Once Upon a Surfboard
Chapter One
Disclaimer: They do not belong to me.
Author Notes: Sorry gang, I took a sabbatical from writing for a bit. I can't stay away from it for very long though. My brain starts to explode with ideas. Besides, I've missed your reviews. So a new Kono/Steve adventure. A story set in Australia. I love that country and just had to get our characters there somehow.
Steve, Danny and Chin followed Kono into the airport. Each carried a bag or a surfboard packed to travel. The governor had given them all time off to go with Kono to the Rip Curl Pro Surf & Music Festival in Australia. Kono had been asked to be part of a pro exhibition during the competition. She had said no for several weeks, but the promoters kept after her until she gave in. Steve had encouraged her to go if she felt her knee would hold up. Since it wasn't a competition, she was sure she would be fine. It was the all day competing that her knee couldn't take. Steve, who was an avid surfing fan, knew that the 2011 Rip Curl Pro at Bells Beach was going to be historic. The small Victorian town of Torquay would be celebrating 50 years of competition at Australia's most iconic wave by bringing together most of the past 50 male and female champions to witness the world's best surfers battle it out in the Bells Beach amphitheater. Kono had won the women's division six years earlier. It would be a really fun trip.
Little did they know what the Southern Ocean had in-store for them.
As the team sat waiting to board, Steve watched Kono look out the window at the arriving planes. She looked so tired. They had just come down off a three-week case with no days off. He hoped this trip would give her a chance to rest and to do what she loved best.
He had been watching her this whole year grow into a capable police officer. She was so impressive. It would be exciting to watch her surf a big wave. He knew she would have won a lot more competitions if she hadn't injured her knee. It still bothered her sometimes when it rained, but she never let on when it was. Steve knew. He wondered if the other guys caught her slight limp on those days. She covered it well. She covered up a lot of things related to the job. Any time she took down a perp and got bruised or hurt, she would wave off help and act like it didn't happen. Later on during the day he would see her in the kitchen area of their office putting ice on it. She never complained.
They took down a drug cartel in a house raid a couple of months ago and he saw her take a direct punch in the face from one of the men before she swept his leg out from under him and took him down, cuffing him. After they were done with the crime scene, Steve stole an ice pack from one of the EMTs and busted it up activating the cold. He had walked over to her and gently cupped her chin placing the bag on her cheek.
"Keep this on there for a while."
"I'm okay Steve."
"I know, but this will help you with the swelling. Nice job taking him down by the way."
She had rewarded him with a huge dimply smile and their fingers brushed as she took the bag from him. He felt a desire to kiss her in that moment, but had chalked it up to just being protective. Now he wasn't so sure. She was growing on him and he had all these new tender feelings for her. This time away would allow them to possibly explore their relationship. That is if she shared any of his feelings. Right now he was clueless as to how she felt about him.
After a short wait they were boarding the plane. They had two sets of seats. Chin and Danny chose to sit together. Steve and Kono took the other set so Kono could have a window seat. The flight was over ten hours, so they would have a chance to get some rest, if it was possible to actually sleep reclining in a plane seat. After takeoff Steve looked over at Kono who had settled against the window in what looked like a really uncomfortable position. Steve lifted the chair arm between them and reached over to pull Kono over. He patted his shoulder.
"I might make a little bit better pillow than the wall."
"Are you sure?"
"Absolutely. We can share a blanket."
Kono hesitated at first and then surprised him.
They reclined their seats to the same position. He raised his arm and Kono ducked under. She repositioned herself, laid her head on his shoulder and looked up at Steve.
"Any time. Beside, you're warm."
He paused.
"You smell good too."
Kono blushed and pushed her hair behind her ear. Oh, how he wished he could do that.
"Sweet dreams surfer girl."
"Night Steve."
Steve sighed happily as she settled more into him. He smiled to himself when she turned into him and slipped her arm across his waist to cuddle with him. He pulled her close, settled the blanket over them and left his hand resting lightly on her arm. He couldn't help himself and rubbed his hand up and down her arm from her elbow to her shoulder. Was it his imagination or did she just shudder a little bit. Maybe he was affecting her the same way she was affecting him. He drifted off with the sweet smell of her vanilla coconut shampoo invading his senses and her soft silken hair brushing his chin and neck. He reached up with his other hand and turned off the overhead light. As he settled down again, he looked at her sweet face asleep on his shoulder and smiled. Things were definitely starting off great.
