Disclaimer: I do not own Nancy Drew, the Hardy Boys, or any of the characters associated with them

Disclaimer: I do not own and am not affiliated with Nancy Drew, the Hardy Boys, or any of the characters associated with them. I also do not own or am affiliated with any pop culture references that I may choose to include.

Author's Notes: This is just an idea that I've had swirling about in my head ever since I first got addicted to watching poker on TV. I'd say the characterization is closer to the 70's television show more than the books, although the story itself is modern.

The Way You Look Tonight

"Ah...hotel sweet hotel."

Frank Hardy rolled his eyes as his younger brother flopped down across his bed in their hotel room. "Don't get too comfortable," he warned, opening his suitcase. He started to unpack his clothing, and to put it away in one of the room's dressers. "We have to get down to that tournament. It starts in less than an hour. And you still have to change."

Joe sat back up, and glanced down at his t-shirt and athletic shorts. "What's wrong with what I'm wearing now?"

"We're supposed to look like over-privileged college playboys. You look like an over-partied athlete who just rolled out of bed."

"Well, we don't all travel in our non-wrinkle oxfords." Joe shot back. He got up, somewhat begrudgingly, from the bed. It had been particularly comfortable, and he didn't really want to change.

Frank gave his brother a pointed look. "If that's your way of saying that I need to lighten up then--,"

"Now who would possibly say that? You're wearing jeans. You look like you're ready to party." Joe teased.

"Just change, will you? We've only really got one chance to make this work, and considering the trouble that Mr. Bergeron went to get us out here we should probably try and see that it does work out."

"Frank, chill out. We're playing poker."

"To get invited to a private game that may or may not be a cover for an unspecified illegal activity that we then have to uncover."

"I know why Mr. Bergeron hired us, Frank." Joe pulled out a new set of clothing from his suitcase. "And I think you're the one who's more likely to blow it. You're too tense. These guys will peg you about a minute after you sit down at the table."

Frank closed the dresser drawer. "First of all, you and I both know that unless you're at a table filled with women that you can flirt with and distract, I'm the better poker player. Second, I'm not sure that you're aware, but the guy we're investigating is bad news. Even if he's not guilty of anything at this casino, if he busts us it's not exactly going to be free drinks and pleasant walks down the strip. And third," he glanced at the clothes Joe had pulled out, "you can't wear khakis with that shirt. The black stripe is too strong."

"First of all," Joe removed his shirt, and started to change. "I resent that. I'm an excellent poker player. I just can't beat you because you know me too well."

"And yet you can never tell when I'm bluffing." Frank grinned. "I should probably be offended. It's like you don't know me at all."

Joe ignored Frank's jesting. "Second of all, I'm well aware of the fact that if we get caught by Eckhart he'll have his goons take us out back and break our legs or whatever it is that these Vegas gangsters do nowadays. I got the lecture from dad too. And third, the black stripe is not too strong. These are light khakis, not a dark brown and I'm wearing black shoes so it balances out."

"That does not excuse the fact that--," Frank cut himself off and shook his head. "Never mind, the point is we need to be on the same page tonight. We need to be on the top of our games. Ideally, both of us will get invited to that private game, but at least one of us has to."

"I thought Bergeron was gonna rig our table."

Frank shook his head. "The arrangements got flipped around. We're at different tables, and he could only rig one. I don't know which one it is, so no screwing around."

"Relax Frank. I will be completely focused on the game, and monitoring Eckhart. I won't even let myself get distracted when those cute cocktail waitresses walk by."

"That reminds me, no drinking."

"You are just determined to take all the fun out of this, aren't you? Here we are in Las Vegas, in a comped five-star suite with everything at our fingertips, at no cost to us mind you, about to play in a Texas Hold'Em tournament, and all you can do is lecture."

"You'll thank me when we get on the plane back home with our dignity, and all of our bones in tact."


Nancy Drew dabbed at her lips with a tissue. The red of her lipstick was slightly too dark for her normal tastes, but she had applied it anyways; she wasn't there to be herself and the color of "Ravishing Red" was perfect for her purposes. "Bess, could you bring me the earrings that I put on the bedside table please?" She called out to the main portion of the room.

Bess entered the small bathroom and handed over a pair of dangling silver earrings. "Remind me again why you feel the need to do this?"

"Because," Nancy flipped her hair over one shoulder in order to put one of the earrings in, "I finally have a lead in Josie's disappearance. Everything leads to this guy, Eckhart."

"And what, you're just going to walk up to him and say, 'Hi, did you kidnap Josie Levi?'" Bess crossed her arms over her chest.

Nancy's hair went over her other shoulder. "I'm going to go play in that poker tournament downstairs. Rumor has it that Eckhart brings the top players to a private game. I'll be able to get a better feel for him there."

