Author has written 19 stories for Torchwood, Harry Potter, Watchmen, Star Trek: 2009, Hunger Games, Glee, Spring Awakening, Sherlock, Fight Club, X-Men: The Movie, and Supernatural. I NOW HAS TUMBLR!!! EXCITEMENT!!! so yeah, go check it out: http:/// I HAVE ALSO MOVED TO AO3: http:///users/RemainNameless/ You've stumbled across my profile page! If you bother to read this, then I feel obligated to give a small amount of personal information: I am a writer. I'm not as young as my age says. I love music and funny youtube videos. I love pretty people. I especially love British pretty people. I get distracted by just about everything, and I don't like to post stories until I'm absolutely finished (that way the style and editing are consistent). I also have too much school work and other writing to update here regularly, but occasionally, I'll go on a fanfic binge and there'll be fic. Oh, and I suppose I should say that if heterosexual couples have less chemistry and banter and angst than others in the canon, I will slash. This is probably why I never slash Joss Whedon works (almost never). Other than that, though, I'm generally a slasher. But not the type of slasher who will feminize a character or anything like that - no, when I write men who fall into lust and love, they are very much still men, so be warned. These are not the ukes you're looking for... So, here's my fandoms: Supernatural, Star Trek, X-Men, The Avengers, BBC's Sherlock, Watchmen, Harry Potter, Torchwood, Merlin, Pendergast Chronicles, the Sherlock Holmes movies, and Glee My ships: Supernatural: Dean/Cas, Sam/Gabriel, Sam/Sarah, Bobby/Crowley, Bobby/Ellen, Balthazar/Cas (one-sided), Chuck/Becky, Andy/Eva X-Men: CHERIK The Avengers: Steve/Tony, Loki/My Heart Star Trek: Kirk/Spock mostly, but also...Sulu/Chekov, Bones/Uhura BBC Sherlock: Sherlock/John, one-sided Jim/Sherlock, HarrySherlock (these kids would be bffs for life. or, well, as long as it takes to drive John crazy) Sherlock Holmes: Holmes/Watson (as if that needed saying. their bromance is epic and wonderful), one-sided Irene/Holmes Glee: Puck/Kurt, Sam/Kurt, Schu/Emma, Brittany/Santana, Rachel/Quinn, Puck/Quinn, Finn/Rachel, Puck/Rachel Criminal Minds: Hotch/Reid, Morgan/Garcia Merlin: Merlin/Arthur (It's basically canon, really. Just ask the Great Slash Dragon), Morgana/Gwen Dollhouse: Topher/Claire, Paul/Mellie, Echo/Alpha, Echo/Boyd, Alpha/"Carrots", Benett/Topher Watchmen: Rorschach/Nite Owl II, Veidt/Bubastis(not like bestiality, though. just deep, platonic love), Laurie/Mars MULTI-CHAPTERED STORIES(because my one-shots are very much done): Supernatural Fall On Your Knees - FINISHED!!! Check it out!!! Murder House - AU fic in the style of American Horror Story. Dean, Sam, and Jess move into a mysterious house with a past. Ghosts lurk in the guise of the living, but each spirit has their own agenda. Burn Out - Later-in-Season-Seven fic in which Cas comes back as a super hot woman, Dean realizes he loves her/him/it, and it all gets a little crazy when they find they have to get Cas' old body back, with the help of a tricky old friend. They Just Don't Have Any Clue - Psych AU. Dean is a hyper-observant fake psychic detective still enjoying his adolescence, Sam is his more serious pre-law partner, Cas is a by-the-book detective who can't quite bring himself to get rid of them, Jo is his snarky partner-slash-behind-the-scenes-matchmaker, and Gabriel serves them all drinks. Star Trek Conspire To Ignite - Posted In Search of a Word(Musician AU) - In The Works (currently at nearly 80,000 words, about 2/3 into it). Basically, instead of being Starfleet officers with tragic pasts, all of the characters are musicians with tragic pasts. Jim and Spock, after a few awkward encounters, start making music together and quickly realize that their friendship is much deeper than they expected. BBC's Sherlock Collection of Semi-Cracky, Mostly Sex-Related One-Shots - Underway. Bed Intruder might be added to this, but there will definitely be parodies of odd things. Like the Catherine Tate and Colin Morgan "Have you heard about our John?" thing. And another in which Sherlock's hipster of a younger brother (portrayed by Colin Morgan, who's totes his brother IRL. You know it's true, deep down) comes for a visit and tries to sleep with everyone. Somewhere in there, love might happen, we'll see. Oh, and there's the obligatory "My emotions run very high after I've solved a case!" parody. |
camdenspenser (1) katezilla (5) | Lanaea (16) Slow Walker (18) |