I apologise profusely for the delay in this chapter. I rewrote it completely as I didn't like how I had written it and in doing so I lost a lot of motivation. But fear not, it is finally here and I promise that the wait for the next chapter won't be as long!

His head swam with blurry images and he felt vertigo as if he were in outer space bouncing around inside of a spinning shuttle. Cold hands grasped his upper arms and he could hear chains rattling but the noise was amplified, so much so that they sounded like cymbals clanging together in his ears. He tried to lift his hands to cover his ears, to protect them from the sounds invading them, but whoever was holding him had a firm grip and he couldn't do what he wanted to. He inhaled through his nose and either he or whoever was holding him smelled absolutely disgusting, almost causing him to barf. The chains stopped rattling and he sighed in relief as the noise stopped but the ringing in his ears continued. His body lifted up and he felt the shackles around his wrists and ankles being uncoupled. He began to be lowered and his feet touched the ground roughly but he hadn't the strength to support his own weight but it didn't matter because whoever was holding him was supporting the majority of his mass. He thought about it a little more and it might have been two people carrying him as each side of him moved up and down non-rhythmically.

He heard a door creak open and his feet flinched back as they trailed along the cold ground. He could feel his body and clothes were drenched in sweat and he found the strength to look at his surroundings. He looked around and the lights blinded him at first but he persevered and soon accustomed his eyes to the brightness. He looked over his shoulder and saw a large half-rodent, half-man carrying him and looked to the other side and saw another there. Upon seeing them, his memories returned and he recalled being abducted by Verminous Skumm. His muscles tightened as he remembered what had happened previously. He'd threatened his friends and knocked him unconscious but one thing that he said had seared firmly into his head. He had threatened Linka. The thought caused his blood to boil and the anger gave him a strength that he couldn't believe his body still held. He struggled against the two rat-freaks holding him and tried lashing his legs out at them but this only made them angry at him and they crushed their bodies together, making Wheeler scream in pain as they collided with him.

He decided against trying to repeat such defiance as they seemed content to just carry him along if he did nothing. He bottled up all of his rage, hoping that that energy could be harnessed at an appropriate time to escape or achieve vengeance. They turned a corner and he saw the hall open out into a large foyer. He saw the flickering of candlelight that only intensified as they came closer to the threshold. His captors threw him through the door and quickly closed the heavy door behind him and left him alone in the antechamber to search its contents.

He took a look around and saw that it seemed like an entrance to a business. He saw a large sign on the wall behind the reception desk that said Salt Lake Industries, Pty Ltd. The décor was all modern with the walls being polished metal, an upper floor overlooked the foyer and there was plenty of glass for the windows. He looked up to the ceiling and this too was all glass, causing him to see the stars for the first time in what felt like weeks. The moonlight didn't have much effect on the room given the presence of the artificial light that the candles all around him provided.

He turned to look to his left and saw the exit to the building and hope surged through him and he tried to stand up and make his way through the doorway to freedom. He found that his muscles had atrophied and instead had to crawl using his arms towards the door instead. He cursed his body for failing him and tried to think of how much effort he had always put in to staying in shape but that all counted for nothing when he had been restrained in the same position for hours upon hours.

He approached the door and reached up to the handle and pulled down on it. A smile crossed his face as he felt the handle pull down and the door felt loose in his hands but that smile disappeared when he felt hands around his ankles. A force slowly pulled his body back towards the centre of the room behind him. The door clicked as it closed again and the hope he had felt now like a distance memory. He turned his head and saw the man who was the reason he was here. All of a sudden, his anger returned and gave him the strength to kick out wildly and catch Verminous in the chin with his foot.

Verminous, upon reflex, dropped his grasp and clasped at his face before lowering his hands quickly and catching up to Wheeler as he tried to scurry away. Wheeler felt himself being picked up by one leg and also by one arm and he was launched towards the reception desk. At first, he thought that he was fall short and slide into the desk but he was thrown with more force than he originally thought and slammed straight into the side. The pain upon impact was excruciating and he yelped in the pain in his side. The desk barely moved so virtually all the kinetic energy was transferred directly to his ribs and he could both hear and feel the moment that several of them collapsed and broke in his chest. Instinctively he curled into and ball and gasped for air, tears forming in his eyes but no sound escaping him.

"You truly are a weak and pitiful creature," Verminous hissed to Wheeler. He slowly started approaching the fire Planeteer and lifted him under his arms and held him face-to-face in front of him.

