Disclaimer: all characters and copyright belong to their respective owners.
A/N-Sorry for the delay on this story. Here is the next chapter. I hope you enjoy...
Chapter 2
B'Elanna sat in the mess hall opposite Tom sipping on a cup of warm coffee. It was not usually her drink of choice but it was the first thing that came to mind as she distractedly ordered the drink from the replicator. Tom had ordered one for himself as he guided her carefully toward a free table and helped her to sit. If she hadn't been feeling so ruffled by the incident with Vorik, she probably would have made some kind of biting comment about his unusual attempt at gallantry. However she was not feeling like herself at all. She stared at the brown liquid as if looking for some rational explanation for what had occurred between her and the usually reserved Vulcan.
"B'Elanna," Tom's quiet tones interrupted her reverie. "Do you want to talk about what happened?"
She raised her head, her luxurious brown hair falling in waves around her face. Tom was concerned to see how pale she was; her pupils looked dilated. "I can't, not right now Tom. I need to process it myself," she replied.
Tom reached across the table and placed his hand over hers. She was gripping the mug of coffee so tightly that she was in danger of breaking it. His touch made her uncurl her fingers and she watched in fascination as they involuntarily found their way into his hand. "I am not sure what to..."
She was interrupted from speaking by the Captain's smoky voice crackling through the comm-system. "All senior officers to my ready room." She barked.
B'Elanna snatched her hand back from Tom's and stood up swiftly, only to stagger back as dizziness overtook her. Tom hurriedly rose and placed his arm about her waist to steady her. "B'Elanna, you're clearly not well. Let me take you back to sickbay so that the doc can examine you." He pleaded. "I will make your excuses to the Captain."
B'Elanna shrugged off his hold; embarrassed to show weakness in front of another. "I'm fine," she said dismissively. "The captain obviously wants to talk about the gallicite deposits we have found on that uninhabited planet. There are tunnels down there full of the stuff. It can be used to refit Voyagers warp coils. Do you realise what a substantial find that is?" Her eyes became alight with excitement at the very thought.
Tom stepped back, half amused and half irritated at her refusal to seek medical assistance. True to her feisty and independent nature she refused to show an inkling of weakness. Well the only thing he could do was stay close and make sure she didn't push herself over the edge. The Captain's voice boomed out again, clearly irritated that her officers were taking longer than necessary to respond.
"Coming Captain," B'Elanna barked as she swiftly turned on her heel and marched toward the ready room, her back ramrod straight.
Tom chuckled to himself as he followed her, matching her stride for stride. He saw her shoot him a sideways glance, a small smile playing about her full lips. He winked at her just as they reached the tall doors of the Captains quarter's. B'Elanna made a noise of irritation as she swept through the doors announcing her arrival to the Captain and the others in a tone best left to the crew in engineering.
Janeway glared at her chief engineer, she did not like being addressed in such a sharp manner. "We can see that you're here B'Elanna, although a bit delayed I see," she pursed her lips as Tom strolled in cheerfully behind B'Elanna and took the seat next to her.
"Sorry Captain," B'Elanna apologised; although nothing in her manner showed as much. She stared around the room, her expression only softening when she was met with Chakotay's concerned gaze.
"Are you okay? I heard about Vorik," he told her.
"I am fine," B'Elanna said again. She shook herself mentally. She had faced more dire and life threatening situations than her clash with the Vulcan. So why was she feeling so unsettled? Trying to regain her sense of composure and refusing to discuss the matter any further; even with Chakotay, she turned all her attention onto the Captain as she laid out her ideas for the task ahead to retrieve the gallicite.
"I would like you to head up the away team B'Elanna," Janeway stated as she strolled around the room, unable to sit. Too many black coffees full of caffeine had made her fidgety.
"Of course," B'Elanna agreed. As if she would have let anyone else take charge anyway? She would have fought the Captain if she had even dared suggest such an idea.
"Good. I would like you to take Neelix with you. He has mining experience," she said quickly before B'Elanna could protest.
