Obi-Wan and Dwen were sitting on the couch in their quarters, bare feet propped on a low table. Not exactly the image of the perfect Jedi, but they had just completed a tiring session in the training salle, and Obi-Wan had decided they deserved some allowances.
They were watching the final stages of Chancellor Organa's installation ceremony on the holovideo. The Alderaanian politician was telling the Senate the guidelines of his future actions as Chancellor.
"He will be a good Chancellor, don't you think, Master?" Dwen asked, looking up at Obi-Wan.
"Yes, Padawan, I'm sure he will. He is wise and truly believes in democracy. Also, he isn't afraid to ask help when it's needed."
"I've heard he has asked you to be one of his advisors."
"Who told you?" Obi-Wan replied, surprised. Bail had asked for his help only that morning, in a very private meeting.
"Master, you should know by now that nothing the Chosen One does escapes the Temple grapevine. All the eyes have been pointed on you since you defeated Sidious and your identity was revealed. People often stop me to ask me about you; they want to know how you are in private and what it feels like to be your Padawan. I suspect Master Bant and Master Garen receive similar questions too."
"Oh." Obi-Wan was stunned. He had not expected the Jedi to be so curious. "I hope all this attention is not upsetting you, Padawan."
"Not at all, Master. It doesn't bother me in the least," Dwen gave him an impudent smile.
Obi-Wan eyed him suspiciously. "Must I worry about what you are answering to those questions?"
"Absolutely not, Master! I would never say anything that might embarrass you—not even the fact you have burned down the kitchen twice since I became your Padawan," Dwen said in a conspiratorial tone.
"Padawan," Obi-Wan growled in warning.
Dwen just smiled back, totally unfazed by his Master's tone.
Obi-Wan sighed dramatically. "The whole Temple is in awe of me and yet my Padawan shows me no respect," he said in a mournful tone, but he was smiling.
"I respect you, Master, you know it. But to me you will always be the knight that helped me to pick the roya-berries. I knew from the first moment you were special. Now the whole Temple knows it, but I will always have been the first to notice it."
"You are special too, Dwen. Every being, no matter how gifted or normal it is, is special in its own, unique way."
The thoughtful silence that fell on the pair was soon interrupted by Dwen's growling stomach.
"I'm hungry, Master. Can we start dinner?"
"Of course Padawan. I don't wish for you to go around and say to every one the Chosen One let you starve…" A smirk. "Go to the kitchen and check the fridge to see if there is something you like. I will join you soon—that is, if Master Jinn finally decides to come in."
"Uh?" Dwen looked at him confused.
"My old master has been standing behind the door, pondering if he should ring the chime, for the past five minutes."
"Oh. Well, you could decide for him and open the door…"
"All right, all right, it isn't my business." Without further comments, Dwen stood up and went to the kitchen.
Obi-Wan rose to his feet too, walking to the middle of the common room and willing his old master to finally press the chime. Qui-Gon finally did, and Obi-Wan opened the door with a wave of his hand.
Qui-Gon stepped inside slowly—he had recovered well from his battle with Sidious, but it looked like he had aged ten years since that evening.
Anakin Skywalker's fall had been a terrible blow for him. He had always believed in the young man, and put all his hopes in him, even after he had resigned. Seeing Anakin turn to the Dark side in front of him had broken something in him, and Obi-Wan wondered if he would ever recover.
"Qui-Gon," he said in greeting, wishing for an encounter without formality.
"Obi-Wan," Qui-Gon was ill at ease, but the younger man did not know what he could say or do to help him to relax.
Qui-Gon looked around the room—it was the first time he had been there—and his eyes focused on the still running holovideo.
The Senate meeting was almost ended, and Padme Amidala was at Organa's side, in her new role as Vice-Chancellor. Her belly was flat, for she had given birth to two healthy children ten days before.
"She looks well, doesn't she?" Qui-Gon commented.
"Yes," Obi-Wan agreed.
"I'm very grateful the Council decided not to tell her and the public the truth about Anakin's death. This way he will be remembered as a hero, and not as a traitor and a Sith. His children will grow up being proud of their father, not ashamed."
Obi-Wan nodded, "It would have been a useless grief to add to Padme's heartbreak. Also, I believe Anakin was not a bad man—he was just misled."
"Yes, I know. I wasn't a good master for him," Qui-Gon said softly.
"That wasn't what I meant. I was referring to Palpatine's influence on him."
"And whose fault was that? Mine. I felt gratified by the attention Palpatine showed to Anakin. I thought it was good for the boy to feel special, to feel appreciated, when the Council was so critical of him—and me. I was arrogant. I was blind with him-"
"We all were. We didn't realize who Palpatine was until it was almost too late," Obi-Wan interjected, trying to stop Qui-Gon's self flagellation. All of them had played a role in Anakin's fall.
