without further a due, chapter 6
I own nothing
Tamina starred into Dastan's eyes as he gave her a small smile. Slowly, he brought his hand up and cupped her cheek. As she leaned into his hand, Tamina could not help but feel safe in with him, despite all the chaos that was happening around them. "This won't be the last time we'll be together," Dastan said in a low, calming voice.
Tamina awoke to the sound of trumpets and the sun leaking through her window. Letting out a sigh, she turned on her back and gazed up at the ceiling. "Today's the day," she said aloud. "I'm getting married today. I'm going to be someone else's wife; I'm going to be a stranger's wife."
"But is he really a stranger?" Tamina thought to herself. The image of Dastan popped into her head and she re-watched the scene play out again. "Why does that scene seem so familiar?" Tamina wondered. "Did I know Dastan before? No, I would have remembered that cocky attitude of his. I'm sure I never met him before, yet why does he treat me with such familiarity? Why does my heart seem to recognize his voice, his presence, his kiss," Tamina blushed at the thought. "And his eyes. Why do they all seem so familiar?"
"Princess Tamina," a timid voice called the princess back from her thoughts. Tamina turned her head to see one of her handmaids standing near her bed with a concern look on her face. Sitting up Tamina's blush began to become more profound. "Was I so caught up in my thoughts that it didn't hear the maids come in?" She let out another sigh before getting up from her bed. "What as that man done to me?"
"I'm sorry Tupac," Tamina said as she rose to her feet. She let out a little sigh at the sensation as her warm feet made contact with the cool marble floor. "I suspect that you're here to help me get ready for the ceremony."
"Yes, Princess; that's correct." Tupac nodded. "However I was instructed to give you this." She said before handing Tamina a small wrapping of animal hide. Frowning, Tamina reached out her palm to take the package. "What's in it?" Tamina inquired.
"Um, I'm not supposed to say until you opened it, Princess." Tupac mumbled while shuffling her feet on the ground, looking anywhere but at the Princess. Tamina's frown began to deepen as she stared at the package in her hand. Subconsciously, she began to stroke and feel the fur on her fingertips. What was inside? Should she open it? But what if it was something harmful? Should she just force it out of Tupac? In the end, her curiosity got the best of her and Tamina began to unwrap the object. Into her hands rolled a beautiful gold bracelet. Tamina gasped as she began to inspect the bracelet. It was very intricate; it had various designs and symbols with the smallest details. Tamina felt her eyes widen as she spotted a two figures holding hands. The detail was so perfect that Tamina did not need to ask who the bracelet came from. Tamina let her fingers glide over the figures feeling every groove and dent in the gold. Her fingers paused on the female figure, noticing how the waves of its hair seemed to fall exactly how hers fell. How the curve of the face and the delicacy of the features seemed to match her own.
"Where did he get this?" Tamina whispered. Her fingers lingered on the male figure's face and how it looked just like him. "If only the eyes were the right color," Tamina thought to herself.
"He made it." A male voice spoke out. Tamina snapped her head up both from surprise of the information and at the sound of another person in her room. She looked up to see a man with dark, unruly hair dressed in what she presumed to be the Persian's armor. The man bowed to Tamina before meeting her gaze with a slight smile.
"I apologize if I startled you Princess," the man said before bowing again. "We have not yet been properly introduced: my name is Bis. I am Prince Dastan's second-in-command and his childhood friend." Bis' smile began to widen. "I see that you like the gift; Dastan hoped you would."
Recovering from her shock, Tamina went behind into her closet and emerged with a robe wrapped around her body. Trying to ignore the fact that someone other than her maids had seen her in such an indecent manner, Tamina began to ask what had been on her mind.
"Dastan did what?"
"He made it," Bis responded with ease once again. "Picked out the gold himself and carved every little detail that you see."
Tamina looked the bracelet over again, and wondered why and how on earth Dastan made it. "He did this all himself? Why?"
Bis shrugged. "Persian men are supposed to propose to the woman they wish to marry by giving them gifts and sorts. But he said since the gift he gave you already belonged to you, it didn't count. So he decided to make you his own gift. Took him a long time too. He had many trials and errors before he finished that." Bis said with confused look on his face.
"When did he finish it?"
"This morning."
"When did he start?"
Bis crinkled his nose trying to think. "I believe about three days after we arrived here. So around a month and a half. He spent at least a good few hours every day on that."
Tamina felt her jaw drop a little. A month and a half? A few hours every day? Tamina began to roll the bracelet in her hands as she examined it once again. Suddenly something caught her eye. Tamina held the bracelet up to see that there was an inscription inside. Frowning, Tamina tried to make it out, but in vain.
"There's something written in here," Tamina stated before glancing up at Bis. Bis extended his hand as Tamina placed the bracelet in his hands. Bis examined the bracelet before handing it back to Tamina.
"It's written in Arabic." Bis stated.
"What does it say?" Tamina inquired.
"It says: 'لبلدي واحد في القلب ، والحب لا نهاية لها.'"
