Getting Reacquainted with the Family
By Uniasus
Chapter 4 - Favorite
Of all the Guardians, Jack liked Tooth the best.
He had learned of her last, for conversations about her were fleeting between children. In fact, it was the fairies and mice that tipped him off. He had watched them first, entering rooms with quarters on their hips and exiting without the coin but instead a tooth. It was only after Jack witnessed a father pull out his daughter's tooth and instruct he to put it under her pillow for the Tooth Fairy did Jack understood. He learned she was a Guardian not long after that.
The little fairies and mice in Europe ignored Jack most of the time. Well, ignored as in didn't interact with him. But they frequently rolled their eyes in his direction or buzzed at him in their language when he got in their way.
They were the first creatures he interacted with on a semi-regular basis, for someone somewhere always had a tooth under the pillow and so there was always a fairy for Jack to at least talk at. In fact, trying to communicate with the mice had been the whole reason he spent a year in France to immerse himself in French. He was quite good at the language now, and the mice had appreciated it his efforts even if they didn't have the time to talk.
That was the thing about collecting teeth. It was an understaffed, underpaid job so the Tooth Fairy's helpers rarely had the choice in stopping for a chat or two even if they wanted. But those rolled eyes and occasional smiles meant everything to Jack.
It was okay that he never saw the Guardian fairy, Jack knew she never left her hub in India. She wasn't ignoring him, she simply had no reason to visit him. Jack might still have one baby tooth left, but he was never going to loose it now.
He didn't really have an opinion about her for three hundred years. She just existed. It was much better than his thoughts towards her fellow Guardians during that time.
When Jack first saw Tooth, in the Globe room after being stuffed in a sack, he had been flattered by the attention she gave his teeth. She had heard of him! Mostly likely from the fairies, and that made him feel good. Jack was a spirit that the little fairies found interesting enough to talk to their mom about.
Tooth, perhaps, was a future friend. Even more so when they had fun collecting teeth and she thanked him in Jamie's room for helping out.
And then the next night happened, with Pitch and the tunnels and broken eggs. Tooth, who had so much potential in Jack's mind, suddenly was demoted. She saw the tooth capsule in his hand, the absence of Baby Tooth, and jumped to the conclusion that Jack had not only been with Pitch, but had been with the Boogieman for selfish desires and had no qualms about trading a life for an object.
After all of her fanning over his teeth, Jack felt betrayed. Which was odd, because it wasn't like they actually had a relationship or any type of bond that could be hurt. It was more, Jack thought as he flew away, that the future he had built up in his head involving the two of them shattered when he realized how quick she was to think the worse of him. What type of reputation did he have, what had the fairies and mice told her, that made her think he was capable of such things?
Jack hadn't approached any of the Guardians in months after the battle with Pitch. Bound by the call of the Moon they might be, a close group of four forced to interact with a fifth. Sometimes, Jack felt like the bastard child, who only reminded the rest of the family of the sins of his parents. Or just the evil nature of being a bastard, because why else would he had screwed up so much last spring?
Still, he knew in his heart he was a Guardian and had proof now he could actually do it. It was just interacting with his new family, spirits he would not have chosen, that grated.
But sometimes, they surprised him.
Well, Tooth did.
She had set up more field time, rekindling her love of seeing the children up close. One night a month, she visited a different continent. When Jack spotted her one evening in Eastern Europe, he prepared to leave because why would she want to talk to him, when she called him over.
"Jack!" She waved happily to him from outside an third story window. Hesitantly, he waved back.
He was swarmed with fairies, attracted like magnets to his teeth, but Tooth brushed them off. She gave him a small smile. "Sorry about them, but they like you. You came back for them you know, and Baby Tooth told the story about what you did for her."
"Yeah well, can't screw up all the time. I've got some good in me."