"That's funny," Wheeler sputtered between breaths, "coming from a pitiful creature like you." He knew that he would be remonstrated harshly for the comment but he didn't care about himself anymore. A split second later he regretted the comment as his primary concern should have been keeping himself safe so he could escape back to his friends and to Linka. Luckily for Wheeler, Verminous only smiled in return.

"You have a little fight left in you," Verminous complimented, "while I despise everything that you stand for, I respect that you persist even though your life is forfeit. Ultimately though, it is all for nought as this time tomorrow you'll be dead and your friends will follow the same fate shortly after."

Wheeler felt his body tense up and Verminous laughed at him as he did. "My life might be over, but I guarantee that yours is too. You will not succeed."

Verminous' smile disappeared but at the same time he didn't seem angry. "I suppose only time will tell." He lead Wheeler to the other exit behind the desk and opened the door to allow him access. Wheeler had given up fighting at this point, at least physically. He now resolved to save his energy for a more appropriate time and also to escape any potential wrath from his captors. He passed through the doorway and before him was a hallway that looked exactly like a hospital. The hall was sterile and devoid of any emotion but at least it seemed clean and certainly better accommodation than his holding cell.

"Where are you taking me?" Wheeler asked.

Verminous coldly responded, "you'll see soon enough." He led Wheeler forward and opened the second door on the right. Verminous also held this door open for the fire Planeteer and as soon as the contents of the room were made clear to him, he stepped back and fell to the ground in horror.

"Please, no!" Wheeler begged.

"Unfortunately, this must be done." Verminous picked Wheeler back up and threw him into the room, locking the door behind him and making his way to the adjoining observation room. The sight must have been a shock to Wheeler but he didn't really care. He wanted information and he'd get what he wanted by any means necessary.

"Kwame!" The African planeteer turned towards the direction of the call and saw Gi running towards him. He smiled warmly to her as she approached and opened his arms for her embrace but she didn't accept it. He suddenly noticed the look on her face and his face changed to concern to match hers.

"Gi, what's wrong?" Kwame asked quickly as he lowered his arms. She was about to respond when he saw Ma-Ti and Linka approaching him as well, clearly seeing the distress on Ma-Ti's face and the dishevelled appearance that Linka possessed.

Gi began to explain as the other two came within earshot, "Wheeler has disappeared and we don't know where he is!"

"What! When did this happen?" Kwame immediately understood their concern and even while asking for an explanation he knew that they would need to speak to Gaia right away.

"He disappeared yesterday," Ma-Ti said indeterminately. Kwame waited for him to elaborate further but he could tell that the young man wasn't interested in explaining what happened so he nodded in response, his wisdom telling him that it was best not to ask.

"We must consult Gaia immediately," Kwame raised his ring to his temple and was about to summon Gaia but Ma-Ti interrupted him.

"Don't you think we've tried that!" Ma-Ti raised his voice, tinged with insult, "we can't get in contact with her either ever since she left to find Wheeler!"

Kwame was confused. What the hell had happened when he'd been gone?

Linka stepped forward and although he could see that her hair and clothes were a wreck and she had obviously been crying due to how puffy her eyes were, he could also see a fire, a determination, in her eyes. She had a strength that Kwame had never before seen in her and he didn't really know how to explain it. Perhaps time would show him where it came from. She put a hand on his shoulder and began to speak, "Kwame, let us go to the main lodge. We will explain everything to you there."

"What about finding Wheeler and Gaia!" Ma-Ti seemed confused. "Wasn't this a waste of time?" he thought to himself.

Linka turned back to him calmly and gently rested a warm hand on his shoulder before speaking, "if we're walking into something dangerous, we need all of us to be prepared and to understand exactly what is going on." She nodded to Ma-Ti and he nodded back before she moved the hand on his shoulder up to his cheek and softly stroked his face, causing him to relax.

"Let's go inside then," Kwame directed. The two gentlemen quickly made their way towards the lodge, leaving the two ladies to linger behind. Gi looked towards Linka as she walked beside her and spent a short while examining her blonde friend. She couldn't wait any longer.

"Linka?" Gi asked for her attention and she received it straight away when she turned to face her, "how are you doing this?" Gi rushed her words a bit and wasn't clear in what she was asking, making Linka furrow her brows slightly.

"What do you mean, Gi?" Linka asked and slowed down a little, they were still a couple minutes away from the lodge and Gi looked like she wanted to talk without the boys around.