Tamina frowned again. "What does it mean?"
But before Bis could answer, more of Tamina's maids entered her room and began to push Bis out.
"Uh, you can ask Dastan later." Bis managed to say before he was shoved completely out of the room, leaving a rather frustrated Tamina in his wake. Tamina sighed before she slipped the bracelet on; she would just have to wait until after the wedding to ask Dastan what the inscription said.
Dastan began pacing back and forth in the room a few moments before the ceremony began. He was the Lion of Persia, he was the man who managed to overtake the city of Alamut with only a small army of street rebels, he was the one who stopped Nizam from rewriting history and killing his father, he was the one who saved the world by saving a cursed dagger; yet here he was shaking in his boots freaking out before his wedding.
"Dastan, you need to calm down." Tus sighed for what was the hundredth time that hour.
"Ha! Look at him! It's only his first wife and he's already getting cold feet!" Garsiv slurred and giving a loud chortle.
"Someone please stop giving Garsiv wine; he's drunk already and the ceremony hasn't even started yet." Sharaman sighed as he watched his son struggle to stand up properly.
"Let's make a bet!" Garsiv shouted to the whole room. "A bet on how long it will be before Dastan decides he wants his second wife. I give it two months!"
"No way! That Princess Tamina is a feisty one. I say three years tops!" Someone shouted.
"Are you kidding me? She's a major ice queen! A month before Dastan gets married again." Another called out; it was obvious that a good half of the room was not sober.
Suddenly a hush covered the room as the doors opened. Dastan froze midstride as he watched Tamina's handmaids come out with such grace. However, Dastan forgot how to breathe as he watched Tamina enter the room. She really was a breathtaking sight; she was dressed in a simple yet elegant white dress that seemed to make her glow. Her hair came cascading down her shoulders and seemed to only be emphasized by her dress. There were a few gold braids in her hair that made her seem angelic; and on her wrist was the bracelet he had made for her. As she approached him, Dastan tried to silence his pounding heart, for he was sure that everyone in the room could hear how loudly it beat in his chest. When she came and stood next to him, all Dastan could do was stare. Her eyes were outlined in a rich black with gold outlining making those pools of dark brown pop out more at him. As he offered his arm to her, Dastan was certain that all those bets from earlier were all wrong; he was never going to have another wife after Tamina.
As they sat down, Sharaman proceeded to begin the ceremony. Dastan was hardly listening to his father, for all he could do was stare at Tamina. No matter how hard he tried to look away, his eyes would not budge. He was pulled out of his trance when Tus subtlety nudged him to get him back on track. As Dastan encased Tamina's hands with his, he noticed how they seemed to be made for one another; they fit perfectly into each other. Dastan's eyes never left Tamina's as he brought her hands to his lips and he could have sworn that a slight rouge covered her cheeks. Next Sharaman handed them two gold rings; one for Dastan and one for Tamina. Dastan couldn't help but feel the overwhelming joy as he slipped the ring onto Tamina's finger. The feel of her hands on his as she repeated the action was so much that Dastan willed the coming tears to go away. Finally, Sharaman handed Dastan a loaf of bread and a cup of wine. He bit into the bread and took a sip from the cup before handing it to Tamina. When the cup had left Tamina's lips, Sharaman announced that Dastan had to kiss Tamina in order to seal the vows. Slowly, trying not to frighten her with his eagerness, Dastan leaned in and gently placed his lips on Tamina's. They felt just like they did before: perfectly soft. When the two pulled apart, a loud cheer erupted from the room as well as the sound of glasses clanking against one another. Dastan pulled back, grinning ear to ear and he looked down at his wife. Tamina was staring back at him with not the emotionless eyes that she had throughout the ceremony, but with eyes that were sparkling with life. Taking her hand in his, he pulled her up and led her to the balcony where they were greeted with an even louder cheer. The people of Alamut were going crazy as they saw the two newlyweds. They were cheering and yelling and calling out, "Kiss her! Kiss her!" over and over again. Dastan was trying to quiet them down when Tamina grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him down for another kiss. This time, the noise became so loud that it seemed that the whole palace shook. But Dastan took no mind for he was only focused on the fact that Tamina had been the one to kiss him. When they pulled back, her face was expressionless, but her eyes were twinkling with mischief.
"We had to give them what they wanted." Tamina said before stepping back into the room. Dastan stood in shock for a moment before following his wife with a goofy smile plastered on his face.
"Goodnight everyone." Dastan called out before exiting the room. The whole day went by in celebration. Everyone in the city had been celebrating the union between Dastan and Tamina. The two had not left each other's sides until it got dark. Tamina was then escorted out of the room by her handmaids to go and prepare to their wedding night. Dastan could not help but feel a shudder through him at the thought. Even though they were to consummate their wedding, Dastan knew that he would not do anything until Tamina was ready; he already had her so he would not force her to do anything she didn't want to do.