Tooth flinched and reached out to take his hand in hers, the other gripping his staff tightly. "Jack, I know you're good. Manny wouldn't have chosen you if you weren't. And you were brilliant last Easter. I've actually been hoping to run into you every time I've left the Palace. Jack, I'm sorry. Sorry for doubting you, for not giving you a time to explain on Easter morning. And sorry you had to wait months to hear that."
Jack floated there blinking at her. "You mean it?" His voice was a whisper.
"Of course." She smiled, eyes crinkling as she bobbed up for a moment. "Help me with the teeth? I have thirty seven more in this country and then another one thousand six hundred and four to get here in Europe before sunrise."
Jack hesitated. Because how was he to know Tooth wasn't a fair weather friend and would turn on him later. Because he'd never actually had some one apologize to him and had no idea how to accept it.
Tooth's smile fell. "Please Jack?" Several fairies chirped at him, eager to spend an evening with him.
"Sure." He said, knowing that was the answer she was looking for and when her smile returned Jack knew it was a good move. In fact, the entire night was good.
"Baby Tooth, you need to come out of there."
Jack couldn't see the small fairy, but he could feel her head shake no. Jack was flattered, he really was, that Baby Tooth was so enamored with him and his teeth. But zooming inside his mouth while he was talking to Tooth and refusing to get up from her position on his tongue was where he drew the line. He was too scared to do anything with his mouth – talk, close it, swallow, or breathe.
"Dear, you can't live in his mouth."
Baby Tooth said something to the contrary.
Jack mimed with his hands, hoping Tooth would understand to relay the message but she didn't understand.
"We can't hear his beautiful voice if you stay there, Baby Tooth." However, it was obvious that she could see his teeth and all the fairies in the Tooth Palace, the boss as well, weren't upset about a constant view.
Baby Tooth didn't care about his voice.
"He also won't be able to floss or brush if you're in his mouth."
That shocked her right out. Jack quickly closed his mouth and vowed to speak between his teeth for the entire time they were at North's New Year's party. Not that he would be staying long. Since he had spent Christmas with Jamie, North had wrangled a New Years Party attendance from him. Hundreds of spirits would be there. Jack had flown by Tooth's place, hoping to arrive with her because, well, at the moment she was the only spirit he was on good terms with. He knew with her flighty nature and socializing spirit he wouldn't be able to hang with her for long. Jack was giving himself a goal of staying for half an hour before taking off to partake in his usual New Years traditions. It would be hard to achieve that.
"Ready to go Jack?" Tooth asked and he held out a finger to tell her to hold on a moment. There was something in his mouth...
He pulled up his hood to do his best in hiding his teeth, it didn't work if the sighs were anything to go by, while he put a few fingers in his mouth. When he pulled them out, there were a few feathers between them.
"I'll get you floss and a toothbrush. We'll leave when you're done."
Jack nodded, giving her a toothless smile. She smiled as she went to gather the cleaning supplies.
Jack was playing video games with Jamie, noise muted to hid the fact he was still up from the kid's parents. The child's ability to coax out Jack's problems had him venting about Bunny's efforts to get him to help with Easter and his desire to go no where near the holiday Guardian.
There was a tap on the window and both boys looked up to see Tooth hovering outside, smiling from the other side of the glass. Jack expected her to invite him to go tooth collecting, but she flew off. Jack didn't really mind. She may be his favorite spirit, but Jamie was his favorite person. Best friend too, despite the age difference.
Jamie beat him, as usual. Jack had a problem with the controllers, his frost got in the way of effective button mashing.
"I repeat, you should ask North to give you one of those consuls where you don't have to use a controller."
"Way ahead of you. I asked for one for my birthday, and that's sooner."
"Smart boy."
Jamie smiled at him, but it quickly turned into a yawn. It was Friday night, so Jack didn't feel that bad about keeping his friend up past his bedtime, but Jamie still needed his rest. "Go to bed." He nudged his friend and Jamie wearily stood up.
"Night Jack."
"Goodnight Jamie."