Gi breathed a sigh out and continued, "Wheeler is gone Linka, he could even be dead. I know how strongly you feel for him and I don't understand how you can not only keep yourself together but you also possess a strength that I just can't fathom."

Linka smiled over to Gi. She couldn't really explain it either. When she first heard from Ma-Ti that Wheeler was dead, she had fainted. The news struck her hard and the shock caused her brain to simply turn the lights out to protect herself. She had finally been true to her emotions and allowed Wheeler into her heart and he had shown himself to be the very best of all of her dreams. She had worried that he wouldn't take things seriously if she gave him access to her feelings but at the same time she had hoped that he wouldn't let her down. Things were going fantastically and given the turn of events, she should really have been distraught right now but something else had taken over.

A resolve had formed within her. She knew that Wheeler could very well be dead but until she knew for sure, she wouldn't let her emotions get the better of her. If he was alive, she had to save him just as he had saved her numerous times. There was time for grief later if he was gone just as their was time for celebrations later if he was fine. She had to stay strong for him. At least, that's what she was telling herself for the time being.

"I don't know how to explain it, Gi," Linka spoke after pausing for a long time, "I really should be shattered and in pieces right now given how strongly I feel for Wheeler but I think that those feelings have had the opposite effect. How I feel for him has somehow made me stronger, much stronger than I ever anticipated that I could be."

Linka turned to Gi and continued, "I know that he might be dead, and Gaia might be too for that matter, but if he is then the time for grief will be after I know for sure. Until then, Wheeler is alive and I won't stop until he's in my arms again."

Then walked in silence for what seemed like 10 minutes but it was only around 20 paces, "you feel that strongly for Wheeler?"

Linka stopped and sighed before looking up to te sky, seemingly to receive some sort of answer from above but lowered her head when she realised there was no chance of getting one, "I don't think I'm doing how I feel for him any justice. He loves me, Gi. He loves me as much as I finally realise I love him. It's a wonderful feeling to mean that much to somebody and it feels strange for me to say it, considering how illogical it is, but it just feels so right."

"I don't think it's illogical at all," Gi smiled warmly, "but I understand what you mean, I think. I'm really glad that you've found such happiness. I can't explain it, but I have a feeling that everything is going to be alright. I know that it sounds crazy and there's really no reason for me to feel that but something tells me that Wheeler is going to be alright."

"That sounds completely and utterly crazy!" Linka light-heartedly joked before continuing, "but in all honesty, I have the same feeling. It makes no sense, but I feel it nonetheless."

"Let's make sure it does happen then!" Gi exclaimed and hugged her best friend and she returned it with gusto.

"And after we do we can make sure that you and Kwame get together too!" Linka teased Gi and the black-haired planeteer immediately started blushing. Linka knew all about Gi's crush on Kwame. Gi had admitted as much to her a while ago but she told her that Kwame hadn't seemed interested in her. Linka didn't say anything as she didn't want to give Gi any false hope but Kwame did act differently towards Gi than he did with anyone else. She wasn't sure yet if it was because he felt something towards her or for some other reason but she didn't want to ruin their friendship to find out. If they did feel that way for each other then time would win out. They abruptly stopped talking and composed themselves when they realised that the main lodge was metres away from them. Linka held the door open and motioned for Gi to enter before following in her wake. Gi and Linka's cheeks were both slightly flushed as they entered but not so much that it couldn't be put down to the heat of the afternoon sun.

Verminous slowly raised the glass to his lips. He held the drink in front of his nose and swirled it around, inhaling the deep aroma of scotch before tilting his neck back and emptying the contents down his throat. The alcohol burned as it went down, causing him to cough out gently despite having performed the same manoeuvre hundreds of times before. He placed his arm on the rest of his chair before slowly lowering the hand with his glass to the other rest. Lightning flashed from outside as he could feel his hands shaking as he moved, the trauma that he witnessed earlier still fresh in his mind. He had been horrified at what he'd witnessed but he owed his captive the respect of not turning away from what he'd been responsible for subjecting him to.

He closed his eyes and he had both expected and wanted to simply see the calming blackness that shutting his eyes might normally do but all it did was make him relive the screams more vividly. His eyes darted open as thunder reached his ears and he felt every muscle in his body tense. He became acutely aware of how he was now acting and shook his head to snap himself out of his delirium. It had been necessary... hadn't it?