Seven hours later Kono woke up with the wonderful scent of Steve McGarrett assaulting her senses. He wore some sort of very subtle cologne or aftershave and it suited him perfectly. She could stay here and just smell him the rest of the flight. His cheek was pressed to the top of her head and she was aware that his arm had snaked under the blanket; covering her arm that was spread across his waist. He held her gently to him. His other hand was settled on her hip. She didn't want to move out of the strong arms that held her, but her bladder had other ideas. As she pulled back, Steve tightened his grip on her in his sleep. She slid her hand up his chest and knew he was awake immediately. She pulled back and looked into his sleepy eyes. Never had she been this close to his face before and she was fascinated with how long his eyelashes were. He definitely had bedroom eyes. Wait. Where did that come from? He was her boss, her mentor and her friend. He was definitely not her boyfriend. Oh, but she wished he was.
He smiled at her sleepily and then his voice sounded concerned.
"You okay?"
"Yeah, I just need to go to the restroom."
"Oh…oh sure. Sorry."
Steve hated to let her go and found himself embarrassed by how familiar he had gotten with her in her sleep. They sat up at the same time and the blanket fell down in the floor as he stepped out to let her by. She brushed against him as she passed and he had this overwhelming desire to touch her. He had no idea she was feeling the same way, so he was surprised when she patted his shoulder as he sat down and reached for the fallen blanket.
Danny was awake across the aisle from them and he smirked at Steve after Kono left.
"Get some good rest there Steven?"
"Give it a rest Danno."
"Good thing Chin's asleep. I'd hate to have to separate you guys at 40,000 feet."
"We're just friends Danny."
"Really good friends I'd say."
"Look. I like her, okay? But I have no idea if she even returns my feelings at all, so please just let it go for now."
"Relax Steve. I think you guys are great together. Lord knows you're both alike. You both love danger, nerdy things and surfing. Sounds like the makings for a beautiful relationship. I'm on your side in this."
"Thanks Danny, but I haven't a clue where to even start."
"Oh please. You already have her sleeping in your arms. I'm sure you'll figure it out."
Danny snorted and settled back in his seat, closing his eyes. He knew Steve was staring at him with aneurysm face, so he chuckled and put both hands over his heart, pumping them out like his heart was beating in a cartoonish fashion. Steve growled and turned away to face the window. After a few minutes he felt a small hand on his shoulder and he stood to let Kono back into her seat. She gave him a faint smile and sat down to look out the window. He was pretty sure she was feeling as awkward as he was.
"Want something to drink now? I think we missed the cart earlier."
"Sounds good. I'd love some orange juice."
Steve hit the steward light and they waited. A perky Australian woman came after a few minutes and took their order. She was back in a few minutes with their drinks. Kono looked back out the window but she felt really stupid because all she could see was darkness. They were out over the ocean so there were no city lights, nothing below to look at. Steve finally spoke.
"Are you nervous about this week?"
Kono thought about it.
"Yeah, I am a little. I haven't seen most of those people for almost six years. I just don't want any of them feeling sorry for me. You know?"
"Kono, I've been surfing with you now for almost a year and your form is just as good as it was when you were competing. I saw you twice when you were on the circuit."
"Yes, really and you are going to be great."
"Thanks Steve. That means a lot. I'm thinking you might be just a little bit prejudice though."
"Trust me when I say if you stunk. I'd tell you."
"Gee thanks."
"You seriously don't have any idea how good you are do you?"
"What do you mean?"
"Kono, I can honestly say that no matter what you do, you do it well: everything from surfing to taking down bad guys. I still can't forget that first day I met you when you decked that guy. You have great aim, you are a total tech genius and you've been great in every undercover case you've gone on. You have great instincts and mad skills, so lighten up on yourself and enjoy this trip."
"Wow! That was a fantastic pep talk."
"Did it work?"
"Yeah. I think it did."
"Want to catch a couple more hours sleep?"
"Only if I get my human pillow again."
Steve grinned and pushed his chair back.
"Come here you."
Kono liked the joking; otherwise this would feel way too intimate for a couple of friends. She settled back in his arms and smiled when she felt Steve smooth her hair back from her face. She nestled into him and gave him a brief hug before she closed her eyes.
Steve spread the blanket back over them and snuggled her to him again. He turned to look over at Danny, who was grinning at him like a mad man.
"Steve can we cuddle on the flight back?"
"Shut up Danno."