The Talaxian beamed with delight as he glanced over at B'Elanna. "This should be fun," he declared rubbing his hands together excitedly.
B'Elanna closed her eyes briefly, trying to shut out Neelix's enthusiasm. She liked him but sometimes his over exuberant nature could be tiring. Still it was better than having Tom forced on her. If he came she knew that he would be glued to her side, making sure she was not overtaxing herself.
"Chakotay has expressed a desire to go," Janeway continued," and Tom Paris surprisingly. I didn't think this mission would be quite you're thing?" She said bitingly as she turned her sharp gaze on Tom.
He shrugged nonchalantly."I just fancy a change of air. I haven't been off Voyager for a while. New surroundings should be fun, like Neelix just said." He quipped.
"That's the spirit," Neelix's smile grew wider, pushing his round cheeks up further.
"This is a serious mission, Lieutenant Paris," Janeway interjected sarcastically. "I would hardly call crawling through dark tunnels fun."
"Oh that depends on the company," he replied cheerfully, glancing meaningfully at B'Elanna.
B'Elanna refused to engage in his mild flirting. She stood up quickly, holding onto the table in front of her to keep steady. "Is that all, Captain? I would like to prepare the equipment."
Janeway regarded her coolly. "Yes, take Paris with you. If possible I would like you to be ready to leave in the next two hours."
B'Elanna just nodded. She was feeling increasingly unwell. She felt Tom's hand on the small of her back as he gently guided her toward the doors. For once she did not utter a word of protest.
As they passed sickbay the Doctor emerged with a sheepish looking Vorik. B'Elanna glared over at the Vulcan who dropped his eyes to the floor and marched away toward his quarters. The Doctor tutted at B'Elanna's reaction.
"Come now Lieutenant, the poor Ensign is embarrassed by his actions. I have advised him to spend some time in meditation. He assures me he is mortified by what happened between you and is very sorry that he can no longer accompany you on the away mission." The EMH stated pompously.
"Maybe it was the broken jaw that changed his mind," B'Elanna growled in response to the Doctors pontificating.
The Doctor huffed at her tone. "There are some things that you are not aware of Lieutenant. I think you should be less judgemental."
"What's wrong with him then?" She snapped.
"You know I am bound by strict laws of patient confidentiality," he said stiffly.
B'Elanna was getting increasingly irate, she began to march toward the startled hologram when Tom yanked her back. "Come on B'Elanna, we have a mission to prepare for. See you later, Doc." He waved at the EMH as he dragged a protesting B'Elanna after him and around the corner.
"What do you think you're doing?" She yelled in his face as she pulled her arm out of his hold.
"Stopping you from making a fool of yourself," He said irritably. "Will you just calm down?"
Being told to calm down fuelled B'Elanna's anger further. "Just stay out of my business," she snapped. "I will get the equipment ready by myself. I will see you in the transporter room later."
Tom watched her go helplessly. It was not worth following her; when she was in that mood it was best to give her space. He ran a hand though his hair and let out a resigned sigh. He just hoped she was feeling more like herself when they reached the planet's surface.
Tom piled his gear next to him as he waited for B'Elanna to appear. Neelix was already there talking animatedly to Chakotay who was no longer able to accompany them. An issue had arisen which meant he had to stay aboard.
"Don't you worry Commander. I will make sure to guide these two through the tunnels. I have done this type of thing numerous times before." Neelix declared cheerfully.
Chakotay gave him a small smile. "I'm sure I will be leaving Tom and B'Elanna in capable hands. Where is she anyway? It's not like her to be late." He said glancing toward the entrance to the transporter room.
Tom too looked that way. Chakotay was right; B'Elanna was never late for anything. He was just about to say he would go and hurry her along when she finally appeared. She dumped her gear on the floor and to everyone's shock she smiled at them all cheerfully.
"Glad you're all on time. I was delayed by some last minute checks." She informed them.
"Feeling better?" Tom asked, eyebrows raised.
