touched, from her small hands on his stomach to his dick pressing into her. Her breasts were grazing his hips, and feeling of her firm nipples only just barely touching him was driving him crazy. His hands hadn't been doing much more than just holding on to her back, anchoring himself to her, but now he had to touch her more.

Nancy felt the warm hands on her upper back start to move around to her sides. Sliding her hands back up to his chest to give him room, her eyes closed as his hands slowly crept around her body. Without warning, his fingers found her peaks, pinching them sharply. The unexpected feeling shot through her. There seemed to be a direct line from her nipples to her groin, and every movement he made on her breasts seemed to fan the flame growing in the pit of her stomach. Her back arched involuntarily as he pulled on them, pushing her breasts more firmly into his palms.

Not wanting to leave Frank out, Nancy brought her hands back down to his stomach and found the fine, dark hair that started at his navel. Dragging her hand down it, she found the thicker hair that grew where his legs meet and pulled on it. She felt the curly, coarse strands between her fingers. She knew it was difficult for him to have her hands so close to his most sensitive area without actually touching it, especially if his uneven breathing whenever she brushed the base was any indication.

Sitting up more fully, Nancy freed Frank's member from where it had been trapped, and it shot upward to slap against his stomach. It was thick, long and beautiful. She couldn't stop herself from touching it if she wanted to, so her fingers trailed, using only the lightest touch, from the base to the tip. When she reached the spot on the tip where all the nerves converge, it jumped out of her loose grip. Nancy chuckled at this, and Frank looked up into her face.

"What?" He asked with grin. Frank couldn't help but notice how beautiful she looked perched above him, with her messy red hair falling around her shoulders. Her blue eyes almost seemed to shine with mirth and arousal.

Nancy touched that spot at the tip again, and again his dick jerked downward. "Nothing. That is just a fun reaction."

"I'm glad you find my body amusing." he said with a laugh, trying not to feel embarrassed over the involuntary response.

"Frank, I find your body so many more things than just amusing." Her eyes bore into his, and he felt his body flame up all over.

"Oh?" It was the only thing he could think of to say, all he could squeeze out of his lungs. It suddenly seemed like he couldn't get a deep breath, and it had nothing to do with Nancy being on top.

"Of course. I find your lips completely kissable," she reached up and pecked him, "your skin wonderfully warm," her mouth touched his chest, "and your dick absolutely amazing." She found that spot one last time, tightening her grip a little around the tip. Using a small motion, she moved her hand up and down on him and Frank's hips squirmed a little. "I find you more sexy than any guy I've ever been with."

Frank didn't know what else to do, so he grabbed her waist and pulled her back up his body until her face was level with his. Holding onto the back of her head, he pressed her down until he could reach her lips with his own. He pushed his mouth hungrily, eagerly against hers, wanting to express what he didn't know how to with words – that she was everything he could ever want in a girl and more.

His tongue thrust into her mouth, and she was more than willing to greet it with her own. The hand on the back of her head pulled slightly on the hair there, a motion that Nancy was beginning to associate only with Frank. This was not the sensuous kiss from the night before. This was a fierce, fiery battle between mouths, and she was more than up for the challenge. Holding onto his face, she pushed her own tongue through his lips, feeling his straight teeth, tasting his mouth.

He released her head just enough for her to back off slightly. They both needed more air than they were getting in the midst of that forceful kiss. His hard member was now pressing into her where it felt the best, shooting sparks of pleasure down to her toes as it pulsed.

Still breathing hard, she sat up a little further. Frank couldn't take his eyes off of her breasts, rising and falling with every quick breath she made. Her nipples were standing straight out in her arousal, the dark pink a contrast to her milky skin. But then her hand was on him again, and he couldn't help but close his eyes at the feeling. He was so hard with anticipation, almost painfully so, and her hand on him made it worse and better all at the same time. He knew then what she was about to do, and he didn't think he could wait any longer.

Nancy gripped the Frank's thickness in her hand and lifted her body up. Slowly, carefully, she lowered her body onto him. They moaned together, both overcome with the feeling of his large dick sliding into her small body, inch by inch. She settled on him for a few moments, unable to move as a wave of pleasure rolled over her. She became aware of his hands holding onto her hips, pressing her down onto him.

Slowly, she lifted her hips, hands braced on his chest. She moved up right until the point where he almost came out of her, then stayed there for a second. With a few quick motions of her hips, she thrust onto just the first couple inches of him, then back off. She knew she was teasing him, and she grinned as he groaned, his eyes closed. Then his hands tightened, slamming her down all the way onto his hard shaft, and she found herself groaning.

With slow, steady movements, Nancy began to ride Frank, moving her body up and down on him. She kept that pace, enjoying the friction building between them until she felt one of hands gently push her backwards. Taking the hint, Nancy sat all the way up. His hands pushed her hips more insistently, so she followed his cue and moved faster, harder.

Having Nancy sit up was almost Frank's undoing. Now he could see her body wholly as she rode him. Her full breasts bounced with each movement, and the sight of them combined with the feeling of her being in control brought him very close, very quickly, to release. He watched her face, wanting to know how close she was. She was biting her bottom lip her face tense.

Nancy loved knowing that Frank was watching her. She didn't always feel so bold, but the heat directed at her through his gaze made her feel powerful in what she was doing with him. She thought he might be close, and she was getting there. Then his hand shifted, bringing his thumb into contact with her sensitive area. Her back arched as his thumb found a steady rhythm, pressing circles into her as she quickened her pace, riding him hard.

Her body shook as she came fast, and she was unable to keep moving as her orgasm overtook her. Frank thrust up into her one, two more times and then she could feel his hot fluids shooting into her, his lower body pressing firmly upwards into hers. She distantly heard his moan as his body shuddered beneath her.

All energy gone after the waves of pleasure slowed, Nancy collapsed onto him. Frank's chest rose and fell rapidly as he tried to get his breath back. Her small weight felt good on his body as he wrapped his arms around her and held her there.

Soon, both of them were asleep, exhausted from the long day and even longer night behind them.


All reviews are greatly appreciated :)