When he entered the room, the smell of jasmine filled his nostrils making him feel more relaxed. When he was younger, he could not stand the smell of jasmine. Now, he could not get enough of it because it was the smell of his wife. Dastan smiled to himself; he loved calling Tamina his wife, for it felt…right.
"Tamina?" Dastan called out as he walked over to their bed. As he sat on it, he felt the bedding give way to the weight he gave.
"So you finally came," Tamina called out as she stepped out from behind a curtain.
It took all the strength that Dastan had to not want to take her into his arms and smolder her with kisses. She looked so beautiful and so alluring. She had changed out of the wedding dress and into a simple beige nightgown. Her hair was free from the gold and her eyes free from the black liner. She looked simple, natural, and absolutely beautiful. Tamina walked over to the bed and placed her hand on his before leaning in to capture his lips. But before they made contact, Dastan stopped her.
"Wait," he said and started to make some distance. "I don't think we should do anything yet."
"Why? Is something wrong? Is this not up to your expectations?" Tamina tried to hide the hurt that was laced throughout her voice.
"No!" Dastan shouted. "No not at all! This is perfect; you're perfect. This is more than what I ever dreamed of; I want this more than anything, Tamina. But," he reached down and pulled her hand to his lips. "You're not ready. Look at you, you're shivering. I know that this is supposed to be your duty to as a wife and as the leader of Alamut. But when I embrace you, I want you to want it like I do; I want you to do it because you love me. I don't care how long that takes or when that will be. But when become one, I want you to want it too." He gave her a loving smile before placing another kiss on her hand.
Tamina let out a breath she did not know she was holding. This man loved her; it was evident to anyone who saw him. She was married to a man who loved her and whom she did not know. At least that was what her head was telling her. But her heart was singing another song; telling her that she knew him before and that she loved him before. Tamina let out a sigh before lacing her fingers through his and leaning against his chest. Tamina closed her eyes and smiled as she felt his other arm wrap around her waist and pull her into a warm embrace.
"Thank you, Dastan." Tamina whispered against his chest. She felt him vibrate as a low chuckle escaped his mouth.
"It's nothing."
Tamina then pushed herself off his chest and began to play with his fingers. "Then, what shall we do for the rest of the night?"
Dastan began to play with locks of her hair before answering. "Hmm. I guess we could get to know each other better. You know, ask each other questions and whatnot."
Tamina nodded before she began. "Alright. What was your favorite thing to do as a child?"
Dastan gave a small smile and looked up to catch her gaze. "Do you really want to know?"
"Why? Is it bad?"
"Well it depends on what you mean by bad."
"Oh, just tell me then."
"Alright if you insist. My favorite thing to do as a child was to mess with the palace guards and play pranks on my teachers. I used to put snakes in their hats and seats and put bugs in their food and throw rotten food from the kitchen at them."
"Somehow, I'm not surprised."
"Ok then miss goody goody. What was your favorite thing to do as a child?"
"I liked to watch the sunset. I was always in the High Temple praying or learning new rituals. I always hated that as a child, but at the end of the day, I would sit near the window and watch the sun set over Alamut. It really was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen."
Tamina paused for a moment trying to formulate a question. Suddenly an idea popped into her head. She jumped off the bed and ran into the closet before emerging with the bracelet in her hand.
"What does it say on the inside?" Tamina asked as she handed it to Dastan. Dastan looked on it before a full on smile erupted from his lips.
"It says: To my one heart with endless love."
The two were enveloped in another pause before Tamina broke it again, this time with a more guarded voice.
"You knew me before, didn't you?"
Dastan merely nodded his head.
"You knew me in another time, didn't you? But you used the dagger; that's why I don't remember you."
Dastan was motionless.
"Dastan, what happened during that time?"
Dastan let out a sigh before he began, "Tamina-"
However he was caught short when a gust of wind and sand burst through the window and bright light lit up the room. Tamina felt herself be pulled into Dastan's protective arms. Tamina squinted through the light and sand and saw a figure come flying out of the light, hitting the wall. Then the light and sand disappeared. Dastan and Tamina remained motionless on the bed as they watched the figure groan as it picked itself up.
"Damnnit! I still never get my landings right. I always manage to run into something-"
"Who are you?" Dastan demanded in a harsh tone that even scared Tamina.
The person stopped mumbling to themselves before turning around very slowly. When they had full turned around, Tamina was met with the lightest blue eyes she had ever seen. There standing in front o her was a girl, no older than eighteen, dressed in traveling clothes and wearing a horrified look on her face.
"Answer me!" Dastan growled out, pulling Tamina closer to him.
"Dastan," Tamina whispered harshly, "I can't breathe."
The girl's eyes widened as she heard this. Her mouth began to move, but no sound came out.
After a while, only one word came out of the girl's mouth, "Uh-oh."
ANNNDD chapter 6! Thanks guys for all your support. I apologize if the wedding was not what you expected, but I tried to be historically accurate. I looked up Arabic wedding ceremonies and all that good stuff. Anyways I apologize for any grammatical or spelling errors and I need some names guys! Please? Reviews make dg4g happy. Thanks!