"You know what might be a better idea?" Bess asked.


"Talk to the police and let them handle this."


"Seriously Nancy. You want to go and try and confront a big Las Vegas bad guy. These guys don't mess around. I saw all those gangster movies. And you want to enter a poker tournament to get to him? Have you ever even played poker before? You can't just go and pick it up."

Nancy turned and started out of the bathroom, squeezing past Bess. "I'm doing this Bess. End of discussion. Can I borrow that drop pendant necklace you brought?"

"It's on the desk." Bess sighed. "You're impossible. You know that, right?"

"I'll be fine." Nancy fastened the necklace. "Where did I put my shoes?"

"Foot of the bed. Are you really going to be wearing those? Just looking at them makes my feet hurt."

"Lucky for me, you play poker sitting down." Nancy slipped the shoes on and straightened. She smoothed her mini-skirt. "How do I look?"

"Like you should be carrying pepper spray." Bess deadpanned.

Nancy opened up her clutch purse, checking to make sure she had her wallet. "That would hardly be practical. I'm only bringing this."

"It's official. You're trying to put me into early cardiac arrest."

"Bess," Nancy walked over to her friend, and placed both hands on her shoulders, "relax. I can handle this. I'll just be playing a little bit of poker. In a public place with a lot of security cameras for that matter. Nothing is going to happen to me. I'll probably be safer than you will be."

"Gee, that's comforting." Bess scoffed. "And what if you get to the private game and Eckhart makes you for a detective? Then what are you going to do?"

"That's not going to happen, Bess."

"How do you know?"

"I just do." Nancy glanced over to the clock. "Shit, I've gotta get downstairs." She started to leave the hotel room, but turned and spoke over her shoulder. "Do yourself a favor and go out and have some fun tonight alright? It won't do you any good to just sit here and worry."

"Sure. I'll go sit in some random show and worry."

"That's the spirit."


"Brad, I'd like you to meet Dave Bergeron. He's the owner of this place, and was kind enough to provide us with a sanctioned private game."

Frank shook the hand of his client as Richard Eckhart introduced them. Brad Channing was the alias that he had been taken on upon coming to Vegas for the case; Joe was under as his brother, Harry. "You have a very nice place here." Frank had been waiting in the private game room with Eckhart and some of his flunkies for a little under an hour. He had quickly determined that his was the fixed table, because unless he had gotten extremely good, everyone else at the table was unbelievably bad. On two occasions another person had been escorted into the room. One was a middle-aged woman, named Shelly Channing, and the other a young man, Tim Newton. They would be playing in the game along with Eckhart and himself. Frank could only hope that Joe was one of the other two players that would be joining them.

"Thank you." Bergeron nodded, smiling. "We try our best here at the--,"

"Speaking of the game, where are my last two players?" Eckhart cut in. "It's nearly nine-thirty. If we want to finish by dawn we need to get this show on the road."

Frank looked at Eckhart, not all that surprised that he was willing to interrupt Bergeron, even when the man was doing him a favor. Eckhart was a tall man, in excellent shape, with brown hair slicked back away from his face, and piercing gray eyes. He wore a perfectly tailored suit, and something about presence commanded respect. Frank doubted anyone ever fought the man when he interrupted him.

"I've been told that one of the tables finished up about five minutes ago and the winner is on his way up. The other table is down to two players, and the chip leader appears to be making fast work of the unfortunate soul she's playing against." Bergeron informed quickly.


As if on cue, the door to the room opened. A casino employee entered first. Frank released a small sigh of relief when Joe followed him. He had not wanted to be in on this case alone.

"Harry!" Frank feigned surprised. "I didn't think I'd see you up here."

"You two know each other?" Eckhart raised an eyebrow.

"Harry is my brother." Frank explained.

"That's very interesting. And why is it that you didn't expect him?"

"Well, quite frankly, I just don't think he's that good. Usually he gets taken for all he's worth."

"Oh, ha ha." Joe looked around the room. "So who exactly am I going to be playing against? Those two over there?" He pointed to Shelly and Tim, who were chatting together by the table.

"Yes. They're Shelly Channing and Tim Newton. You're brother and I will be playing, as well as one more person. As soon as she arrives, we'll be getting underway. Can I interest you in anything to drink?" Eckhart asked.

Joe was quiet for a moment. "I think I'll just stick with club soda for now. I have to stay sharp."

"Smart thinking." Eckhart nodded. "We'll bring that right up to you." He turned away from the brothers and took a few steps, gesturing to a casino employee.

Bergeron looked between Frank and Joe. "I have to head out. Eckhart only likes to have the dealer in here during the games, and I have a casino to run." He lowered his voice. "I'll expect a full report first thing tomorrow morning."