The more he tried to rationalise it, the less convincing his arguments became until he stood and put the glass back on his desk. He stared at the half-full bottle of scotch and anger built up inside him before it was suddenly half way across the room and shattered upon the floor. He sat back down and put a hand to his skull to cradle his now throbbing head. He closed his eyes and eventually fell into sleep but not without seeing the contortions and flagellations repeating themselves over and over. He didn't feel comfortable with what had happened and had wanted to stop but he couldn't appear weak in front of his subordinates once he'd made the decision to proceed. There truly was no turning back now.

"Wait a minute, how did Wheeler get in the water in the first place?" Kwame has listened to them all as they recounted the happenings to him. Nobody responded to him so he continued, "I guess it doesn't really matter..."

"No," Ma-Ti interrupted him. He couldn't keep running from his responsibilities, "it's my fault that he fell into the river." He looked over to Linka and thankfully she wasn't looking at him. He didn't know if he could continue if he saw her eyes. "I was resting in the lake. I often take myself there to relax during the day but the water level had risen substantially while I was asleep and Wheeler came across me just in time to get me to safety. The torrent carried him under the water as he threw me to safety." He began to cry at the admittance of his guilt.

Linka spoke up at this point, "Ma-Ti, I already told you not to blame yourself. Wheeler would've done the same thing for anyone. It's the reason that we all love him and hate him at the same time." She shuffled over to the young planeteer and threw her arm across his shoulders.

"So, show me that message again," Kwame motioned towards Linka. She dug into her pocket and retrieved the note. Kwame read it carefully and orated what was written, "Do not return without a Planet Brat. It's clear that Wheeler has been kidnapped."

"But why?" Gi asked.

"I have no idea, but I bet this Salt Lake Industries knows something about it. Ma-Ti and Gi, why don't you two go into the other room and find some information about them. We'll have to pay them a visit but I think it'd probably be best if we all get some rest for today."

The sun was setting and Linka knew that Kwame was right. It would be better if they got proper rest and started fresh tomorrow but she felt like she was letting Wheeler down by relaxing when he could be in terrible peril. She sighed to herself and ran her hair behind her ears. She felt exhausted but could she really give in to sleep at a time like this? She moved over and sat down on the couch before lying down and closing her eyes. Gi shuffled over and grabbed a throw rug from in the coffee table cupboard and placed it over Linka. Gi stopped as she tucked her friend in and the boys watched as she leant down to kiss her forehead. Linka subconsciously snugged the blanket closer to herself in response and Gi smiled to herself as she did.

"I feel really bad about everything that has happened," Ma-Ti confessed.

"Ma-Ti, you heard what Linka said and I agree with her," Kwame began, "you need to stop blaming yourself. None of this is your fault. You said that you often relax at the lake, didn't you?"

"Well, yeah..." Ma-Ti answered.

"And how many times has the water level risen that much on you?" he asked again.

"Never..." Ma-Ti timidly answered again.

"It hasn't rained here in days. My bet is that whoever abducted Wheeler also set off that flood as well. There's no other reason as to why that much water would suddenly appear without good reason."

Gi spoke next, "That actually makes perfect sense! The only thing that I don't understand is why they wouldn't just abduct Ma-Ti while he was sleeping."

Both Kwame and Ma-Ti thought about that for a while, not really having an answer. "I guess it doesn't really matter why," Ma-Ti spoke up, "all that matters is getting Wheeler and Gaia back."

"You're absolutely right Ma-Ti," Kwame stood, "I'm going to get the geo-cruiser ready for us to leave tomorrow morning. You two please find some information about this company."

Gi and Ma-Ti nodded and made their way to the computers in the other room and started researching. Kwame watched as they did, taking a quick look at Linka before he left to make sure she was ok and, seeing that she was soundly asleep, he quietly made his way back to their plane to prepare.

As soon as she heard Kwame close the door Linka opened her eyes and shortly afterwards they came into focus. She took a look around the room to confirm that she was alone and immediately started crying into her hands. She knew that she needed to stay strong for Wheeler and Gaia but the emotional stress was too much and she needed a pressure release.

Tears flowed freely and she leaned forward and hunched her back over, pulling her knees up to her chest and proceeded to hug them to herself. She threw her head back and looked straight up at the ceiling as her emotions overwhelmed her. She felt a shiver down her spine as her body shook in response. She'd always been proud of how resolute she could be in the face of adversity but the two most important people in her life right now were missing and she had no idea of their fate.

