Disclaimer: DC Comics and WB Entertainment own everything. No profit is being made from this story. This is strictly for my own amusement.

Author's Notes: This story popped into my head after seeing a manipulated picture on Tumblr. It's no longer on the first page, but it's still there if you want to see it. In the first gif, they were sitting on top of a car hood looking up at the sky and another showed them talking outside on the street. Anyway, it truly struck me that everything may not be exactly perfect after what happened to them. I went with my gut with Stolen Moments, and that story went in the opposite direction, but not this time. As always, Laney is in charge, so this may continue or it may not. Ok then read on. Reviews are love, everyone.


Chapter 1: Takin' A Chance

Clark Kent was outside the Daily Planet building patiently waiting for Lois to get off work so they could talk. They had barely had the time to talk to each other, let alone to reconnect. He actually wasn't sure what was going to happen between them. They hadn't seen each other or talked in over a week.

He felt guilty about that, but he'd been extremely busy with his Mom, fixing the house to make sure it was habitable for her. That took up the majority of his time, and then he had to gather his resume as a Stringer for every newspaper in the city. The Daily Planet of course was his first choice because of her. He was thrilled and excited that they had hired him.

He immediately thought back to this morning after his talk with Mr. White and after the introductions had been made and then he saw her. His heart pounded like a drum. Seeing her again did things to him. Holding his breath, he walked over to her without a clue what to say or what to do. It wasn't that he was shy around girls, with little or no experience in that area, but with Lois, she had been extremely easy to talk to.

Clark then remembered their first meeting in the ice spaceship in Canada, by his Father's gravesite, on Zod's ship, in the military compound, all the times they had met, it became easier and easier to talk to her. But now, he felt speechless and unsure of himself.

But then, she was there holding out her hand. "Lois Lane. Welcome to the Planet."

Relieved, he shook her hand and said, "Glad to be here, Lois."

Then she grinned at him with the beginnings of a smile, and he couldn't help smiling at her. She recognized him of course. He needn't have worried about that. Lois was as smart as a whip, as his Mother would say.

Suddenly, everyone was extremely busy with numerous stories about the President coming to visit, town meetings by the City Council and the Mayor about reconstruction, Superman stories, the crime uptick, looters, and just so many stories to write and there wasn't enough time to talk or even speak to her.

Later that morning, he managed a few minutes alone to ask her out to lunch, but she was too busy. She apologized, but he had to wonder if she were avoiding him. A little while later, before she hurried off to another meeting, she leaned over his desk and whispered to him. "We'll talk at dinner." She nodded her head and smiled at him. He nodded back and smiled in return.

So there he stood waiting for her. He glanced at his watch again, and it was almost six o'clock. Their working hours normally ended at five-thirty. He pushed his glasses up his nose, sighed and thought about calling her, but he didn't want to appear as if he were pushing her or rushing her into anything.

"Hey!" It was her. "Sorry, but things were insane today." Lois' heart pounded as she stared at him. Seeing him also did things to her. Thinking back to earlier this morning, when he had walked into the Planet, she felt as if her world had suddenly righted itself as if everything were going to be alright. It was a silly thought, but she couldn't seem to think about him in any other way. It just felt right.

He slowly walked over to her. "I know. Just one of those days, I guess."

"Well, don't be surprised if tomorrow is exactly the same as today," she said.

He frowned but not for the reasons she was thinking. "Oh, I see."

"Clark, it's the newspaper business. Things happen on the spur of the moment every day. News breaks every minute of the day." Suddenly feeling agitated by his nearness, she reached inside her bag for her car keys.

"I know." He paused as he stared at her. "Lois, I … I wanted to apologize for not calling or …"

"Clark, please don't apologize. I knew you had things to do, so don't worry about it."

He felt relieved then he changed the subject. "Are you hungry? I know you didn't have time to eat."

"Actually, I ordered takeout and ate at my desk. Can we take a ride then we can talk?"

He felt encouraged. "I'd like that."

"Great, my car is just in the garage around the corner." She walked in that direction, and he followed her. He came up beside her then their steps were in sync.

Lois glanced at him out of the corner of her eye. "So, how was your day?"

"Crazy busy from the first moment I started. After the staff meeting, Perry had me going here and there, all over the city but mostly at the Mayor's office."

"I see, well, I've dealt with him on numerous occasions, and he can be a bit intimidating."

"I know what you mean. His mood was a bit strained because of what happened to the city," Clark said still feeling guilty about all of it.

"I can just imagine," Lois said as she watched him for a moment. She headed over to her car then she held up her keys. "Can you drive?"

"Actually, no, I don't have a license. I've never needed a car."

"Of course, you don't," she said, then shook her head at him. "Get in," she said.

After a few minutes of silence, Lois spoke up. "Clark …"

But Clark also spoke up. "Lois …"

They both chuckled. "You first," Clark said.

