Hey everyone! This is my first fanfiction and I'm really excited that it's published! I'm obviously new to this so if you're gonna comment on this (and please do=P) try to go a little easy on me, ok? Haha, ok so here we go! I'M EXCITED!

(edit)- I rewrote a lot of this chapter to make it better. Hopefully there won't be any more typos...

I don't own Junjou Romantica.

Mine and Mine Only-Chapter 1

- Thursday Night, in Misaki's POV-


I flinched as a strong pairs of arms with huge hands wrapped themselves around my waist. From the dim light emitting from my desk lamp I could see his large shadow overwhelm mine.

I frowned and turned my head to look at him. "Come on not now Usagi-san, I'm trying to do my homework here... If I don't finish this essay by tonight I'll probably get a dictionary thrown at my face!"

He leaned his face closer and brushed his lips against my ear whispering, "So what you're implying is that you want to continue this later…Alright. I'll take note of that."

I blushed furiously. "N-no baka! That's not what I meant at all! Now seriously stop- I really do need to finish this or Kamijou the Devil is gonna kill me…"

Usagi-san smirked at my reaction, and finally released his iron grip on me. He paused for a moment, as if he was debating on whether or not listening to me. As he stood up straight, I sighed in relief. I had just narrowly avoided being made a mess of, and knowing Usagi-san it probably would've been all night long…

"Looks like you might need a little help with that essay, Misaki," he said, nudging his head towards the blank sheet of paper sitting in front of me.

"N-no thanks," I stuttered, still trying to calm my racing heart. I'd decided that I needed some time alone to concentrate.

"Ok then," he chuckled as he turned around to exit my room, "Oh by the way, I'm going to meet Aikawa tomorrow morning at the publishing company to turn in a manuscript, so I won't be there when you eat breakfast. Try not to miss me too much."

I slightly blushed again and nodded my head. No matter how hard I tried, whenever Usagi-san wasn't around I felt lonely. No, wait...

'I mean the HOUSE feels lonely and quiet. Not me,' There was no way that I was lonely without him, that was just so, so wrong. I was a straight guy after all...

As I was thinking this, I suddenly realized that my room had become abnormally quiet. I wondered if Usagi-san went somewhere, but that idea was immediatly discarded. The old man would've told me if he was leaving now. I dismissed my train of thoughts and turned back around to try and begin my literature homework. Just as I was beginning to write the first character of my name, I was suddenly lifted from my chair and into Usagi-san's arms.

'When did he get back over here?'

"Hey! what do you think you're-" I was silenced as he leaned his face forward and pressed his lips to mine. I struggled for a few moments weakly attempting to push him away, but eventually ceased my efforts and leaned deeper into the kiss. I surrendered, entwining my fingers into his hair as he pulled my waist closer to him. As I bent backwards and he leaned over me, I felt a special kind of happiness, a happiness that only came to me when Usagi-san kissed me. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the moment.

As Usagi-san broke off the kiss he stared longingly into my eyes for several moments. Then, without saying a word, he released me and swiftly exited my room, closing the door behind him. As my racing heart slowed down, reality flooded back to me and I realized what I had just done.


"Gaahhhhh! No no no no! I'm a normal, healthy 19 year old! I'm a normal, healthy 19 year old!" I screamed, repeatedly banging my head on my desk.

-Haruhiko's POV-

I was sitting in Living Room number two when, just like that, it popped into my head- a way to finally seperate it and Misaki. My mood brightened up instantly, my stress from work and life in general momentarily forgotten. The idea was perfect- I could foresee no flaws or loopholes. I just needed to know one thing. I stood up from my recliner chair, strided over to my laptop, and looked up Misaki Takahashi on Facebook. I scrolled down the list until I saw a picture of my unrequited love staring back at me with those big, innocent eyes. I clicked on his picture.