Gaia was the mother of the planet but to Linka she felt like a mother most of the time. She was always willing to sit and listen to her when she needed her to or to ask questions of whenever Linka required. Her own mother had died just after she had started primary school, which caused her to find solace in books and study to distract from the grief of her death. It felt like she was losing her mother all over again and she didn't know if she could handle it a second time around.

Wheeler though stirred a wider range of emotions whenever Linka thought of him. She never really understood how people could fall in love with each other until her feelings for Wheeler became apparent. She loved him, of that she well and truly knew. She could feel the proverbial butterflies in her stomach whenever she was around him. It would be cruel if they could only spend a few short hours being close to one another before being stripped of what could have been a fantastic relationship. At that thought she threw her head into her cupped hands and sobbed again.

She rolled over to her side on the couch and drew her legs up and under her backside. She curled herself into a ball and silently started remembering how amazing it had felt when she and Wheeler had been together in her bathroom. She had known that things would have progressed well and truly beyond where it had before she had stopped them and she felt a pang of regret that it hadn't. She had wanted to continue but for some reason the time didn't feel quite right. Wheeler had a history of being immature and untrustworthy and that knowledge had made her distrust him, even though she felt ashamed to admit that to herself.

She began to get irritated with herself and her feelings. Why was love so difficult? Why couldn't it by like it was in all the fairy-tales? She softly laughed and sat herself back up. It had relieved her a bit to spend a little time to herself just now. She raised her hand up and wiped away her tears from her cheeks before moving towards the kitchen sink to splash some water on her face.

She walked over to the fridge and looked into the small mirror that had been magnetised to the upper right corner a few months before by Gi. She gasped as she saw the state of herself. Her hair was a knotted and unruly disaster. What little mascara she wore was now streaked down her face and large purple bags under her eyes displayed how tired and stressed she felt. She put a hand to her forehead and tried to put things in perspective, her appearance was the least of her concerns... right?

It was at that moment that Gi chose to enter the open-plan kitchen and dining room and see what Linka was up to. Her friend just sighed and smirked to herself before walking towards Linka.

"Linka," Linka spun on her heels at the unexpected voice, "the sun has almost gone down, perhaps you should get some rest. We'll be leaving in the morning before the sun rises."

Linka turned back to the mirror and closed her eyes in contemplation which caused Gi to walk right up next to her. Very softly she spoke, "Gi, what am I going to do if he's..." she couldn't say it.

Gi immediately stood in front of Linka and hugged her warmly, "you can't think like that, Linka. He's still alive, you told me that you have that feeling the same as me. Stay strong." She pulled back and she was happy to see that Linka wasn't crying but she was frowning which certainly didn't seem unreasonable.

Linka then shocked her by starting to laugh. She shook her head and raised her hand to trail through her blonde hair. "Wheeler and Gaia are missing and I'm worrying about the state of my make-up! What the hell is wrong with me?" She had raised her voice for the question that she had asked. Gi knew that she was fragile at this point in time and had to phrase her response carefully.

"Linka, there's nothing wrong with you," Linka gave her a look as if to say not to talk rubbish but Gi disregarded it and continued, "I know that they are at the forefront of your thoughts and concerns but you need to distract yourself from the situation. You can't let yourself get swallowed up by all the bad things that may or may not happen and look after your own wellbeing." Linka seemed to accept that answer due to her nod in response. Gi clapped her hands together, "now! How about we go to your room and freshen you up before retiring for the night?"

Linka tried not to smile but Gi's bubbly attitude was irresistible and soon the corners of her lips were upturned in a large grin. "Alright, but don't you dare use that disgusting dark blue eyeliner on me ever again!"

"If that's how you feel about it I won't waste my wonderful accessories on you ever again!" Gi took offence at her friends insult to her favourite colour but she threw her arm around Linka's shoulder and laughed regardless. She stopped quickly and ran back to Ma-Ti to tell him where they were going and judging by how quickly she ran back towards Linka he must have agreed from beyond the doorway. They both hurriedly made their way back to Linka's room and spent at least an hour of time together, distracting each of them from the terrible situation around them, before falling asleep just as the sun set over the horizon.

The story has taken a very dark path, at least in my opinion. I'd like to know whether you approve or disapprove of the direction the story is taking. I still have options of things to write and directions to take so I'd like to hear how you all feel about it. Please rate and review!