Reviews for Lost at Sea
BS chapter 19 . 10/3/2019
Great story.
Grrarrggh chapter 7 . 7/26/2018
Seriously Jane. You think SHE is cutting YOU loose?!

Great writing.
Grrarrggh chapter 19 . 6/3/2018
Sigh. Lovely. Fabulous. I absolutely loved Eleanor.
Grrarrggh chapter 10 . 6/3/2018
Your fantastic Jane reminds me a bit of the Doctor in Doctor Who. Any chance you watch and are a 10/Rose shipper?
Munkeyfump20 chapter 19 . 9/24/2017
Oh so sweet thanks for the very good read and a few tears in between too
Jisbon28 chapter 19 . 6/10/2017
Fantastic. Great characters, great plot. Everything fits and you amazed me once again.
You make me feel their pain by your words and in my opinion, that's something only a great writer can manage to do.
Fiinalen chapter 19 . 12/26/2016
This story is magnificent. There’s this detailed finesse of dialog and realness in the description of the characters and in their emotions. The scenes I have appreciated the most are those intense long ones between only two characters, filled with emotional tension and great dialogue where as much was left unsaid as was said.

And then there's this silent yet extremely powerful scene where Jane watches through the blinds of the break room and sees his now former team communicate in Lisbon's room without hearing the words.

In ch 8 Jane confronting the new team was very clever and funny, exactly what I would have expected from Jane.

Ch 10 was very emotional to read. The longing Lisbon and Jane still have for each other burned my heart to ashes. The metaphor of an astronaut drifting slowly but inevitably to the outer space felt very real. And then I got to the part where all Jane’s feelings toward Lisbon were raised to the surface when he went to her after she'd been shot. And then they started The Talk. I was almost left wordless. I hadn't realized how much I had needed to see them have this discussion. It felt so good to see Jane ask some very valid questions and seeing Lisbon recognize that he was telling the truth. At the end of the chapter Jane losing faith in himself and in his worthiness was devastating to read.

My heart melted for Cho who came to see Jane. Although Cho’s main motive was his worry for Lisbon it became obvious that he has not abandonded Jane, either.

Close to the end I loved the scene on the pier and then in the cafe. There was something exceptionally comforting and refreshing in the way their interaction was described.

I am so grateful for you-know-who-you-are who recommended this story to me and with whom I got to reflect my reading experience. Thank you LittleMender for writing this wonderful story!
Fiinalen chapter 6 . 12/26/2016
This story is an emotional roller coaster not just for Jane and Lisbon but also for a reader. The soothing beginning was just calm before the storm and suddenly I found myself experiencing surges of compassion, pity, and confusion for Jane. He's had so little to hang on in his life and now even the rest of it is taken away? A little by little I started to understand why Lisbon had had to take the drastic moves she did although it had hurted her, too.

Eleanor is a fabulous character whom I quickly fell in love with. She is the source of comfort and clarity, again not just for Jane and Lisbon but for me as a reader, too.
When Jane started to visit Eleanor I enjoyed the subtle references to hidden affection and care written in the dialogue and how in denial Jane was and how resigned / given up Lisbon was. It felt so good to see that Eleanor was clearly on to them and was going to follow them through. The bantering between Eleanor and Jane was brilliantly written and the way she handled Jane was just incredibly smooth.

This line from Eleanor to Lisbon will have a permanent residency in my memory shack: ["Sweetie, anyone who has the good fortune to capture someone else's attention in this life belongs to them, even if only in part and for a little while."]
Thorntons chapter 19 . 3/10/2016
Such a well crafted story, excellent plot and characterisation. I've thoroughly enjoyed reading this.

Thanks for writing this.
LouiseKurylo chapter 19 . 10/28/2014
Excellent story. Dead on characterizations. Enjoyed the full cast of CBI characters and realistic interactions. Thanks for writing it.
LouiseKurylo chapter 6 . 10/28/2014
Bravura chapter. Two brilliant, subtle, complex people jockeying for position, advantage. Entirely believable and worthy of the characters.
LouiseKurylo chapter 2 . 10/28/2014
Excellent, lovely interaction. As much implied as explicit, and both limpid.
coldweathergal chapter 1 . 9/12/2014
This would have worked perfectly well as a oneshot.
Guest chapter 19 . 9/7/2013
Awesome story! It was beautifully written! The intrigue and relationship between Jane and Lisbon and them with the team us just perfect. Love how to make Jane and Lisbon faced their "disfunctionnal" bond before working it out. Wondeful story, thank you!
LoveandWinning chapter 19 . 9/1/2012
Reallllllllly love this one! Seriously love love your work! More please!
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