Reviews for Mentalist Episode Tag: Like a Redheaded Stepchild
Munkeyfump20 chapter 1 . 9/11/2016
Very nice but not long enough
rcfan77 chapter 1 . 12/21/2014
i like very much! :) Love it when Jane get's emotional he is such a good friend! Although he will surely deny it .
MartyMc chapter 1 . 8/15/2014
Maybe Jane really is psychic...
Reader chapter 1 . 6/28/2014
Ah, this was perfect, love how you put Cho and his great oneliner in the right place at the right time, just like in show. And I definitely felt for Lisbon with all that marriage talk. Well, felt for Jane, too. Thank you for sharing.
LouiseKurylo chapter 1 . 2/25/2014
Excellent. Never specifically thought about it, but it makes perfect sense that Lisbon would not have ever been madly, head-over-heels in love. Excellent insight. Thanks.
Guest chapter 1 . 12/19/2012
MAN! I love Cho! XD his abruptness and stoicism is refreshing!
glindalovesshoes chapter 1 . 9/18/2012
You have no idea how much I loved this tag. Again, you managed to put so many different feelings into it, that I didn't know, what to do.
I cannot remember this episode that well and I'm too busy, to watch it again just in time. Doesn't matter.
Sometimes I think the real sibling relationship takes place between Jane and Grace. He was so cute in your tag and knew how to comfort her.
It's too bad Rigsby didn't want to go to her wedding, but I could totally understand him! That'd be too curel for him, seeing the woman he loves getting married to another man. You let Jane discribe her feelings she'd habe, if Rigsby'd come very well! One doesn't have to be psycic, to recognize Grace has still feelings for Rigsby. I really damn Hightower for forcing them into breaking up!
Jane's emotional release was so sad :( Although this whole Monogamy this was a little arkward, it was good, he argued for the importance of love in human relationships in the end.
Oh I laughed when he told Grace the heart is not the best organ to think with, because it's way better than the organ most men think with when it comes to women ;D So much for that.
Well, it was nice to see Jane so open and careful to Grace. Hm, the conversation went into a completly different direction, after Lisbon joined him. Suddenly he was the one who had to convince her there is love for everyone in this world.
I loved, loved, loved the ending sequence you wrote! Those are the hints of Jisbon I always wait for the show to happen Jane definitely IS the right man for her :) I so hope she's gonna realize it in the coming season!
Thanks for this great tag!
Liefs Glinda
UseYourWords chapter 1 . 7/18/2012
I loved this fic! Yes, Jane is in love with Lisbon...even if he won't admit it! :)
shadowcat012 chapter 1 . 1/15/2012
I was taking a short break from reading your AU series( which by th way is SO GOOD!), and started reading your episode tags. I thought I'd drp a review here to let you know that I am thoroughly enjoying them. The interaction between Jane and Van Pelt was sweet and Jane remembering his own wedding day was so sad. The idea that Lisbon hasn't fallen in love shines a new light on her character. And I was pleased that you left it hopeful for her and Jane-awkwardness and all.

And Cho at the end had me laughing out loud! He didn't even need to know why Jane was exclaiming to agree. :)
Lothlorien Aeterna chapter 1 . 10/3/2011
They really need to just get together in the show, for God's sakes.

Come on, Bruno Heller! LOL
LivEinziger chapter 1 . 8/3/2011
Wow I love this story! I'm starting with your tags, and they're all great, but this one is just... perfect! I wish the ep would have really ended like that!
csijenniferlynn chapter 1 . 5/12/2011
Cute! I am so excited to see next week's finale so we can all see what goes down at the big wedding!
watchyouwalk chapter 1 . 5/9/2011
Awh, I love both aspects of this story! Firstly, I love the sort of sibling-type relationship Jane and VP have. The conversation here between the two of them was very fitting and in-character (especially with how Jane just sort of analyzed the situation and presented to her what he knew), and also very sweet. And ofc, I can't not love the interactions between Jane and Lisbon! I actually find it very believable for Lisbon to be pessimistic or hesitant over something like love and relationships, based on what we know of her past and her personality. So good call on that! I thought Jane's little slip of the tongue was pretty much adorable, but I think that's to be expected. Just, aww. It makes me sad that he thinks he can't love someone else again, but at the same time, it makes sense that he feels that way. And I love, love, love Cho's little interjection toward the end there! That definitely put a smile on my face. Lovely tag, as usual! :D

- Autumn
MentalistLover chapter 1 . 5/9/2011
Shani8 chapter 1 . 5/7/2011
Aww... this was really cute, Donna! :)

This episode wasn't one of my favorites even though it made me laugh. My favorite line was Jane saying: "Lisbon! I'm in jail, come join me." I'm not sure what made me find that so amusing, but it had me chuckling. :P

And the ending made me want it cry, it was really angsty. So this tag was a fitting tribute to that. I loved how to handled the conversations with Jane and Lisbon and Van Pelt. They were very different, but I liked the common themes of both.

It was interesting because Jane is preaching to both women about love, but yet failing to take his own advice. But then again, from him, I would expect nothing less in the love department, at least for now. ;)

Thanks again for writing this and for making me smile. You rock, dear! :)

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