I stared hopefully at the screen on his blog page. The latest post was by Misaki. It read:

My Nii-chan Takahiro got a new cellphone and number today. I'm having a little trouble trying to get it in my head but I think I finally got it! Let's see.. I think it's 276-758-8845.* …Yeah that's it!

I shook my head in disbelief at the screen. I didn't think this would be so easy! I felt almost excited as I wrote down the number on a pad of paper. Then looking at the digital clock on my laptop, I realized that it was already 11:00 at night. Slightly disappointed, I turned off the device- my idea would have to wait until tomorrow. But even so, I smirked at the thought. Tommorow, Takahiro-san would be receiving a phone call. And soon, Misaki would be mine.

-Friday Morning, in Misaki's POV-

I set down my plate of sunny-side-up eggs and sat down at the kitchen table, preparing to eat. "Itadakimasu," I said quietly to myself before grabbing my fork. I picked up a bit of egg white and was about to eat it when suddenly the doorbell rang. I set down my utensils and scuttled over to the door, wiping my hands on my jeans. I opened the door.

"Ohayou, I have a delivery for Misaki Takahashi-san. Is he at home right now?"

'What do you know, it's another delivery guy,' I thought to myself. "Hai, I am him, but are you sure it wasn't sent to Akihiko Usami?

The man looked at his delivery card with a furrowed brow. "No, I'm sure it was addressed to you. Do you want me to tell you who it was from?"

A small lump formed in my throat and I swallowed. "No that's fine, I think I already know who sent it…" The man nodded.

'It's dejavu all over again!' my head screamed at me.

"Ok, thanks." I took the package from the guy's hands and gently closed the door. The lump in my throat grew as I turned the delivery card over. Why was I so afraid to look at it? I cautiously brought the card closer to my face to read it. It said:

To: Misaki Takahashi

From: Haruhiko Usami

Oh great. I bet I already knew what was in the package! Taking a pair of scissors from the kitchen, I cut open the packaging tape and opened the cardboard box. After folding back the last flap, just as I had suspected, there lay many assortments of strawberries inside.

-Takahiro's POV-

"So how was work today, sweetie?" asked my beautiful wife, Manami, as she opened the door wider to let me in the house.

I stepped inside and gave her a quick kiss. "It was great, everyone seemed to be in a good mood because of the cupcakes you baked for Keitaro's 26th birthday. They really were good-everyone told me to tell you 'arigatou'." I then wiped my feet on the welcome mat and slipped my black raincoat off.

She smiled. "Well tell them it was no problem, I enjoy baking anyways! And besides, Keitaro always sends you presents when it's your birthday."


Ah, it was the phone. I stood up from the couch and was about to pick it up, but Manami beat me to it. She smiled tenderly at me again then pressed the device to her ear.

"Hello, Takahashi residence, Manami Takahashi speaking," she said. After a few moments she directed her gaze at me, holding the phone out. "It's for you."

I smiled again. Chances were that it was either Usagi-san or Misaki calling, and I hadn't touched base with either of them in a while. I swiftly walked towards Manami and she passed the phone to me. I put the appliance to my ear, but to my surprise it was not Misaki or Usagi-san. It was someone new.


The person on the other line spoke. "Hello, I am Haruhiko Usami, Akihiko's older brother. I presume you know who I'm speaking of?"

"Yes, yes I do," I replied steadily, "Why are you calling?"

From across the room Manami perked up and looked at me, some concern flooding her face.

Haruhiko-san paused for a moment before continuing, "I'm calling about something that's been happening for a quite a while behind your back. It may shock you."

'Huh? What could he possibly be talking about?' I wondered.

"Well you see," he continued, as if he could read my mind," It involves Akihiko and your little brother, Misaki…"

*A/N: I know for a fact that Japanese phone numbers do not look like that. I'm too lazy to research what they look like though, so I'm just gonna keep all phone numbers in this story structured the same way.

And there you have it-chapter 1 of my first fancfiction! Please rate and tell me what you think! I hope nobody sounded OOC but if they do please tell me=)