"Well, there's a saying not only about the first kiss, but about the heightened fear that we experienced. It tends to make people have these feelings that may not be there after the danger is over or when things return to normal." She refused to look at him and paid attention to the road. They were just outside the city and it was getting dark.

He shook his head, confused. "What are you trying to say, that our feelings weren't real?" Clark didn't believe that.

"No, that's not what I meant." She glanced at him, and he looked dismayed. "What I meant was that maybe we should take it one day at a time and see what happens."

Clark got the point. "So, it's over before it even begins." It was a statement. He felt beaten, crushed and his heart ...? He didn't like to think about it, so he looked out the window.

"No, Clark, you misunderstood."

"There's no need to explain. I get it, I do." He turned to her. "What we went through, I wouldn't have changed a thing, because it brought us closer together and when I kissed you …" He paused as his heart pounded. "I thought you felt it too. Was I wrong?"

Lois shook her head. She couldn't deny it. "No, you weren't wrong."

"Then, what is this really about?" He paused as he stared at her trying to understand. "Why are you pushing me away?" He paused again. "I know you care about me."

Lois blinked rapidly and tried to focus and pull herself together. The road before her was blurry, so she pulled the car over. They were in a city park, one of many that graced the city.

Lois exited the car and started walking and then she was running. She didn't know why she ran, but he caught her clearly and held her at arm's length. Tears blinded her and her cheeks were wet.

"Lois, talk to me. Tell me what's wrong. Are you afraid of me?"

"No, that's not it," she replied. He handed her a handkerchief. She wiped at her eyes and wiped her runny nose. She looked into his eyes. "Don't ever think that."

Her eyes roamed over his face, and she still couldn't believe that he wanted to be with her. She wasn't pretty, she was bossy, argumentative, independent, and stuck in her ways. She'd been on her own for so long now. Maybe she should finish it before she became so involved with him that she would lose a vital part of herself, and then they would break up. It always happens.

He stroked her shoulder. "Then tell me what it is that's got you so worried. You are worried. I can tell."

Sighing, she walked over to a bench and sat down. He joined her. Feeling bold, he took her hand. "Tell me." She looked down at his hand over hers and raised her eyes to his face.

"I do care, Clark, so very much, and that's exactly the problem."

"But I don't understand. Why is that a problem?" He squeezed her hand.

She shook her head. "I can't explain it. It's just … I tend to jump into relationships, heart first and then things don't work out for some reason, and then to protect myself, I push people away. I haven't been … I haven't been intimate with anyone for over two years now."

"Lois," he began, but she interrupted him.

"I know we haven't talked about that, but I felt you should know." She paused as she stared at him. "When we kissed, it was fantastic and since then, that's all I think about, being with you, kissing you, holding you and …" She looked down at their hands, embarrassed by her feelings.

He lifted her chin, smoothed her hair behind her ear then he kissed her temple and her cheek. Lois closed her eyes and then she felt his lips on hers, and it was the same as she remembered. Their first kiss had been nervous and a bit awkward, but then he had pulled her to him tightly. His strong arms were around her holding her close, and she felt safe and protected. Their second kiss had made her feel weak and strong all at the same time.

He pulled away after a minute. Lois slowly opened her eyes. Neither saying a word, he pulled her to him and held her tightly. They both sighed, happy to be together again.

"Lois, I don't want you to feel as if I'm rushing you, so if you need time, you can have it. I can wait for as long as you want, but know this, I'm not going anywhere."

She held him tighter. She believed him. "Thank you, Clark."

He closed his eyes and kissed her temple again. His body would have to do what it's done for a long time. Push those feelings way, way down and think about other things. Looking up at the sky, he thought about flying and then an idea came to him. "Fly with me?"

She pulled away and then her eyes lit up like the sun. "Right now?"

"Sure why not?"

"But … someone could see us and …."

He didn't let her finish, but stood up and pulled her close. "Hang on."

She put her arms around his neck and then he took off into the sky. "Clark, where's the suit?"

"I have it on, but I wanted to make a point, Lois. You, me and that other guy, we want you and need you." He paused as she stared into her eyes. "But more than that, we want you to be happy."

Hearing him speak of his true identity in that way was lovely and thoroughly enchanting. She turned her head and looked up at the beautiful night sky, and the stars were twinkling just for them. Suddenly, they were above the clouds. He stroked and smoothed her hair. Tears blinded at his warm touch.

"Happy?" He knew the answer.

She turned to him and smiled at the look on his face. "What do you think?"

He leaned down just a little and kissed her, not sweetly, but like a man in love. She returned his kisses truly believing that this time would not be like the others.

No not at all.



Song Inspiration: Seven Whole Days, Toni Braxton.

A/N: *sniffles* Oh, Lois, Laney says and gives her a tight squeeze for her relationship fears. Definitely not like the others. Tell me what you think, and thanks for reading everyone. Comment, please? I would truly appreciate it. Thank you.