Reviews for Finding Family
gindensmi chapter 16 . 8/24
Good story!
Irina Hunter chapter 14 . 6/3
Avada Kedvra is the incantation, not the name of the curse. Also, "Remus was sastified to see the look of horror on Peter's face right before joining the hug." would be less awkward than your current sentence.
Irina Hunter chapter 13 . 6/3
According to Ms. Rowling's timeline, if Cormac is one year old now, he'd be a fourth year when the Trio were first year, making him three years ahead of the Trio, and would've graduated from Hogwarts at the end of GoF.
Irina Hunter chapter 9 . 6/2
Aren't the Oscars an American award?
Irina Hunter chapter 7 . 6/2
Oliver Wood was in his fifth year when the Trio started at Hogwarts, so at this point, he should be 4.
Irina Hunter chapter 6 . 6/2
You actually got Charlie's age right. He and Tonks graduated from Hogwarts the year before the Trio started. Bill was born in 1970, making him 10 years older than Harry. Also, James played Chaser, not Seeker.
Irina Hunter chapter 5 . 6/2
Conturbed? What does that mean?
Irina Hunter chapter 3 . 6/2
You misspelled Shrieking Shack. I noticed a few other minor errors as well. You should have someone proofread this.
Irina Hunter chapter 1 . 6/2
It should be "...Hedwig, Pig, and Crookshanks in the Weasley's garden.", and you used "new" when you meant "knew".
anjiepotter chapter 16 . 1/4
i enjoyed your tale. thanks for sharing
gginsc chapter 16 . 9/2/2019
Nice story. I like that Harry got to know his parents and got a happy ending.
Lillian Lovegood 511 chapter 16 . 8/20/2019
This was by far one of the best Harry Potter fanfictions I've ever read and also one that was completely finished. The story was written very beautifully and the relationship between the characters was portrayed perfectly. And the ending was so touching and in a way, motivating as in the end both Harrys had their happy ending, thus indicating no matter how much we lose, love will always exist around us either one way or the other.
Love2read23 chapter 16 . 7/3/2019
I love this fic. Thank you so much! I love all your writings. They're so good. You do great character development and the fics progress logically and they have happy endings and they're basically all of my wish fulfillment dreams. Thank you so much for writing.
Also, thank you for the author notes. While I could have done without the one at the top repeating every character about the italicization and how time travel is in your fic, I appreciate others such as the one at the end about Tess. I say this because she wasn't a necessary addition. You could have used Emmeline or Alice or any other name that was mentioned but you wanted to flush Lily's life and friends group out. And it's sad to say but I'm a pretty literal, surface level person and I may like that you did this but I didn't realize what it was you were doing until you said so thanks for explaining.
I love the resolution. I was kind of hoping that maybe they could take James and Lily and baby Harry with them and maybe rename baby Harry to Brian and Harry, our Harry, could live with them and have a happy family but this is great.
And while I'm on Brian/Harry, thank you so much! I don't understand why Harry couldn't just name Albus Severus, Brian. It's still honoring Dumbledore but it's not a weird old man name that comes loaded with responsibility. And you thought of this before the last book came out. You're a genius.
The other thing that bothers me with names in fanfics is all the names people give Harry as a full name that you have to stretch or look at sides to figure out Harry is a nicename for but they never use Henry which it actually is a nickname for. Anyways, I don't know if you still come on here and still these comments but this was great. Thank you for writing.
P.s The epilogue just opens up for a lot of questions about fate and destiny and do their choices really matter if Sirius ended up with the same person and Harry's friends with Ron and Hermione anyways.
Love2read23 chapter 11 . 7/3/2019
Two errors with one in this chapter ("sat in silent") and last chapter ("aloud" instead of "allowed").
Love2read23 chapter 10 . 7/3/2019
The put outer? Deluminator?
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