In Your Arms
A/N: I said I was not going to start another fic. I said I wasn't. But then Henry Cavill happened. Yeah... I don't own Superman.
It was the subtleties that drew him to her. Clark watched Lois from his desk on the other side of the newsroom. The way her mouth moved as she typed on her computer, as if she was recalling the story right then and there. The way thin tendrils of her hair escaped the bun piled on her head and cascaded down her face. He had turned to her in his time of need and she hadn't backed away. How long had he clung to her after killing Zod? But she didn't waver. She held onto him as much as he held onto her. He had worked at the Daily Planet for a whole week now, and in that week, he had found little time to talk to Lois. In the off chance that he had a spare moment, either she was on the phone, or he was making copies, or he just didn't know what to say to her that wouldn't let everyone around them know that they were acquaintances. Clark had spent his whole life hiding his identity, but keeping their relationship secret was new to him.
Lombard strolled over and he caught Clark starring at Lois before he could turn away.
"Don't think about it, Kent." He said. "Lois is an ice queen, but I've almost got her melted."
Clark had to stop from chuckling to himself. Lombard had as much chance with Lois as Perry had to dance naked on a bar.
"Easy on the eyes, and between the thighs." Lombard said.
Clark gritted his teeth and squeezed the pen he was holding so tightly that it exploded. He didn't want Lombard to talk about Lois like that. But he had no choice. For her safety, and his own, he had to pretend like they didn't know each other. Like they just hadn't saved the world.
"Jesus, Kent." Lombard said, attacking the ink stains on his clothes. "These were new pants."
"I'm sorry," Clark said, and fumbled in his desk drawer for napkins.
"Don't bother. Your phone's ringing." Lombard said, and walked away muttering to himself.
Lois threw her purse over her shoulder, and switched off the lamp on her desk. She cracked her neck and re-pinned her hair into its bun. She was exhausted. She needed to go back to her apartment, kick off her heels and take a nice warm bubble bath. The idea was so inviting that it followed her down through the elevator and out the front door. She felt her face falling into a big smile when she found who was hiding in a door jamb a few buildings down.
Clark Kent in all of his glory. He raised his hand in greeting, and she hurried over to him. He didn't have a baseball cap smashed over his dark curly hair, but he store wore his dark framed glasses. His tie was done a little too tight, and he gave it a small tug, but he stopped fidgeting when she approached him.
"Hi," He said with a smile just as big as hers.
"Hi," She replied. "How's your first week been?"
"Busy." He said. "Not quite what I thought it'd be, but I like it."
There was an awkward pause, and Lois felt herself getting annoyed. He hadn't asked her how she was, how she felt after dealing with aliens... "Good," She said, and turned. If he wasn't going to continue to the conversation, so be it. He hadn't talked to her in a week after everything they'd been through and now he just waits for her after work and he expects her to... she stopped short when she felt his hand on her arm. It was just as she remembered. Strong, firm, but gentle. She turned to him, and got lost in his eyes again. She had to admit it. She had it bad for him.
"I was wondering if you'd like to have dinner with me." He said, "If you don't already have plans."
Suddenly her relaxing in a bathtub seemed like such a silly idea once he presented her with this offer. She idly thought about him joining her in said bathtub, and gave her head a shake. "I'd like that." She said. Her brain flashed to the frozen swordfish steaks she had defrosting in the fridge. "My place, 7:00?"
He smiled at her again, "I'll be there."
"Do you need the address?"
He raised an eyebrow. She smiled in return. Of course he knew. He knew everything.
"I'll see you tonight," He said, in a more serious tone, and began pushing himself through the throngs of Metropolians. She watched him until he ducked into an alley. A few seconds later, she heard a collective gasp from the people as Superman flew overhead them, toward downtown. As usual, she couldn't take her eyes off of him.