Title: Time for plan B
author: Cindy Ryan
notes and summary: See part one
Finn had never been happier to see the long streaks of hyperspace. The ships had finally given up and left and he'd waited a few more minutes after they jumped before he calculated his own. Finn felt the tension drain from his shoulders as he tried to think of what to do. Poe had setup backup plans to backup plans for his fighters and other members of the resistance in case a plan went wrong. Now Finn's thoughts were busy trying to sort through possibilities. He needed to get what the data recordings he'd made back to Poe. Finn dropped out of hyperspace and found a safe harbor of a resistance friendly planet to get fuel and a few supplies. He sent a message to Poe secured and coded. As he left the ship in the docking bay of a small space station orbiting above the green planet Finn tried to reach out through the Force to Rey; to let her know he was okay. He felt her but it was faint. Finn frowned and picked up his steps. He needed to complete his tasks and get back home. Or better a new rendezvous point with Poe.
"Rey!"Poe called excitedly three hours later as they dropped out of hyperspace.
They'd gotten a cache of messages when he'd checked in with the Resistance home base. One that Poe had been hoping would be among the many communiques but had been planning on it not being. He shouldn't have doubted that Finn would find a way.
"What?"Rey asked as she came out of the sleeping quarter hallway and into the main cabin where Poe sat.
"Message from Finn!"Poe exclaimed in relief. "I already sent back a reply with a new rendezvous."
"He's really okay?"Rey inquired as she reached Poe.
Poe nodded and played the message back so Rey could hear. He watched the relief and some of the tension ease out of her face and shoulders. Poe was happy he could take one worry away from her. Leaning forward Poe kissed her and she rested her forehead on his as they broke apart.
"Was so good to hear his voice."Rey said softly. "I know we've been in worse situations but that disturbance I felt in the dark side..."
Poe took both her hands in his and squeezed them.
"I know it's big bad and ugly and coming for us."Poe finished grimly. "But we'll do what we always do; dig in and fight."
Rey freed one of her hands and reached up to touch Poe's face. He leaned into her touch closing his eyes briefly.
"I love you, Poe Dameron."Rey said tenderly.
Poe reached out with one hand and rested it against her stomach and the child within. He was still shifting through emotions about the upcoming fatherhood. Sometimes elated sometimes terrified. Mostly excited. When he spoke his voice was raspy and deep with emotion.
"I love you both so much."Poe commented.
Rey leaned back and met his gaze. He could see the fear and worry she was trying to hide. Whatever she had experienced with this entity had shaken her more than she was admitting to him. Before Poe could say anything else the communication station beeped gaining his attention.
"What is it?"Rey asked.
"Finn."Poe responded with a smile. "Confirming the meet."
Rey watched as her fiance sent a reply to Finn. She tried to concentrate on the good news. Rey knew Poe had been just as worried as she was about their friend. Rey reached out to the Force for calm. She was rewarded and Rey tried to focus on the moment. Still the entity she'd felt from the dark side was a memory Rey couldn't shake.
"We'll regroup soon."Poe said as he stood and kissed Rey's forehead before walking to the door to the cockpit. "I'll let Yoam know the coordinates."
Rey knew Poe was counting on this reunion as a starting place. A beginning to fight whatever this evil that was coming. She tried to follow his line of thought; his hope. Then the memory of that darkness would surface along with the worry of what was to come.