Reviews for Red Call
Munkeyfump20 chapter 1 . 10/20/2017
Thanks for the read
LouiseKurylo chapter 1 . 1/4/2015
Excellent use of Rigsby in this piece, even more so in that he acted atypically. Powerful in few words. Golden. Thanks.
Lothlorien Aeterna chapter 1 . 2/24/2012
Aw, I love Rigsby!
MerriWyllow chapter 1 . 9/11/2011
I think I just made a mistake - reading this right before I have to go to work. Because now I kind of want to cry, this is so sad. It's brilliantly well-written, and it is as heartbreaking as it should be.
MeltedChocoButton chapter 1 . 5/29/2011
Really sad and fitting for the tone of the finale. Rigsby was so sweet.

I've wanted to review your stories and others but half of the touchscreen on my phone is frozen and the optical mouse thing is horrible to type with.
CharmedNightSkye chapter 1 . 5/21/2011
So shocked! The Mentalist has not been on long enough for Jane to have killed Red John! I need more Mentalist!

Sorry rant over. I liked your view on the aftermath of the show. Rigsby was adorable, I love the forehead kiss. Also that he was so upset about the news about Jane and how it kept it from Lisbon for her own good. Very in character. (Though after the episode I was PISSED at Grace, but maybe that's just me). Sorry I guess not completely done ranting. :)

Til later readings
AVG18 chapter 1 . 5/21/2011
I think you nailed one of the things we'll see from Lisbon next season, that at some level, whether she says or not, she will blame herself for not being there with Jane to have stopped him. I'm really looking forward to how all these things will play out, and also as you had Risby conveyed,that their bond will be stronger enough to overcome what lies ahead. Excellent tag, congrats!
walk65 chapter 1 . 5/21/2011
I wonder how the writers are going to get jane out of this in season 4. I mean they kind of have to or there is no series.
brontee chapter 1 . 5/21/2011
Thanks for this story. To see someone caring for her besides Jane helps a lot. Foremost I was shocked that VanPelt and Hightower didn't ask how she was! And that after she saved them all. Will you continue?
Kuhlama chapter 1 . 5/21/2011
Good one :) And -shocked.
s-damon-s chapter 1 . 5/21/2011
This is beautiful, I loved it. :) (I know this is a short review, but I don't have time and I really wanted to tell you that this was really moving and simply... beautiful!)
shepweir always chapter 1 . 5/20/2011
I really enjoyed this story. Yes I agree with all the fans that it was a shocker. But, I personally was thrilled when he ended the B Red John's life. Though I wonder if it will turn out he was just a pawn in the master's game. I think we will find out next season he was just a scapegoat to protect the real RJ. I may be wrong but I wouldn't be surprised if they discover he was a paid actor or a follower of the monster and he was just doing his part to help the real RJ play out another winning hand. It will be interesting to find out. I do think there is a better chance for JISBON unless they introduce another irritating character like Frye. Please PTB don't. Love your Rigsby. So perfectly Lisbon to be more worried about Jane than herself. I am pissed off at Van Pelt why was she worried about that jerk (who I kept hoping was the RJ mole) when her dear friend was dying? I just had a funny thought. It may be morbid but at least Lisbon won't have to wear the pink dress. Though she hated it she really did look beautiful in it. Jane was certainly smitten.
Famous4it chapter 1 . 5/20/2011
Love this story! Awesome start, can't wait for more ...sigh how will we survive the summer?
justcrazy chapter 1 . 5/20/2011
Oof. Please keep going with this. I want to see her reaction and their first interaction - like that she won't let go of the phone-very nice, very real image.
Shani8 chapter 1 . 5/20/2011
WOW! That was great piece.

It was angsty, touching and powerful all the the same time. I can totally see Lisbon thinking about Jane and refusing to let go of her phone, should he contact her. And Rigsby's willingness to protect his "boss" and "big sister" as it were was really sweet. I definitely enjoyed this. :)

That being said, I still feel like my head is spinning after the suspenseful and shocking finale. I can't remember the last time I was on the edge of my seat during a TV show. Although... I can just imagine the aftermath of all this, which is not gonna be pretty. So wait with a mixture of dread as well as anticipation for the premiere in the fall.

In the meantime though, I guess fanfic is one way to keep the spirit of the show alive in what promises to be a long and painful summer. :(

Thanks for writing and sharing!

~Shani :)
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