B'Elanna laughed throatily. "Much better flyboy," she teased.
Chakotay and Tom exchanged a stunned look. What was with her sudden change in attitude? She had gone from angry to cheerful in the space of two hours. Tom studied her closely. "Are you sure you're okay to go ahead?" He checked one last time.
B'Elanna just winked at him. "Worried that I might show you up? Come on the sooner we go the sooner we can get back for that dinner date you promised me."
Tom's mouth dropped open at this bold statement. "So you're finally going to come out with me?" He questioned disbelievingly.
B'Elanna just rolled her eyes as Chakotay began to chuckle behind them. She gathered up her gear and marched toward the transporter, Tom and Neelix following closely behind. They arrayed themselves side by side on the transporter pad, ready to be beamed down to the tunnels on the planets surface.
"Ready?" Chakotay asked, taking position behind the bay. He gave them the thumbs up as he punched in the relevant co-ordinates and watched as they disappeared right before his eyes.
For a moment there was no light as the three of them materialized in the dank tunnels. Neelix quickly knelt down and rummaged in his bag, producing a torch like device and switching it on. The bright beam of light flooded the tunnels and B'Elanna and Tom blinked rapidly until their eyes became accustomed to the change. They walked slowly in a circle; exploring the immediate area, taking in the greyness of the tunnel walls and the roots of unfamiliar fauna winding around the rocks.
Tom pulled out his tricorder and studied it carefully as he walked forward cautiously, his eyes flicking from side to side as he scanned the way forward. B'Elanna had no such worry; she strode confidently forward, her bag flung over her back, the grey biosuit she was wearing emphasising her lithe figure. Tom found himself becoming distracted as he followed after her. Neelix kept stopping to check the thick roots, he was intrigued by what sort of plant life they belonged to and whether they would be edible. The crew were putting in increasing complaints about his leola root specials. He needed to dazzle them with something new. He reached out and snapped off a few leaves, stuffing them in his bag. He would get the Doctor to test them upon his return to see if they would be of any use.
They continued forward, the darkness increasing as they edged toward a bend in the tunnel. A cool rush of air washed over them and they glanced at each other nervously. "Must be a large cavern ahead," Tom surmised.
B'Elanna just nodded and took the lead again. She was feeling hot and her skin was flushed. She was dying to rip the tight bio-suit off of her body, but with the two males with her it would hardly be appropriate. Tom and Neelix did not seem to be experiencing any discomfort. She increased her strides until she came into contact with what appeared to be a dead end. Neelix flashed his light around until they discovered a small crawl space in one corner.
B'Elanna immediately dropped down on all fours and began to crawl through. Tom placed a hand on her shoulder and pulled her back. "What are you doing?" She demanded.
Tom just gave her one of his cheeky smiles. "My turn to take the lead I think." He ignored her grouching and laid flat on his stomach and pulled his body through the small space. More cold air hit him as he emerged into a wide cavern, water dripping down the walls. There was a green moss like substance coating the rock and, as Neelix followed him through with the light, he could clearly see a deep hole in the cave's floor. Tom stepped forward until he was at the lip of the deep tunnel and he stared down into blackness and whistled with surprise at the depth.
B'Elanna stepped to his side as she too peered into the never ending darkness. "We need to go down there. That is where the tricorder is indicating the gallicite deposits are richest."
Without further ado, she dropped her bag to the floor and unwound the thick rope they had brought with them. Neelix exchanged an amused glance with Tom. "Doesn't waste time does she?" He joked.
Tom chuckled. "That's B'Elanna for you." He replied, giving a quick glance at her toned body as she gave in to the heat and pulled the top half of her bio-suit down.
"Ready?" She demanded as she glared at them. Her mood seemed to have switched again. She made as if to go first but Neelix stopped her.
"I'll go first this time. I am the more experienced crew member when it comes to mining," Neelix beamed at them all.
B'Elanna just scowled as she conceded defeat and let the Talaxian take the lead.
A/N-Thanks for reading.