She had sworn off corsets forever.

Unfortunately for Elizabeth Swann, corsets were the height of fashion and try as she might; she couldn't seem to escape them.

"I cannot breathe!" She gasped out as her maid, Melly, yanked the strings on the back.

"Beggin' your pardon miss, but I'm under strict orders from the Gov'ner."

With a grunt, Elizabeth reached around her back and found the laces of the hateful corset. She tugged the strings on the knot and the corset released, sending a rush of air to her depleted lungs.

"Melly. I refuse to wear this." Seeing her about to protest, Elizabeth held out her hand as a gesture of peace. "My father will never know, and if for some reason he finds out, I will fully implicate myself."

With a hesitant smile, Melly acquiesced.

Elizabeth finished getting ready, sans the corset, and then sat for Melly to carefully arrange her hair.

"If I might be so bold, may I inquire as to the occasion for all of this miss?" Melly asked as she twisted a lock of honey colored hair. After looping a few curls on the top of her mistress's head, Melly finally let the rest hang down Elizabeth's back.

"We're going to take a trip to town, you and I."

"Yes Father," Elizabeth said exasperatedly. "Of course Melly will be accompanying me."

Elizabeth blew some of the carefully arranged locks of hair from her face as she inwardly rolled her eyes. Each time was the same. She waited for the words to come.

"And you won't be fraternizing with that blacksmith?"

"You mean my suitor? Need I remind you that I did not accept the Commodore's hand? He has moved on Father, you know he's engaged to Miss Mary Wells."

As her father made a move to interrupt, Elizabeth continued on.

"And furthermore, I am happy for them both. You know I hold the Commodore no ill will. Indeed he is a fine man and any woman would be lucky to have him. But there's a fine line between respect and affection and I would very much like for you to consider how I feel about this. If I want to see Will Turner, I do not see how you can object, as he is a respectable man with a steady job and I will be under constant supervision."

The Governor was visibly relenting, as Elizabeth knew he would.

Softening her tone and the harsh expression on her face, Elizabeth affectionately placed her hand on her father's cheek.

"You know I love you Father."

"Yes, dear. Oh alright. Go into town."

Calling Melly, the two exited through the grand front entrance. They walked along the path in silence for a moment before Melly spoke.

"Am I to assume that I will conveniently find some errand that will take me some long while?"

Elizabeth laughed out loud and then covered her mouth. "Oh Melly, you know me too well. I just need to see him for a little bit, you will leave us?"

"Of course miss. He is a good man, that Will Turner."

"Yes… yes I dare say he is."

Melly and Elizabeth parted outside the blacksmith shop, Melly ducking into the seamstress's shop down the street while Elizabeth glanced through the window on the outside of the smithy.

Not seeing Will inside, Elizabeth shook her head in disappointment before an idea struck her. She walked around the block and came around to the back side of the shop. Had it been any other time than noon, she might have hesitated before entering the back alleyway, but she was confident that the broad daylight would protect her.

She walked through the alleyway until she came upon the back of Will's smithy, pleased to see that the window was open to try totempt a breeze. It was in vain, however, as the day was hot and humid and the leaves hung still, unshaken by any light wind. The small smile playing on her mien grew broader as she heard one of the sounds she cherished more than anything.

Will was speaking, but to who? Not wanting to intrude, she decided to take a peek into the window. By standing on her tiptoes, she could see inside and once she did she had to clap her hand over her mouth to stifle her laughter.

Will was bowing to thin air.

"Miss Elizabeth, may I have this dance?"

He waited for a moment for the invisible Elizabeth to answer. Her answer must have been satisfactory, because he then reached out his hands to the air and began to step backwards into the steps of the waltz Elizabeth had been attempting to teach him. He moved his feet backwards, then sideways, trying to keep up the tempo.

Having contained her giggles long enough, Elizabeth rested her chin on the beaten woodwork of the windowsill and called out to him.

"You may, Mr. Turner, have this dance, provided you've finished with your present company."

Will spun around, mortification spreading over his features.

"Elizabeth!" His voice was an octave higher than usual and his face was flushed a brick red, a considerable feat in view of his dark tan from the Caribbean sun.

"Are you going to make me stand out here all day Will Turner?"

"No of course! I'm sorry Elizabeth." He rushed to unbar the door and let her in. As soon as she was in, he pulled the door shut, glad that the darkness helped him hide the still red flush on his cheeks.

He swallowed. "I was just… I… um…well,"

Elizabeth tilted her head to the side as he stammered out excuses for his behavior. Behavior she found very endearing.

She reached her arms around his waist and pulled him to her. She could then comfortably rest her head on his chest and she did so without delay, sighing in contention.

Elizabeth could feel his heart beating fiercely in his chest, a sign that he was still slightly mortified. Feeling a little ashamed at her part in embarrassing him so fully, she pulled back and smiled up at him.

"Care to finish that dance?"

A rakish look suddenly overcame his features, as the pirate in him battled against the shy blacksmith.

Without answering her, he pulled her from him and pushed forward, seamlessly entering into the steps of the waltz. They danced closely, their gazes locked.

"I've missed you," she said breathlessly as he pulled her toward her.

"And I you, my dearest Elizabeth."

They continued moving, Elizabeth gracefully steering Will's somewhat clumsy movements.

"You know, the gentleman is really supposed to lead," she said, smiling up at him.

"Indeed?" He suddenly broke the waltz movement and twirled her before catching her in his arms.

He pushed her from him, stopping her with his fingertips. Gasping at the sudden display of rogueish affection, she was further surprised when he gently, but firmly pulled her back into his arms, pressing her bodyto his.

Wordlessly, they both stopped moving.

"It's been too long since I could hold you like this," he said into her hair.

She smiled against his chest, breathing in the heady scent that was unmistakably Will.

"You look beautiful," he said as he pulled back to admire her.

Her fair complexion had been earning her compliments from the time she hit 11, but there was something different and thrilling when Will said one. Perhaps it was that it was a rare occurrence, as it hadn't been long ago when he wouldn't even call her by her first name. It might have been that, she surmised, but it probably wasn't. She was fairly certain that it was because when he said one, his eyes grew darker with sincerity and he looked at her like he never wanted to stop. There was something entirely sensual in how he would look at her, staring down as if into her soul.

They might have stayed in that spot forever, eyes locked, had reality not decided to enter in at a most inopportune time.

"Miss Elizabeth!" Melly called from the front.

Will jumped from her as if she was scalding.

"Coming Melly!"

"I must go Will, but can I see you again before long?"

"Come as soon as you can, I have a surprise for you."

At this, Elizabeth flushed, her hazel eyes brightening.

"A surprise?"

"Yes," Will said. He smiled and gave her a short kiss on the lips, partly to stop the question he could see forming and partly to satisfy his own base desire.

"Miss Elizabeth!" Melly called again from the front.

With a sigh, Elizabeth extracted herself from Will's arms.

"I will see you on the morrow Will." She started walking to the front.

Will followed after, nearly tripping on his feet in his haste to open the front for her.

"Yes, I will see you tomorrow." And then as he watched her retreating form, he suppressed a sigh.