"-as I was with you." Qui-Gon continued, as if he had not heard a single word Obi-Wan had said.
"You have been my Padawan for ten years and yet I never realized who you were."
"Nobody ever did until I lowered all of my shields."
"That's not true. Padawan Highspeed realized it as soon as he met you."
"How do you know?" Obi-Wan asked, surprised.
Qui-Gon smiled ruefully. "He confronted me three years ago, after Anakin left. He asked me how I could have never noticed you were so much brighter than any other Jedi, Anakin included. He was quite…displeased…by what he had heard about how I had treated you."
"Oh. I would have never expected him to do it. He's a shy child."
"But very protective of his Master."
Obi-Wan nodded, and turning to the kitchen, sent a pulse of affection toward Dwen whom, he knew, was attentively listening to the conversation.
"Back then, I attributed his words to hero-worship, but there was so much more than that." Qui-Gon looked at Obi-Wan, and the younger man could see there were tears in those too-old eyes.
"I'm sorry Obi-Wan for all the pain I caused you, first when I repudiated you, then when I accused you of having been tainted by the Dark side. You saved my life, and instead of thanking you, I accused you of something so vile. I'm so ashamed, Obi-Wan. For all my life, since I read the Chosen One's prophecy as a senior padawan, I looked out for him—and yet I wasn't able to see him when the Force trusted him into my care. I was so busy searching for some mythological being, I didn't see what I had under my nose. I'm sorry, Master Kenobi. I've no right to ask for your forgiveness, but I hope that one day, you will pardon me for all the sorrow I caused you." Qui-Gon bowed his head, looking at his feet, as humbled as Obi-Wan had ever seen him before.
Obi-Wan took a step forward. "Look at me, Qui-Gon Jinn," he commanded, backing his words with some Force persuasion.
Qui-Gon raised his eyes, slowly, as if afraid of what would happen next.
"You don't have to ask for my forgiveness, because I forgave you long ago. Now you just have to learn to forgive yourself, which I'm afraid that knowing your stubbornness will take much time. In the meantime, I would be very happy if we could return to being friends. I have missed you all these years," Obi-Wan said, his voice slightly hoarse with emotion.
Qui-Gon looked straight at him, eyes very bright. "You- you really mean it?"
"I cannot believe it…I don't deserve a second chance, Obi-Wan—but I'm too selfish to let it slip from my hands. I will be honoured to be your friend…Padawan."
The two men clasped hands as a not so muffled "YES!" could be heard from the kitchen.
Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon smiled at Dwen's comment, then the boy's master murmured. "We were getting ready for dinner. Would you like to eat with us?"
"Yes, thank you. I would like it very much."
"Good. Dwen! Add a place to the table, Master Jinn is dining with us!"
As the former master-padawan team began to walk toward the kitchen, Qui-Gon asked in a hushed voice, "So tell me Obi-Wan, how many times did you burn the kitchen since you've been on your own? I remember it was your speciality to leave the food on the fire as you got engrossed in doing something else…"
Obi-Wan's embarrassed answer could not be heard because Dwen's sonorous laugh covered it.
So ends this story. I wish to thank all the readers that left reviews. I really appreciated your words, and I'm so happy you enjoyed this tale. I would also like if some the lurkers out there could leave a review now that the story is complete, for I would like to establish my personal record of reviews with this work. :)
As for the rest, for those interested, I can tell you I've more stories complete -- all my works are, I never start posting before a story is complete, so you can be sure I will never leave one as a WIP-- some ready to be posted, some still with my betareader.
The 'menu' for 2009 will include:
- Meant to be -- a gen + tiny bit of romance Obi-Wan/Asajj Ventress ROTS AU;
- Prisoner -- an Obi-Wan/Anakin slash story;
- The Jedi And The King -- a romantic het story, Obi-Wan/OFC;
- Revenge Of A Sith -- gen + some romance. Obi-Wan as the Sith Lord. Padme Amidala/Obi-Wan/Asajj Ventress;
- The Personal Companion -- an Obi-Wan/Anakin slash story. Might be the first to be posted, for it is my Christmas gift to a dear friend;
- This Is Your Life, Asajj Ventress -- while told by Asajj's POV, Obi-Wan plays a VERY prominent role in it. This is my longest story so far and I consider it one of my best works ever. I hope you will like it as much as I do!
- ? -- I hope my muse will visit me again with new ideas...and you are welcome to PM if there is some kind of Obi-Wan centric story you would like to read. I can't guarantee I will write it, but if the idea is stimulating for my muse...well, maybe a good story will result from it!
Stay tuned!
Buon Natale e Felice anno Nuovo (Merry Christmas and Happy New Year) to all!!!