A/N: So, after seeing Mirror Mirror—AWESOME MOVIE!—I decided I had to adopt a certain plot point. If you have seen it, you know that the Prince is given a love potion, which turns out to be "puppy love," and makes him literally act like a puppy. It is, without a doubt, the most HILARIOUS thing I've ever seen! And then, I was thinking about that scene, and this idea just popped in my head: what if someone gave Harry a puppy love potion, making him Hermione's puppy? ;) Enjoy the fluff!
Disclaimer: I own nada.
"Pass me the powdered moonstone, will you?"
"Are you sure this is a good idea, Ginny?"
"Don't be stupid, Ron. It's the only way. Now, the moonstone, please."
"I just think it's a bit... intrusive. How do we really know they're in love with each other? What if this just creates a lot of unnecessary problems?"
"Oh, they're in love. Trust me."
"Well... if you say so. I guess it does kind of seem like there's something more going on than meets the eye. They're just too... comfortable, you know?"
"But still, why can't we just let them be? Let them figure it out on their own?"
"I'm sorry, was that a serious suggestion?"
"Ron, if we do let them be, they'll never see what's right in front of them. They're too bloody blind and stubborn to acknowledge it. Even if we were to just try and talk to them, they would insist that we were reading too much into things. We have to act. They are in love, they just... need a little push."
"Okay, I get that... but a love potion? Isn't there something else we could do?"
"Yes, but none of the other methods are subtle enough. They're both too smart when it comes to spells to be fooled by one, and locking them in a broom cupboard will just make them angry."
"I'd rather not think about my two best mates being in a broom cupboard, thanks."
"You get my point though."
"Yeah, I get it. So, when will this thing be ready?"
"It has to be stored at room temperature overnight. We'll put it in his pumpkin juice tomorrow at breakfast. Good thing it's Sunday, or it might make classes a little uncomfortable for poor, hopelessly besotted Harry."
"You're kind of scaring me, right now."
"I try. Now hand me the rose thor—GAH! Where the hell did that dog come from?"
"I think it's Parvati's. Bad dog! Bad! Sit!"
"Hey, get away from that! When did she get a dog?"
"Early Christmas present from her mum. Stupid—ruddy—mutt! Come here!"
"He didn't eat the peppermint, did he?"
"No, I think he just shoved his nose in it, but he didn't take any."
"Phew. Well, let's hurry and get this finished so we can put it away..."
A/N: Just as an afterthought, I thought I should let you know that this isn't supposed to be accurate, probable, or even reasonable. It's just meant to be fun. Anyways, I hope you weren't too confused. This is my first time doing a dialogue-only chapter (the rest of the story will have narration as well), and it was a lot harder than I thought it would be. Let me know how I did in a review! :D