Jack waited until the kid was tugged under the covers and on the way to sleep before slipping out of the room. Maybe Tooth was still in the area.
A fairy returning to the Tooth Palace pointed southeast and Jack got the idea she had already moved on to the next place.
"Wind! Take me to Tooth!" It rushed around him and took him south, farther than Burgess he had expected. Had it really taken that long to finish the race with Jamie or was Tooth just super fast that night?
He announced his presence by snagging a tooth from her fingers and handing it over to Baby Tooth who had swarmed up as soon as he entered the town.
"Jack! How's Jamie?"
"Doing well."
"I..."she paused, and Jack got the feeling she was going to bring up something serious. "You were talking to him about Bunny."
"So? Easter is just around the corner."
But by the way her face looked, he knew she had heard a bit of the conversation. About his plan to avoid Bunny so the other Guardian couldn't personally ask for his help and why Jack was so uncomfortable with thoughts of the Warren, Easter and tunnels this year. He tensed, expecting her to broach the topic and push at something he didn't want to talk about, but once again she surprised him.
"You know, if you ever want to talk to someone other than Jamie, I'll listen."
He wanted to make some type of humorous comment, like how could she hear him over the racket of fairy wings at the Palace, or when does she have a free night but they all sound flat in his mind. Because she had stopped by Jamie's window purposefully to see if Jack was there. Because she had apologized. Because Jack knew she was serious.
"I know." He said instead. But that didn't mean he'd take her up on the offer anytime soon. Because it was her, and his too now, family that he had issues with. Because Jamie listened more where Tooth was a creature of fast paced words. Because India was hot and he didn't want to disturb Tooth's work.
Jack realized though all those 'becauses' were excuses. They were all true, but the heart of the matter was that although Tooth was his favorite Guardian he was still not solid in his relationship with her. Talking about anything serious with her made him comfortable.
It's after his first Easter helping Bunny and creeping towards the middle of summer when Tooth finds him in Florida. Normally, Jack would not be anywhere near this area in the summer but it's Jamie's birthday and he had promised his friend a visit. Maybe a frost creature or two, but he's not too sure how long they'll last.
As is typical when Jack was out in the summer, he was sleepy and worn out, more likely to be less guarded in his speech. In hindsight, Jack wondered if that was why Tooth chose that day to breach the subject or if it had just been a coincidence it was that day and time.
"Jack," she said, startling him from his position on a roof. Jamie had given him the address for the summer house his parents were renting for the week, but it was a bit difficult for him to find the place. He had to steel himself to look at the street signs, the sidewalk and asphalt they were all over radiated heat despite the twilight hour.
"Tooth! Isn't it a little early to be out?"
"I was on my way to Argentina. What are you doing here without your blanket?"
"I left it at Jamie's house, and unlike your fairies I can't phase through windows. It's locked in the house while he's family is here for the week."
"Oh." She gave a little laugh. "Did you come for the key then?"
"Actually, no. Today is Jamie's birthday. I told him I'd stop by. Should have put it off for an hour though."
"Jack," he could feel the hesitance in her voice, but he dismissed it to look at the piece of paper in his hands. Was that Sunnydale or Lamble Street? Jamie really needed to work on his handwriting.
"Yeah Tooth?"
"Why do you, well, not like holidays?"
He choked. The other Guardians totally talked about him with each other. But well, he did the same with Jamie.
"I love holidays! Columbus Day is great. So's Cinco de Mayo. It's hilarious watching people then."
"What about St. Patrick's Day?"
"Nah, not as fun."
Tooth flew over to him and forced him to put his hands, and thus the address down, to look at her. "Jack, St. Patrick's Day and Cinco de Mayo are pretty much the same thing. Why is one better than the other?"
He pursed his lips at her, tempted to fly off but his hands are trapped in hers and his staff was lying untouched next to his feet.
"Jack? Does this have to with us?"
"What do you have to do with either of those holidays?"
