Disclaimer: Only the plot is mine. Characters and the concept of the "Stargate" belong their respective creators.
"Alright kiddies, let's split up and search this swamp." Colonel Jack O'Neill stood at the base of the Stargate on planet PXC 371 and surveyed the land. "Daniel, you and Teal'c go right, and me'n Carter'll go left. Meet back in three hours. Carter, let's go." Jack began walking into the jungle.
"What is this place?" he mused. It was like a rainforest without the animals and colors. Jack put his hand on a tree and waited for Sam to catch up. He tugged on a spotted green vine as she approached.
"Anything unusual?"
"No sir. Everything's checking out like a typical rainforest. Except the animal life, obviously." Jack pulled on a another vine. "Sir, I'm not so sure you should be doing that."
"Why not? You said it all checked out fine. Look at this fat one. Have you ever seen a vine so thick?" Jack grabbed the abnormally large vine and the whole thing came down off the tree. It stayed still for a moment, then raised its head and hissed. Sam stood openmouthed as the huge snake slithered towards Jack, who was stock still. He didn't want to make any sudden movements which would upset the snake, but it was coiling around his feet and legs.
"Carter! Do something!"The snake slid faster over his body. Sam didn't want to shoot it for fear of shooting Jack in the process. She dove for the snake with her bare hands and grabbed a section of its coils. It reared its ugly head at her as Sam pulled on the slippery body and hissed menacingly. Unwinding itself from Jack, it faced Sam. She made a swipe at its head and it sank long, needle-sharp fangs into her arm with lightning speed.
"Sam!" The snake hissed as Sam fell to the ground, bleeding from her wrist. It hissed again, but it was more of a satisfied hiss this time. Jack pulled his pistol and shot its tail a few times as it disappeared into the underbrush.
"Sam! Sam, can you hear me?" Jack shook her shoulders. Sam didn't respond. He picked up her limp body and carried her back to the gateway. "Daniel, come in. Come back to the gate, now."
"But Jack, there's some really interesting stuff here. Signs of human culture!"
"I don't care," Jack growled. "Get back here. Sam's hurt bad!" Jack's voice cracked as he stood before the DHD, wondering if they would get Sam home in time. He could feel her pulse weakening already.
Daniel and Teal'c came crashing through the bushes. Daniel went straight for the DHD and dialed Earth. As the Stargate whirred to life, Sam began to shake in Jack's arms.
"Sh, sh, don't worry Sam, we'll get you home in time. Janet will help you." Jack shifted his hold on her and ran through the Stargate.
"Alright kiddies, let's split up and search this swamp." Colonel Jack O'Neill stood at the base of the Stargate on planet PXC 371 and surveyed the land. "Daniel, you and Teal'c go right, and me'n Carter'll go left. Meet back in three hours. Carter, let's go." Jack began walking into the jungle.
"What is this place?" he mused. It was like a rainforest without the animals and colors. Jack put his hand on a tree and waited for Sam to catch up. He tugged on a spotted green vine as she approached.
"Anything unusual?"
"No sir. Everything's checking out like a typical rainforest. Except the animal life, obviously." Jack pulled on a another vine. "Sir, I'm not so sure you should be doing that."
"Why not? You said it all checked out fine. Look at this fat one. Have you ever seen a vine so thick?" Jack grabbed the abnormally large vine and the whole thing came down off the tree. It stayed still for a moment, then raised its head and hissed. Sam stood openmouthed as the huge snake slithered towards Jack, who was stock still. He didn't want to make any sudden movements which would upset the snake, but it was coiling around his feet and legs.
"Carter! Do something!"The snake slid faster over his body. Sam didn't want to shoot it for fear of shooting Jack in the process. She dove for the snake with her bare hands and grabbed a section of its coils. It reared its ugly head at her as Sam pulled on the slippery body and hissed menacingly. Unwinding itself from Jack, it faced Sam. She made a swipe at its head and it sank long, needle-sharp fangs into her arm with lightning speed.
"Sam!" The snake hissed as Sam fell to the ground, bleeding from her wrist. It hissed again, but it was more of a satisfied hiss this time. Jack pulled his pistol and shot its tail a few times as it disappeared into the underbrush.
"Sam! Sam, can you hear me?" Jack shook her shoulders. Sam didn't respond. He picked up her limp body and carried her back to the gateway. "Daniel, come in. Come back to the gate, now."
"But Jack, there's some really interesting stuff here. Signs of human culture!"
"I don't care," Jack growled. "Get back here. Sam's hurt bad!" Jack's voice cracked as he stood before the DHD, wondering if they would get Sam home in time. He could feel her pulse weakening already.
Daniel and Teal'c came crashing through the bushes. Daniel went straight for the DHD and dialed Earth. As the Stargate whirred to life, Sam began to shake in Jack's arms.
"Sh, sh, don't worry Sam, we'll get you home in time. Janet will help you." Jack shifted his hold on her and ran through the Stargate.