"Sure thing."

Frank and Joe turned to each other as Bergeron walked over to Eckhart to get the final OK. "How long have you been up here?" Joe asked.

"For a while." Frank answered. "But I haven't noticed anything off with Eckhart yet, other than the fact that pretty much everyone will do whatever he says. I wouldn't be all that surprised if he cheats or the game is rigged. He seems like the type who enjoys winning."

Joe glanced around the room. "What about everyone else in here?"

"Aside from his flunkies I'm willing to bet that they're all clear. We'll just have to keep an eye out for anything out of the ordinary. Especially once the game gets started up. If he does anything in the room, he's probably thinking that people are too distracted by the game to notice anything. We'll have to keep track of a lot so--,"

"Excellent! Our last player is here." Eckhart's voice boomed over the rest of the room and everyone turned to the door to see who would enter.

Every thought that had been in Frank's mind left it. Entering the room, wearing a black mini-skirt, pin-striped button-up halter vest, and heels that made her legs look like they didn't end, was Nancy Drew. The make up threw him off a little, given that he had never seen her wear that much, but her eyes and hair were a dead giveaway; the drop-dead gorgeous woman standing in front of him was Nancy Drew.

A sharp elbow to the ribs from Joe brought him back to reality. "Hey Mr. Don't-Blow-This? We're supposed to be able to bluff." Joe whispered.

She ran a hand through her hair, and after surveying the room walked straight up to Eckhart. "Thanks for inviting me up here, Mr. Eckhart." She held out a hand. "I'm Natalya Marek."

The name briefly through Frank off before he remembered their case in little Panaslava. He quickly refocused once more, curious as to what Nancy was doing exactly.

"Please, call me Rich." Eckhart brought her hand up and kissed it. "And you earned your place to come play in this game. I'm told you were impressive down at the tables." He paused briefly. "Natalya...that's a very pretty name. Is it French?"

"Slavic, actually." Nancy answered.

"Oh, how exotic. Perhaps we'll have some time for you to tell me more about it lately. But let's get the game started. We can introduce you to everyone at the table." Eckhart clapped his hands together once. "All right everyone, it's time to get this game underway. The game is no-limit Texas Hold'Em, and you'll be playing against me and the others here for a prize of 10,000 and an automatic seat here when the next tournament rolls around. None of that mess downstairs. If we could all take seats at the table please we'll be able to get started." He grabbed Nancy's hand and led her over to the table. There he pulled out a chair. "You can sit here next to me, Natalya. Can I get you anything to drink?"

"Can you get me a Kiss in the Dark?" Nancy took the seat and half-looked at Eckhart over her shoulder.

"I'll get you the drink and then the real thing later." Eckhart winked. "I'll go get that drink started. You introduce yourself to the rest of the table, and when I get back we'll get started."


"I'll call."

Nancy glanced down and flipped the corners of her cards up as Eckhart pushed a stack of his chips towards the middle of the table. Another reminder look at the center of the table told her that she had a pair of eights, which wasn't bad at all for this stage of the game. They had been playing for quite literally hours and only two of the players had been taken out of the tournament, those two being Shelly and Tim. Nancy was proud to say that she had delivered the final blow to both players, and had since been playing slowly while the rest of the table fought it out. "I'll raise two thousand."

She watched as Joe folded quickly; Frank had folded the moment he had looked at his cards. She had barely contained her surprise when she had recognized the brothers, but it became increasingly apparent that they were there for at least somewhat the same reason that she was, and her curiosities would have to wait.

"That's a little steep for my liking." Eckhart threw his cards into the center of the table. "Looks like you've got another pot, Natalya. Will you at least show me what you stole my money with this time?"

Nancy shook her head sweetly while his hand squeezed her knee. "Now, if I did that, it would take some of the mystery out of how I steal your money when I do it the next time." She slid her cards over to the dealer and started to gather her chips.

Eckhart glanced down at his watch. "All right. We're going to put the tournament on pause for tonight. I know you young folk can probably keep going on all night but I'm getting older and 1:30 in the morning is my limit." He pushed away from the table and the others followed suit. "You needn't worry about the integrity of the game, there are cameras everywhere."

"What time should we back here tomorrow then?" Joe asked.

Nancy coughed right as Eckhart was answering Joe's question. She eyed Frank quickly before turning her focus back to Eckhart. "I'm sorry; did you say 7:49?" She smirked. "That seems like an odd time to start a poker game."

"8:00 sharp." Eckhart corrected. "I look forward to seeing you all there."


Thoughts? A little anti-climatic, I know, but it's gotta build.

Also, I'm thinking of doing a little one line teaser at the end of each chapter. For example the teaser for the next chapter would be:

"Going back to your place would just make my night."

Is this something that would interest you?