"Not me in particular, but us as in spirits. You thought, you thought Sandy had been ignoring you for centuries, did you think the same of other holiday spirits?"
It was only because he had recently opened to Bunny and Sandy about him thinking the Sandman had been an ass that Jack decided to be just as honest with Tooth. She was his favorite. It was only fair.
"Most of them." He admitted, dropping his gaze to her hands around his wrists. "I've met most of the North American and European spirits, but never was invited to any type of festivities or involved in any way. Pat never offered me a drink or an invitation, Cupid out right snubbed me. Mother Nature's not bad, but she never does anything for any of the days dedicated to her. Halloween's cool, all the local spooky spirits know how to have a good time, that's my favorite one. But well, Tooth, I never got a Christmas present or Easter basket my entire spirit life until after I was sworn as a Guardian."
"Oh Jack." Tooth pulled him into a hug and Jack found himself desperately returning it. "Do you like holidays now?" she asked softly to the side of his head.
"A bit more. You guys helped with that. A lot. And not just because of the gifts. It's..."
"It's what, Jack?"
"Family." He whispered, tightening his hug just a bit but careful of Tooth's wings. "Holidays are always about family, whether it's Christmas dinner or a long weekend at a cabin for Labor Day or family reunions over Fourth of July. Seeing families together, and not remembering mine...and then the people who could see me and could interact with me didn't want hurt Tooth. It still does. Peter and Mother Nature and Old Man Winter help, but they are usual.y scarce for the holidays. Peter is always in Neverland and Mother Nature never leaves her home and Winter's so old he doesn't bother with calenders and never observes any of them.
"But now North has me helping on Christmas with snow and Bunny has me weaving baskets and it's better. A lot better."
"And you leaving early every New Year's party? Why do you do that?"
"Tooth, I'm a social recluse. There's too many people. I don't know how to talk to people at a party. I don't even know what to talk about with you half the time. But you talk a lot, so that's good."
"Oh Jack." She held him tighter and he could feel her tears on his neck. The hug was long, long enough that Tooth will have to work extra fast tonight but Jack could tell by her reluctance to let go she didn't mind.
Eventually though, she had to pull back. "You need to say happy birthday to Jamie, and I'm sure my fairies are wondering where I am. But Jack, what would you say to a holiday gathering just us Guardians? Just our family? Something small so you don't have to be overwhelmed and one that doesn't have a spirit associated with it?"
"That'd be awesome."
"Thanksgiving then?"
"Sounds good." Because Thanksgiving about sharing and hospitality, about family. Nowadays, it might involve football and looking through store flyers, but Jack remembered celebrating it when he was alive and the simple nature of being surrounded by family and a full stomach. He would have to tell Jamie he couldn't make it that year, but since Jack spent every other holiday with is friend he didn't think the elementary student would mind.
"Can I host?"
Tooth blinked at him. "Do you have the ability to do that?"
" actually." His home was Burgess and more often than not his house was Jamie's. He couldn't very well use Mrs. Bennet's kitchen. She already reacted a bit to Jack's presence, a ghost using the oven wouldn't help. But North's place was for Christmas and New Years and Bunny's was for Easter. They wouldn't work for Thanksgiving.
"Maybe Sandy can host? And I'll cook?"
"You cook?"
"Haven't for three hundred some years, but I did at all the time before. Mom and Olivia couldn't do everything themselves."
"I think Sandy would love to. I'm looking forward it."
Tooth gave him a kiss on the forehead before flying south in a blur of wings.
Jack watched her go, feeling more content than he had in a while. Tooth cared, as did the other Guardians. It was a rough family, slowly coming together after years of bad blood and thoughts. But they were working on it, just like Jack's family had struggled after coming to America and then losing Benjamin Overland the second winter. They had centuries to come together as a unit, it didn't have to be fast. Jack was just happy to have a family at all again.
A/N: Thanks guys so much for following along with this story! Enjoy your turkey!