Author has written 12 stories for Sailor Moon, Dragon Ball Z/Sailor Moon, Gundam Wing/Sailor Moon, Gundam Wing/AC, and Digimon. My bio: I have been writing fanfiction for several years now. I'm currently working mainly on three very lengthy book series as well as several fantasy novels, between writing fanfiction. Unfortunately, I have yet to get the paying benefits from writing. But I shall prevail! 9/21/12 Hello, those of you that have been waiting for new updates to my fanfictions, I apologize. I have been having to focus on writing that can get me paid. If you are interested in my original works, I have two books of a Young Adult fantasy series published (you can more information either on my website located here: http:///ljgastineau/) and have a cross-genre serial out through Juke Pop (http:///home/read/70). I hope to someday be able to finish what I have started, but right now I'm not in a good place to do so. I hope you understand. I appreciate and respect all of you who called yourselves my fans. I hope you will give my original works a try. They have the same plot twists and quirky characters that a lot of you have enjoyed. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, SJ aka LJ 7/12/10 Hello, I know it's been a few months and I have deeply apologize. Life has still been a roller-coaster and just when I think I have my footing as far as writing goes, I get thrown for another loop. I do have some good news however, Diminished Light: Chosens' Quest has just been updated. So far, since my last message I have only received requests for Diminished Light and Dimensional Disaster so my focus will remain on these two stories as far as fanfiction goes and the others will be placed on hold unless I am notified in some form that there is still interest in the other stories. To notify me please either review, add to favorites, alerts, PM me, or email me. If you email me, please put the name of the fanfiction in question in the title so that I don't delete it under the impression that it's Spam. I've been getting quite a bit of it lately. I'm not sure when the next update will be since I have a goal to complete my first novel before October. I'm still working on fanfiction and short stories at the same time, but the novel currently has priority. You can find out more on my website as well as read two original work-in-progress novellas. The website is Until next time, SJ Story Updates 2010 7/12/10 Diminished Light: Chosens' Quest- Chapter 10 |
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